ASUS Sabertooth P67 boot issues


May 29, 2008
I finally got around to doing my Microcenter swap out yesterday and decided to upgrade from the Pro to the Sabertooth. My Pro had been pretty reliable, but I need access to all my SATA ports, so as big a PITA as it was I took it apart and hauled it in.

Now I've got everything put back together and have two absolutely huge problems with the Sabertooth and one minor issue.

I'm currently running everything at stock. 2600K, H50 cooler, 16GB Corsair Dominator, OCZ Vertex 120GB SSD as boot drive, XFX Radeon 5950 for video. The board is running the current 1502 BIOS.

1) It literally takes over a minute from applying power until the POST actually starts. Until then, I'm just staring at a black screen. Is this normal for this board? The P67 pro was very slow to start up, but this is much worse. Any suggestions?

2) Sleep mode is not reliable at all. The P67 pro was the first high end board I could actually use sleep mode without issues, but I have not once successfully resumed from sleep on the Sabertooth.

3) The more minor issue, the computer will not finish booting if my UPS is plugged into to the USB port. It will POST, but then hang with a flashing cursor before loading the OS. If I unplug the UPS and reboot, I have no issue getting into Windows.

If anyone has any ideas or helpful hints, I'd appreciate it.
which sata port is your boot drive connected to? Do you have any other harddrives plugged in?

Try and remove all other drives and use the intel sata port for your boot drive.

My 2500k sabertooth p67 build boots up just fine. Havent timed it but i'd say 30 seconds at most
I also disabled the marvel sata ports in the bios so maybe give that a try

I've got the boot drive plugged into the first Intel 6gbps port and currently have the Marvel ports disabled (those are the only ports I'm not using). I'll have to try disconnecting the other drives later and trying that out. I currently have 1 SSD, 3 int HDD, 2 optical, and 3 ext USB drives connected to the system as I do a lot of VMs.
Try setting the RAM parameters manually in the UEFI. After I did that, I didn't have any long boot issues. For my RAM, I specified 1600, 9-9-9-24-2T.

With a 128GB C300 SSD, it takes about 10 seconds from power up to the Windows login prompt.
i got a intel x-25M ssd and I boot a little under 30 seconds. how'd you get your boot to 10 seconds? My ram is manually set but I still have it at 1333 and not 1600
8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM, C300 SSD on SATA3, swap and temp files on 3TB WD Black SATA3 drive.