Asustek And Intel Working On $199 Laptop

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Asustek Chairman Jonney Shih announced that the company is working with Intel on a line of notebook PCs priced as low as $199. According to the report, the laptops will have an Intel processor and either a 7" or 10" display, Wi-Fi, a solid-state hard drive and run either Linux or Windows XP.

The new line of notebooks is intended for users in emerging markets and education, said Sean Maloney, executive vice president and general manager of Intel's sales and marketing group. He announced the initiative with Asustek Chairman Jonney Shih during a speech at the Computex exhibition, which started today in Taipei.
Would be nice to get these in hand. Would work well for grandparents/kids and just projects to mod. :D
Seriously, why does it sound like ebay is going to be the only way to get our hands on these low end laptops? (OLPC, this one, etc) There are plenty of people in this country who could benefit from an inexpensive computer, especially given the municipal WiFi plans that so many cities are getting into. Wouldn't selling more lower the price due to value of scale anyway? Seems like they would welcome more customers. Call me insensitive, but I'd focus on the underprivileged in this country as well as those abroad.
I agree with you totally in that we have just as much of a problem with the underpriveleged in this country as in any "developing" country. But the difference is that here in the US we're past out prime and aren't the new and emerging market to gain a foothold in. The countries developing in Asia are. India, Korea, China. These are where the money to be made is sitting, not here anymore. Once you get your foot in the door, your company will be set.

On the other hand. This type of laptop is exactly what I am looking for. Something very cheap ,small, and indestructible. I've got my desktop to do all my heavy lifting and just want a laptop to surf the internet and perhaps stream some music with. Not too demanding, so why spend $600 on one when these can be had for $200. Hopefully at least.:rolleyes:
Hey, a laptop I could probably afford! Although I think a 10" screen would make my poor eye bleed. :D
Something cheap and dodgey to hook up to a media center pc would do well by me.
Won't someone think of the children?!?!? Oh, wait...
If it can play back movies at a decent rate and has an upgradeable battery, it could be the perfect mobile entertainement device. I am happy to have a slightly larger form facter than the UMPC's for a fraction of the price.