ASUS VW266H 25.5" 2ms $289 & ASUS VK266H 25.5" 2ms $309 1920 x 1200


Feb 28, 2001
ASUS "VW266H Black 25.5" 2ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor - Retail
Original Price: $329.99
You Save: $40.00
$11.99 Std. Shipping
Your Price:$289.99
Mail-In Rebate Card : $30.00
Price after Rebate Card(s):$259.99"

ASUS "VK266H Black 25.5" 2ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor - Retail
Original Price: $379.99
You Save: $70.00
$11.99 Std. Shipping
Your Price:$309.99
Mail-In Rebate Card : $30.00
Price after Rebate Card(s):$279.99"
"Asus special savings, ends 1/31"

I never count the mail in rebates.

But otherwise, Good deals, Looking to buy one my self.
I'm running a 20" TN for general use and want to upgrade.

I haven't noticed viewing angle problems on this screen, but I'm worried about the shift at 25.5".

I know it will be there, but will it be unbearable if all I've seen is TN technology?
Is the only difference between the two models the built-in webcam?
Good monitor, i have bought a few VW266H, IMO this is the best value monitor you can get.
Nice screen once you take time to calibrate it, and it has plenty of connection options.

I wouldn't buy another from newegg though. since i have received one of these monitors with 2 dead stuck on pixels, and i believe you need at least 8 in order to return a monitor back to newegg ( at least thats policy). The one that i did buy from though was fine out of the box.

Fortunately that one monitor i bought that had dead pixels was bought from another place that allows you to return even with one dead pixel. After a cross exchange, the new one was fine.
Good monitor, i have bought a few VW266H, IMO this is the best value monitor you can get.
Nice screen once you take time to calibrate it, and it has plenty of connection options.

I wouldn't buy another from newegg though. since i have received one of these monitors with 2 dead stuck on pixels, and i believe you need at least 8 in order to return a monitor back to newegg ( at least thats policy). The one that i did buy from though was fine out of the box.

Fortunately that one monitor i bought that had dead pixels was bought from another place that allows you to return even with one dead pixel. After a cross exchange, the new one was fine.

Where did you buy it at?
Where did you buy it at?

I bought the one with the dead pixels at NCIX.

NCIX has a no dead pixel policy that you can also add to your order, which allows you to return a monitor ( at their cost if your a VIP member) up to 3 times, in order to get a perfect panel.

I would recommend getting that policy, when buying any TN panel, since having a stuck on bright green pixel, somewhere your screen can get really anoying to some people.
Such stuck left on pixels is unlikely when buying other LCD type montors like IPS, MVA etc.. and in my opinion a black dead pixel is not as annoying.
I bought the one with the dead pixels at NCIX.

NCIX has a no dead pixel policy that you can also add to your order, which allows you to return a monitor ( at their cost if your a VIP member) up to 3 times, in order to get a perfect panel.

I would recommend getting that policy, when buying any TN panel, since having a stuck on bright green pixel, somewhere your screen can get really anoying to some people.
Such stuck left on pixels is unlikely when buying other LCD type montors like IPS, MVA etc.. and in my opinion a black dead pixel is not as annoying.

Yeah, but it is $16 for the policy, and they want $50 for shipping......
Yeah, but it is $16 for the policy, and they want $50 for shipping......

lots of people will gladly pay $16 if it means they end up with a monitor that has no dead pixels.
I found it was a cheap way to ensure i was happy with my monitor.

as for shipping, they have promos all the time, right now that exact monitor costs $7.99 to ground ship just about anywhere in Canada.

I live 5000km (~3107miles) away from their location and its $7.99 ground shipping.
Generally for me shipping from NCIX is way cheaper then from
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I guess I should have posted this when I got it last month for $269 before the $30 MIR. It was $289 but Newegg had a $20 instant rebate plus the $30 MIR. It's been an awesome monitor so far. Esp. coming from an older Samsung 19" 1280x1024 monitor (decent monitor actually, but huge waste for my 280 SLI rig). I even took it to the parents for the holidays so I could play my 360 on it because they're still using CRT TVs which I can't even read anything on. The component input and built in speakers worked great too! Definitely a great value.
This monitor rocks. I paid over $400 for the one I have been happily using for a year. Tempted to pick up a matching screen for some dual-monitor goodness.

