At what level did you guys beat the main quest in Oblivion?

8 :(, I think its because I picked to be an archer at the begining, but never did any archer type stuff (I didnt like how it took 10 arrows to even weaken anything). I also ran from alot of battles, cause for some reason it only takes most enemies like 2 hits to kill me.

Mainly because I was having fun exploring. Now I'm trying to finish up the main quest so that I can go back to exploring. Although I still do a bit of exploring but I haven't done any side quests lately unless I have one already in the town I'm in. BTW I'm now a lvl 16.
Just wondering, are all the random Oblivion gates that pop up all over the place considered part of the main quest? If i finish up the main quest can I still find/close all those oblivion gates?

No they are not part of the main quest. There are side quests that coincidew with 6 of them. But as far as I know once you beat themain quest all of the Oblivion gates close.
Looks like i'm going to beat it at around level 28. I'm already making the runs through the "go to all towns" part (trying to be as spoilerless as possible).
I beat it at level 18, I'm going to make a extreamly good warrier though and try it again at like level 30, I'll do some fighters guild quest and powerlevel up to see some tough monsters.
27 or so. I was pretty disappointed with the "boss" (or sub-boss) fight.

I one-shotted Mankar Cameron with my godly bow of killing. It's a badass bow, but still was expecting a bit more of a fight :(
Level 35 and after 90h of gameplay :).

I don´t think you should rush doing the MQ because there really isn´t one. But I got annoyed by these Oblivion Gates. They are all the same really if you have seen an oblivion and one super oblivion you have seen them all. Good news you only need to close the one in Kvatch, maybe one in Bruma and then a super gate. You don´t have to call for reinforcements I just said screwed that and we went directly to close the super gate. Maybe it´s because I have such high personality the countess agreed instantly :). People kind of loved me even before that ;)

It was easy yet but I have no one shot kill bow. I dont like the extra micro management of poisoning them. It was very easy though that you may expect when you are such high levels with 4-5 attributes maxed out but still. Should have uped the difficulty slider plays at medium.
Oblivion gates became pointless to me once I realized I could run through there, not touch anyone, and beat the gate without ever landing a blow.

Of course, once I decided that their weapons were junk anyway other than for selling, I had no reason to go fight through each person.

I went from spending 20 minutes or more clearing everyone out to 5 minutes for the average oblivion gate, depending on how easy it was to get to the main tower...

Beat the arena yesterday in less than an hour of real time.

I 1 shotted most of the people in there, and those that took more than 1 were usually down by the 2nd. Sneak + powerful bow....

Hell, the grand champion was down in a single shot. I was dissappointed.
The main quest was interesting to me until it became a item hunt. "go get me this, now go get me this, blah, blah, blah". At some point I'll back and finish the main quest but right now I'm finding the Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood quests much more interesting.
Level 24 and haven't started the main quest yet.

I have, however, finished the thieves guild, mages guild, fighter's guild, dark brotherhood, and am grand champion of the arena :D . Ran through the arena in about 30 minutes maybe, that announcer takes way too much time to talk. One thing I wish I had done, though, was use the 5 trainings you can do each level, I think I did it for about 18 levels; not a big deal, but still.

I found the dark brotherhood quests to be probably the most fun out of all the guilds; thieves guild was pretty good too. I think worst goes to fighter's guild, only because a bunch of missions in a row are "kill some trolls for (insert reason)."

Anyway, since I just finished the fighters guild I'll probably start the main quest now. Yay.
I am the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood and the Grey Fox of the Thieves guild and I am glad I picked these two first, they were the most fun.

I am almost done the mages guild but I got kicked out again and need to find more 20 Vampire dusts and 20 Daedra Heatrs. I have the Hearts, but need 5 more Dusts... Vampires are hard to find. Where the hell are they all!