ATI 4850 + Fallout 3 = Broken AA?


Limp Gawd
Jan 10, 2006
I just cannot get it to work at all.

I have tried forcing it through the control panel, in the game, turning down all the settings (HDR off), 2x 4x and 8x, 8.10 hotfix 1 drivers, then the new hotfix 2, even old 8.9 (cleaning drivers out in-between). Nothing gets me any AA. I just don't get what could be causing this beyond a bug in the game, yet I don't see any other 4850 users (or anybody for that matter) complaining about it.

So, anyone have any idea whats happening here?
I am running the game with 2x AA with the 8.10 drivers without any issues. I did have to reinstall directx for some reason to install the game properly.
I will try reinstalling directx...

EDIT: Newest directx (august), no love...


Dude turn up the settings!!
That looks awful, it looks better on my 8800GTS 640....
Huh? that's on Ultra settings. Maybe its not just the AA that I can't change...

I am trying a reinstall now.
I reinstalled, didn't help. Also, I compared settings changes and they are working (except AA of course). I don't know why you think mine looks worse, must be cause I have no AA.
i had really bad stuttering and fps dips to 30 out side,so i rma my 4850 for a im happy constant 60fps outside,
You think that's bad? The highest I can muster on my 2x 4870 X2 Crossfire is 1900x1200 no AA all settings highest. Any level of AA makes the game a slideshow.

Many others are reporting similarly bad performance. There is obviously something wrong with ATI cards in this game.
K wtf, AA randomly started working. I can't even recreate the problem...sounds like the oblivion engine to me lol
I can't force AA on via the control panel in this game but if I select "Use application settings", I can enable AA from within the game. AF works fine both when forced and when enabled via the game menu. I'm using the first Hotfix driver.
Ah, that was it. Anything but "use application settings" for AA in the control panel disables it.
Ah, that was it. Anything but "use application settings" for AA in the control panel disables it.

OMFG, you've made my fucking week! I couldn't figure out why AA wasn't working in Fallout 3 on my 4850!

The game looks absolutely gorgeous at max settings, 4x adaptive AA.