You will not be disappointed, especially if you need a screen to play xbox 360 or PS3 on. The HDMI input + speakers are what really make this monitor a good buy.
anyone else notice how newegg changed the special sale date from 1/31 to 1/17

guess the deal is only gonna last a few days
Just to mention people, HP has new monitors that are affordable SIPS panels, ZR22w, ZR24w. Comes in 22" (~$289) and 24" (~$425).
I guess I should have posted this when I got it last month for $269 before the $30 MIR. It was $289 but Newegg had a $20 instant rebate plus the $30 MIR.

Yeah, my dad wants one and I was checking slickdeals to see how low it has been. $240 after all discounts is about the lowest and it has been at that price several times last year.
I have the ASUS VW266H - I purchased it from the Egg almost a year ago. Great LCD with no stuck/dead pixels and it's easily the best monitor I've personally owned.
I bought mine when it was ~ $362 with free shipping and it was a good deal then IMHO.
I may buy another now that they are cheaper.
Anyone care to recommend whether the two Asus's above are better, equal, or worse than this Samsung T260HD? 25.5

I have no personal experience with that Samsung monitor but at a quick glance I noticed it had a 5ms response time vs 2ms on the Asus. The Samsung also costs about $50 more AR than the Asus does.

I have had exceptional luck with Asus quality and terrible luck with Samsung. Samsung was my go to brand for good looking/performing, well-priced electronics. I've had a DLP tv with a bad HDMI port due to a cold solder, dvd player with loose compnonent outputs (again a soldering issue) and dont even get me started on cell phones. Im finally at the point where Samsung products receive no consideration from me, despite the fact that I really like their styling.
I have had terrible luck with Samsung. Samsung was my go to brand for good looking/performing, well-priced electronics. I've had a DLP tv with a bad HDMI port due to a cold solder, dvd player with loose compnonent outputs (again a soldering issue) and dont even get me started on cell phones.

I have to (reluctantly) agree.

I've had two Samsung DVD players take a dump - sent one in for warranty repairs and it came back worse than when I sent it to them. :mad: I lost $26 shipping (to send it to their warranty center) + the cost of the DVD player on that deal.
The 2nd bad one I just threw away to save myself the shipping for a repair that may or may not come back fixed.

Samsung seems to be VERY hit or miss these days as far as quality goes.
I too like their styling (and features), but don't seriously consider them anymore due to past experiences.

I do have an older Samsung DLP TV and a Samsung Syncmaster 22" LCD that have worked flawlessly, but either I got lucky or purchased them before Samsung quality took a dive.
I hate the fact I can no longer buy Samsung products for fear of their shotty quality control. My Samsung DLP has a great picture, but I had to fix the HDMI port myself. Taking apart a $2300 tv because Samsung doesn't have a cervice center in my state is ridiculous. Luckily I repaired electronics for a living at the time.

I swear consumer electronics companies are on a cycle. I stopped buying Sony ten years ago for similiar reasons. Now Sony seems to have their act together but they aren't priced like a Samsung.
I swear consumer electronics companies are on a cycle. I stopped buying Sony ten years ago for similiar reasons. Now Sony seems to have their act together but they aren't priced like a Samsung.

Are you reading my mind??? :eek:

I was thinking the exact same thing.

The Sony home receiver I purchased almost 15 years ago hasn't missed a beat. Several Sony products I purchased between 5 -10 years ago were SH1T to put it nicely.

I went back to Sony for a car cd player/receiver (no other brand had the features/styling/price I wanted) and it's been great for almost a year now.

I think you're dead on about major companies going through (quality) cycles. :cool:

Sony has always charged more for their name IMHO - at times the price has been worth it and other times it most certainly hasn't.
Can't decide whether or not to buy a second monitor. Im not sure how my poor GTX260 will handle two displays at 1920x1200. Im not ready to buy a 5870 yet
Samsung seems to be VERY hit or miss these days as far as quality goes.
I too like their styling (and features), but don't seriously consider them anymore due to past experiences.

That and a lot of Samsung products are lottery draws (e.g. monitors).
Im leaving for the boonies of Arkansas in 3 hours and can't decide whether or not to buy another one. Anyone know of an affordable VESA wall mount that could handle two of these monitors; either next to each other or one above the other?
So I ended up buying one. Need recommendations for a wall mount solution for 2 of these things
That ergotron looks beautiful. Maybe I will hold off buying a cheap stand and save for that one.
Just saw this and figured I'd chime in to make up for my being too lazy to post a newegg review/comment. :p

TLDR version: I bought this monitor back in Nov from Newegg and it I couldn't be happier w/ this purchase.

