ASUS VE278Q for Dell S2740L?


Limp Gawd
Jul 20, 2006
Just curious, I currently have 3x ASUS VE278Q. Would anyone recommend selling them for Dell S2740L or should I just keep what I got? Basically I'm swapping TN for IPS
I've read that ghosting is an issue with the S2740L. If you're sensitive to ghosting, you should probably check out the YouTube videos and reviews first.
VE278Q is one of the best 27" monitor for 1080p resolution.

I wouldn't get another monitor unless you having issue with it... like DP problem....
Well asides from the high pitched whine (which I've probably gotten used to by now) and the TN horrible viewing angles, it's a great monitor. Was just curious to see if upgrading to an IPS panel by Dell is worth it. I'm not trying to jump to 1440p monitors yet as I'm not doing multi GPU. I think my single GTX 670 powers 4x 1080p just fine.
I just made an account after two years of lurking here just to comment on this issue because it's the first time I feel I can help.

I just returned the Dell S2740L to Amazon after using it for ~3 weeks, I couldn't stand gaming on it. The overdrive the monitor has to improve pixel response leaves a dark overshoot behind moving objects, it's extremely noticeable and you can't turn it off.

In addition, the screen isn't just glossy, it's a glass front similar to Apple Cinema Displays. This glass is so shiny it reflects the image on the screen onto the back of the glass. I'm probably not describing it very well..but it's more or less a double image if you're looking at objects towards the edge of the screen; the image on the front and back of the glass. It's not so bad if you're looking at the screen dead on, but this ruins any viewing-angle improvements you might be hoping to get from the screen being IPS.
In addition, the screen isn't just glossy, it's a glass front similar to Apple Cinema Displays. This glass is so shiny it reflects the image on the screen onto the back of the glass. I'm probably not describing it very well..but it's more or less a double image if you're looking at objects towards the edge of the screen; the image on the front and back of the glass. It's not so bad if you're looking at the screen dead on, but this ruins any viewing-angle improvements you might be hoping to get from the screen being IPS.
From what I understand the S2740L is even more reflective than ACDs. Could be because ACDs have a light AG coating (CRT style, I guess) on the glass or that the gap between panel-surface and glass is smaller.
Ah ok. Thanks for everyones' input :) I was just hoping to swap over to a "budget" IPS as I really wanted to get DELL 1440" over the korean/microcenter monitors cuz of the thinner squared borders.

As much as I like my 3 ASUS ve278q, I do notice a lot of backlight bleed and discoloration due to the angle it's mounted. I'm using one of those single mount that holds 3 monitors, so the left/right angle is pretty limited and I'm just not sitting dead on facing the screen, leading to the poor viewing angles.