AT&T Apologizes For Lame 9-11 Tweet

None of this is offensive to me because it happened 12 years ago.
I don't get it. It's not a bad thing, is it? Not a great marketing picture, but it's not offensive or bad in any way... Maybe I'm missing something. I just don't see anything wrong.
It's because only Rudy Giuliani can use 9/11 for self-promotion. Anyone else who even mentions it is tarnishing the most sacred thing ever in his eyes.
Now, the Marriott thing....


Wasn't 8:45am when the first plane hit?
Sorry, not offended. There is zero branding in the picture. It could be anybody's cell phone on any carrier, and it's not displaying any particular features. And it's on their Facebook page where the only people who visit are probably already customers. They just wanted to have a cell-phone theme to the picture, since that is what they do.

And it was precisely the cellphone in the picture - since that is what they SELL - that ticked some people off and came across with a slop-bucket stink of opportunism and marketing.

It may seem like people making a mountain out of a molehill to me and you but the problem AT&T really faced down with today was the fratboy marketing majors apparently working there not fully grasping or recognizing when there's something emotionally-charged enough that it really rather be stayed away from. Nobody cares what the fuck BigCorp thinks about 9/11.
And it was precisely the cellphone in the picture - since that is what they SELL - that ticked some people off and came across with a slop-bucket stink of opportunism and marketing.

It may seem like people making a mountain out of a molehill to me and you but the problem AT&T really faced down with today was the fratboy marketing majors apparently working there not fully grasping or recognizing when there's something emotionally-charged enough that it really rather be stayed away from. Nobody cares what the fuck BigCorp thinks about 9/11.

This is likely the real issue. Corporates are not something we commonly associate as "heartfelt" and "honest" so even if At&t didn't really do anything wrong , it triggers social disgust.
Wait wait,I thought we were spreading the "no planes" meme, but now your saying its actually "no phones"?

Anyone that thinks that I'm going to forget the time when two commercial airliners hit two skyscrapers next door to each other and them falling down is an asshole.
"It's 9-11, the most patriotic day on the calender other than July 4th! How can we market this?"

"Um, sir, won't this make our customers upset?"

"Nonsense! 9-11 was years ago, what would they be mad over?"

Cue the sad trombone

Seriously, I'm not even american and I know this is in bad taste.

As for people saying "Nobody gets mad over the other 9-11 marketing that goes on today" I call poppycock on that one, everyone I know gets upset as hell over being shilled shit on 9-11, be it 'Patriotic' flags, T-shirts, pins, plates, CD's etc etc etc, it really pisses off the vast majority of people.
Wait wait,I thought we were spreading the "no planes" meme, but now your saying its actually "no phones"?


Considering the fact a cellphone conversation is what led to the heroic action taken on flight 93, I don't see it as a blindly offensive promotion.
I think people are getting butthurt over nothing. Unlike the golf course ad, there's nothing offensive with AT&Ts ad. They are a phone company, and they held a phone with a pic of the twin towers. BFD?
And had they not posted anything, they'd be called anti-American. Can't win either way obviously.

They're a cell phone company and they made the picture relevant to what they do. Big whoop. There aren't any prices or deals on it so it's not an advertisement.

Considering I was in Latrobe, PA on 9/11/01 (about 30 miles from where Flight 93 crashed) and watched Flight 93 go by (I'm an amateur radio op who was doing emergency communications) and I'm not offended, you're probably overreacting if you are.
I liked the photo you can tell ATT was sensitive about it because they removed all brandings off the phone before it was posted as to not be advertising a phone, people are so stupid they were pointing out that the way most people remember is by taking photos with there phone today. USA has become so politically correct I dont see you people complaining about the movies, flags, shirts, shows on NatGeo & History channel about this horrible event. I just wish everyone would be as nice as they were the days after this event instead of the jerkoffs they act like now.
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I completely forgot it was 11/9 yesterday...that golf course or the AT&T pic would have reminded me.

I'm offended people keep bringing this incident up but no one remembers other days like the Oklahoma city bombing. So how about this gets swept under the rug like everything else, it's almost as if there's a higher value on the lives of people that were in the WTC.

