ATI 5700 benchmarks

So... what's the big deal again? Why not just get a 4890 few months back?
Not to impressive, but that could be the 5750

I bet those cards have shitloads of clock headroom too.
4770 went to 1Ghz with a voltage bump and a Duorb. Hope the 5770 will do the same
So... what's the big deal again? Why not just get a 4890 few months back?

This isn't for people who wanted a 4890 a few months back, this is for people shopping today who want a mid-range card that uses very little power (< 60w). This chip will have the same number of SPs as the 4890, but will be much smaller, and thus much cheaper to make.

If this card is released for around $100 and the corresponding 5770 is released for around $150, it will throw the industry for a loop (because 4890s are still at that magic $190-200 price point, and 9800GTX+ cards still won't drop below $120). I don't think people will get as excited if the cards release at the much more pedestrian $150 and $200 price points.
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Are they serious with that cooler? Looks like a clown shoe.

Looks great (functional) to me. Giant slow speed fan. Should be nice and quiet.

Other than functionality I don't care what a card looks like. It is inside my PC. It could be neon pink and green for all I care.