AT&T iPhone question


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
Does not directly affect me, but I was curious.

If the only reason you went to AT&T was the iPhone and then you had the issue (dropped calls, blah blah blah).

Do you still get the thirty day return policy on the service like you would on the phone?

Just curious.
Good to read that AT&T is following Sprint. I suppose its great that 2 major carriers are doing this.

Verizon maybe as well, can anyone verify?

Yes Verizon also has a 30 day return policy.
Does not directly affect me, but I was curious.

If the only reason you went to AT&T was the iPhone and then you had the issue (dropped calls, blah blah blah).

Do you still get the thirty day return policy on the service like you would on the phone?

Just curious.

You can return but you will have to pay for service for those 3-30 days. If you return in 3 days you pay nothing.
AT&T has the most expensive plans, and not even unlimited data... That's why I love Sprint's Everything Data plan... free calling to all cell phones in the US, nights and weekends at 7 (9 with AT&T), unlimited text ($15 with AT&T)... I would have stayed with AT&T if they had better plans. Just wasn't working for me. too much.
Not really an iPhone question :) More of a return policy for AT&T thing as what you describe I have done with non-iPhone high end phones....hehe

In any case yes, you have 30 days to get the initial costs back....anything you used it for in the middle gets charged to you though.
Not really an iPhone question :) More of a return policy for AT&T thing as what you describe I have done with non-iPhone high end phones....hehe

In any case yes, you have 30 days to get the initial costs back....anything you used it for in the middle gets charged to you though.

Seems totally fair, awesome. Thanks.