Asus slient knight II


Jul 30, 2007
Hey Just got this cooler a few days ago and what a difference in temps. I currently have my q6600 overclocked to 3.0 ran prime for 22 hours and the highest temp was 35. Normal operations it stays at 32 which i find amazing.
are you sure about this? I highly doubt that you got 35C under load with a q6600, especially with air cooling (unless your ambient is like 10C or something).
SKII is pretty good, and most importantly, it's quite. ASUS latest Lion Square seems evan more stronger with 8mm diameter pipes ^)^
I will put a screen shot up later on. I let prime run over night and it was actually cooler this time. Maybe because i had a window open but very cool and I am so please with this cooler.
Pure sex.

just curious... but.... are you running Prime95 on all 4 cores, or just 1?


um, those temps look way higher than the 30degree range to me! lol
Ummm, the over all temp is 30 with it being maxed out at 35, not each core itself. Maybe i am wrong but in my other board and case it was much higher. Looking at the core individually i would still say that is good running prime for 12 hours.
Your temps are good, but that cpu temp you're reading isn't the real temp of your cpu. Go by the temps of the cores.
I dunno about you, but when i run Prime95 on my Q6600, it opens up 4 individual worker threads, and you only have one open. Also, get RealTemp for reading the temp at the core of the CPU.
Oh ok i thought i should go by the cpu temp itself rather than each core. I get it now.
Ya, but after all SKII is still very charmng and fairly good in terms of performance.