Ati 850xt overclocking


Bad Trader
Jan 5, 2004
How well do the Ati 850Xt PCIe cards overclock with stock cooling? Anybody with any experience?
Personally, mine blows for overclocking...even before I got my Shuttle. Also applied AS5 to the core but it didn't help much, although idle and max temps went down. I have a feeling that the heatsink isn't making very good contact with the core but I'm too lazy to find out :)
I have the AGP version, and as far as I know its the same r480 core as the PCIe. If you make sure the fan runs 100%, which it wouldnt do until almost 90C with the factory settings, I got the core clocked to 610 from the stock 520, and the memory to 630 from the stock 540. It ran at 70-80C though, so I added it into my water loop. significantly dropped the temps (about 40C tops now) but didn't result in higher available overclock.
same with me...not much from the overclocking of the regular X850 XT

PE's overclock alot better for the same reason AMD FX lines overclock better
^^thats not true. my X850xt-pe only oc'ed to 591/608 @ 47c with the zalman FS-V7. my stock speed was 540/590. it stays cool but now lags a little in games. its not due to heat either as you can see, that is where the core and mem. max out.
The stcok 2-slot cooling solution on the 850XT isn't that bad, although it's loud. Like I said before, the stock air got me as far as water would (+90mhz on both core/mem). I'd say thats pretty good for air, 'specially stock air.
how come i can only get 591/608 out of my X850xt-pe and some others have gotten like 606/630 and viperjohn got like 630/700 out of his. i have ample cooling but the core and mem will not go any higher that what i have without artifacting on ati tool.
x850xt are always varied if u wanted to oc u shoulda got a pe...but some xts oc better than pe's its just your luck
did you not read my post...i have an X850xt-PE. its a visiontek. i know it can't be the heat though because my card is reporting 47c in ati tool while oc'd and under the stress test.
IDK about the plain XT's but my XT PE always OCed fine, I don't need it though so I just leave it at stock speeds. Maybe later I'll find the max core and mem speeds and post them.
entermymatrix03 said:
how come i can only get 591/608 out of my X850xt-pe and some others have gotten like 606/630 and viperjohn got like 630/700 out of his. i have ample cooling but the core and mem will not go any higher that what i have without artifacting on ati tool.

after 5.12s or so i let it "auto-overclock" my card and it does 594/614 without much effort.
if it wont oc nemore thats because you have reached the limits of the card...its life some oc to hell and others just manage to oc a couple of mhz...
AGP version here. Best I could do was 537/549 without getting artifacts, according to ATITool. Fan running at stock speed (14%).
entermymatrix03 said:
how come i can only get 591/608 out of my X850xt-pe and some others have gotten like 606/630 and viperjohn got like 630/700 out of his. i have ample cooling but the core and mem will not go any higher that what i have without artifacting on ati tool.

Viper John did my 850XT-PE and all it will go stable is 615/620... It will bench higher, but its not stable enough to run that way 24/7...Its a crap shoot with these cards....
Crosshairs said:
Viper John did my 850XT-PE and all it will go stable is 615/620... It will bench higher, but its not stable enough to run that way 24/7...Its a crap shoot with these cards....
That sucks.. :(

My x800GTO^2 hits 600/600 perfectly fine with stock cooling, and paste.
Crosshairs said:
Viper John did my 850XT-PE and all it will go stable is 615/620... It will bench higher, but its not stable enough to run that way 24/7...Its a crap shoot with these cards....

Borgschulze said:
That sucks.. :(

My x800GTO^2 hits 600/600 perfectly fine with stock cooling, and paste.

Opps..My bad...Its an X800XT-PE...I dont know why the hell I put 850...:)...

But anyway, The card works great, its just not a good overclocker :(
I've got an X850XT non-PE, AGP, built by ATI and still on stock cooling. Haven't even tried to overclock yet, it looked fairly hot and I didn't want to mess with it yet. Anyone use the Arctic Cooling ATI Silencer? Is it a big improvement over stock?
Mayhs said:
x850xt are always varied if u wanted to oc u shoulda got a pe...but some xts oc better than pe's its just your luck
This is very true. My retail ATI X850-XT OCs to PE clock speeds with no problems, however, I've read/heard that many with non PE 850s have not had much luck OCing them. Apparently it's a crap shoot and I hit seven...hehe ;)