Detailed version:

Price and shipping- I bought the Asus VW266H back in November from Newegg. I posted a thread here in the Hot Deals forum at the time since it was the same deal that's being offered now, except w/ free shipping versus the $8.99 that's being charged now. My biggest concern was would I get any dead pixels of course, and I was so paranoid I told UPS to keep the item at their shipping facility and I'd pick it up (to avoid further risk of damage during transport). Paranoid or not, our monitor is flawless w/ zero issues. *whew*

It's been over 2 months now that my g/f and I have been using this, and it's been a very good experience. The monitor is packaged very well versus some of the other crap jobs I've seen. Nothing that'll make you oooh and ahh. It just gets the job done.

The rebate- for those of you fearful of rebates, I can only say this one went as planned np. I've sent out a number of rebates in the last 4 months, but only Asus gave me this option. Dig it. I was given two choices in the form:
  • after Asus received my rebate form, I could wait 8-12 weeks for my a check and I'd receive the full amount of $30.
  • let Asus keep a $3 processing fee and I'd receive a debit card for $27 in 5-7 days ( it mighta been 5-10 days, I forget).

Since my g/f paid for the monitor, I asked her which option she wanted and she picked B. The rebate showed up when it was supposed to, and my woman used the money to get a tattoo on her eyelid of a fly so when she blinks you'll take a swipe and then she can slap you silly for trying to hurt the poor girl. Okay, so I made some of that up. I'll let you guess which part.

Controls and inputs- the input options were a selling point to me and allow me to plug in my PC, xbox360 and laptop. Problem is, I already have dualie monitors on my desk (one high end CRT and another LCD), and this thing is so freakin' huge it won't fit so for now I stuck it in our TV room w/ my gamer box and x360.

The buttons are fine and allow you to easily switch between inputs or change settings; nothing special here. There isn't the option to use a remote control for you HTPC lovers, but for the price/size ratio, that's not really a credible complaint.

Panel quality- as far as TN panels go, this one is very good assuming you're used to the limited viewing angles. The side to side viewing angles of this monitor are actually pretty good, better than many TN panels in my experience. However the vertical angles are typical TN garbage. If you're coming from a CRT and you like to lay on the floor while using a wireless keyboard to type, this monitor will look washed out. And don't even try to watch videos if you're too far above/below the viewing angle.

Image quality is great, and considering the price/size of the beast, outstanding. Side by side w/ my top-of-the-line 22" CRT, the colors and images aren't quite up to snuff, but that's only if I'm getting picky on a level that applies to professionals who should be looking elsewhere to begin with. Bottom line, it looks very good.

Sadly, I can't tell you fellow gamers about the lag/response time because while I have been gaming on this thing (oh lord have I been gaming. The Woman is PISSED :eek::D j/k She's seen this all before she knew it was coming), to date I've only been gaming solo mainly because of Dragon Age: Origins. Recently I picked up Crysis/Crysis Warhead, Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl and The Witcher, but it's all been solo play so I can't tell ya how laggy this thing is. Supposedly this is one of the best gaming monitors out there given the price/response time, but I can't verify this even though I'm usually a pretty rabid pee vee pee er. Did I mention I'm expect to buy another 6 or so titles between now and summer including Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Aliens vs Predator 2 and anything else that includes a 2 in it? I have the feeling I won't be finished w/ these titles till 2222. And my g/f will STILL be pissed god bless her.

The monitor stand does it's job and allows you to easily tilt the monitor up or down. There's an easy to remove shroud on the back that snaps off, making it easier to connect your cables. Based on the newegg reviews I thought this was gonna be a big deal, but IMO those people are fools or something because I had zero trouble connecting my cables and didn't even bother to remove the shroud at first (I didn't know it snapped off, forgot all about the VESA mount).

Accessories- enough cables you can tie 'em together and make the neighbor's monkey jump rope. Just check the pic on newegg, you'll see. Manual is typical Asus (that means good). I wish I had a pet wombat. 2 of 'em in fact.

Other thoughts- you're still here? I'm bored and typing while watching NBA replay and the final Conan, what's your excuse? Why are you still reading this BS?... Go buy the fucking monitor dude. NOW!.

Cheers mates.