I thought the AT&T ad was really tasteful and did not think is was a marketing ploy. If Hamburger joint X had a "freedom" burger offered on Sept 11 and donated half the funds to blah would people be up in arms about it? They better be or that's rather hypocritical.
I completely forgot it was 11/9 yesterday...that golf course or the AT&T pic would have reminded me.

I'm offended people keep bringing this incident up but no one remembers other days like the Oklahoma city bombing. So how about this gets swept under the rug like everything else, it's almost as if there's a higher value on the lives of people that were in the WTC.

I'm offended people don't remember the first and second Opium wars. How dare people gravitate towards situations relevant to them.
I'm offended people keep bringing this incident up but no one remembers other days like the Oklahoma city bombing. So how about this gets swept under the rug like everything else, it's almost as if there's a higher value on the lives of people that were in the WTC.

Well, there was a higher value...because about 12 times more people were killed in the WTC attack than in the Oklahoma City bombing. Thousands dead versus hundreds dead has more impact, like it or not. I think, though, the fact that it was in New York is also the reason it's so much more observed. The media largely doesn't care what happens in the heartland, just what happens in the big cities.
I thought it came off as a nice tasteful tribute. Marketing? Most everything is - the World Trade Center movie profited off the disaster. So did the movie about the plane.

Now, the Marriott thing....


Now THAT'S patriotic!
We all know terrorists hate coffee and muffins...
And puppies and kittens....
And Dale Earnhardt and Jesus!

*sings God Bless America*
Well, there was a higher value...because about 12 times more people were killed in the WTC attack than in the Oklahoma City bombing. Thousands dead versus hundreds dead has more impact, like it or not. I think, though, the fact that it was in New York is also the reason it's so much more observed. The media largely doesn't care what happens in the heartland, just what happens in the big cities.

Wasn't the OKC bombing "domestic terrorism"?

Now THAT'S patriotic!
We all know terrorists hate coffee and muffins...
And puppies and kittens....
And Dale Earnhardt and Jesus!

*sings God Bless America*

THAT'S IT. The terrorists sabotaged Sr.'s car, and that's what killed him. He had too much 'Murrika in him, and the terrorists wanted him dead, otherwise he would eventually transform into Super 'Murrika and bring an end to their reign of terror.
Wasn't the OKC bombing "domestic terrorism"?

Yes, but that was before the word "terrorism" became a tool for political manipulation and increased government power. If Waco and Ruby Ridge had happened 10 years later, I guarantee that Koresh and Weaver would have been called "terrorists". At the time, however, "militiaman" served the same effective capacity.
Wasn't the OKC bombing "domestic terrorism"?

Domestic plus we know who did it, caught him, and killed him over 12 years ago, so he's no longer a threat. So yeah, totally different situation there.
Yes, but that was before the word "terrorism" became a tool for political manipulation and increased government power. If Waco and Ruby Ridge had happened 10 years later, I guarantee that Koresh and Weaver would have been called "terrorists". At the time, however, "militiaman" served the same effective capacity.

Waco and Ruby Ridge served to point out the incompetence of the ATF and other Federal agencies, Something they would like for us all to forget. Hard to lobby for more funding when people are laughing at you behind your back. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy that ensured fat budgets for security forces in the US, needed or not.

People in Europe lived with very real threats of terrorism from the Red Brigade and other groups for many years and dealt with them very effectively without the bloated DHS. walk through a West German airport in the late 80's and you would have seen pairs of Polizei with submachine guns and explosive sniffing dogs wandering around, but you didn't get groped by former Wal-mart greeters looking for dangerous belly button lint.
I'm not offended by the tweet, but I don't get offended by anything easily.

However, contrary to those who say there is no branding in the photo...... the branding is on the twitter and fb pages themselves, with their big fat att logos at the top.

The photo hints at the smartphones they sell.
We apologize to anyone who felt our post was in poor taste. The image was solely meant to pay respect to those affected by the 9/11 tragedy.

bolded part is clearly bullshit, as the smartphone was used as a subliminal message.