Asus Xonar Essence STX temperamental???


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 29, 2004
I don't have alot of time to elaborate, yet, but until I can respond in more detail has anyone had issues with this card just disappearing under Device Manager when you install new hardware or change things in your system?

Tonight I tried to install a cheapo SATA II PCI-E controller card and it disappeared and I don't have time to mess with it for a few hours. I remember something similar happening when I first installed the card as well.

Anyone have thoughts/experiences/anecdotes?
Nope, maybe something wrong with your motherboard/STX or you unseated the STX when installing another card.
Try another pcie slot, if the issue remains try to dl the latest drivers.
Make sure you didn't knock the power cord off or check that it is fully seated. The card wont work without external power.
My ST is definitely temperamental. It doesn't CONSTANTLY crash, but it is most definitely temperamental, and yes I've checked all the connections (infact this is the second PC its been in). Occasionally I wont get sound and I have to restart my computer to get sound, the headphone amp just doesn't switch on, you dont hear the click you normally hear at boot up, and I've had a few lock ups which appear to be the related to the ST.
My ST is definitely temperamental. It doesn't CONSTANTLY crash, but it is most definitely temperamental, and yes I've checked all the connections (infact this is the second PC its been in). Occasionally I wont get sound and I have to restart my computer to get sound, the headphone amp just doesn't switch on, you dont hear the click you normally hear at boot up, and I've had a few lock ups which appear to be the related to the ST.

Sounds like you have some evidence that there may be something wrong with the card itself. Did you call Asus to get it replaced?
After finally getting it installed I have had zero issues with my STX referb.

During installation though I had a few issues. The first was the PCI-E connector kept falling out, it was an extremely tight fit. I ended up using two sets of pliers, one per side, to gently squeeze it in. After that I had a problem where it would be detected by Windows but when you went to install the drivers the process would run forever after reaching 100%(which took about 10mins). Turns out the card was just slightly raised on one end in the slot. You couldn't tell by looking at it but re-seating the card fixed the issue.
Sounds like you have some evidence that there may be something wrong with the card itself. Did you call Asus to get it replaced?

Nah, still using it, I probably should have chased it up, but the problems weren't frequent enough for me to get on the "I need to get this replaced" frame of thinking. It only used to happen once every couple of weeks and if anything its gotten less problematic over time, lol. So it wasn't really until a month or so after I bought it I thought there might be issues with it. I've been using the card for around a year I think (not sure exactly, I bought it soon after it was released).
Occasionally I wont get sound and I have to restart my computer to get sound, the headphone amp just doesn't switch on, you dont hear the click you normally hear at boot up, and I've had a few lock ups which appear to be the related to the ST.

This is the exact issue I was having with the two cards in the system at the same time. At one point neither card would should up in Device Manager but sure enough after removing the SATA controller card the STX went back to behaving itself.

To everyone that gave me the basic tips to check I did reseat both cards several times and swapped the PCI-E slots both the STX and SATA card were in at least twice as well as reseating the molex power lead on the STX. This changed nothing for me so far.

Tonight I will have some more time to play around with it and try and resolve the issue between the two and hopefully it's a simple fix.