Athlon64 X2 stock cooler question...


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2005
How well does it perform?
I am getting a 3800 X2 and would like to know if I can achieve a mild overclocking (2.4 GHz) with it without getting the CPU overheated.

Anyone got picture of how the stock cooler looks like?

Much appreciated.
deanx0r said:
How well does it perform?
I am getting a 3800 X2 and would like to know if I can achieve a mild overclocking (2.4 GHz) with it without getting the CPU overheated.

Anyone got picture of how the stock cooler looks like?

Much appreciated.

My 3800 X-2 didn’t come with the heat pipe cooler, it looks pretty much like a stock AMD HSF.

That said this chip tends to run very cool so you might be able to pull it off if you have really good case airflow.
play it safe - try a very small overclock and test test test - see how high the temps jump and how long the temps stay high...
if in doubt - lower the speed and get a better cooler...
do not forget the all important case cooling/airflow
Also keep in mind your temps will be greatly affected by your room ambient temps.

My computer room is air-conditioned and I keep it about 73 to 73f. Using an XP-90 Thermal Take Cat-9 HSF combo I’m running at 2.5 gigs with my voltage set at 1.44.

My temps are about 25c idle and 32 to 33c with both sides of the CPU running Prime95.

I tried stock voltage and was able to hit 2.3 but after that I had to raise the vcore just a bit to hit 2.5.

If I push the vcore to 1.65 or so I can hit 2.7 with no problems with temps in the mid 40’s, but I really don’t like running a CPU at those voltages, I plan to keep this one a while.