ATI AIB: Your experiences


Apr 2, 2006
Ok, so there's been a lot of news about Sapphire on the boards recently, and with ATI coming out with a half-decent video card that a lot of people want to buy (including myself), how has everybody's experience been with ATI's AIBs? I've personally only owned a Sapphire X1950GT, and I had to RMA it once. I had no problems with the RMA, it only took about two weeks. I'm curious to know about other AIB partners such has Diamond, Club3d and Powercolor.

Who's made your ATI product, and how has your experience been with them?

Here's a link to all ATI AIB
6 or more ati branded. only remember 1 rma for a 9700. rma went well. new card recieved 5 to 7 days later as I recall.
2 sapphires. one 1800 was doa, handled through vendor quickly and without issue. no problems since.
3 powercolors. no problems.
1 his. no problems.

2 creative's. rma's required for both at various times a few months after purchase. nearly 3 weeks wait on all 3 occasions 1 of the cards was rma'd twice. never bought creative again- 2 x tnt2
2 asus' no rma needed.
1 xfx no rma needed.

3 creatives. no rma's - 2 x v2 and 1 x banshee (creative, you, and all other aib's and 3dfx should be shot for not putting a fan on that little slice of sun that was the puny heatsink on that banshee, don't worry I did it for you)
2 3dfx branded (stb). no rma's. - v3 and v5 (1 of the fans quit on the v5 a couple of years after 3dfx was out of business, so I could not rma) replaced fan myself and all was well.

That's all I can remember and that goes back a few years. I might have missed one or two. I imagine a lot ot of forum members do not even remember creative selling vid cards in the US market. Looking back on it, in my experience, video cards have been the least reliable pc components for me. I have had fewer hard drives fail than video cards.
I've had 2 Sapphire products and never had to RMA. I have a Sapphire 3870 on the way.
Ive had two cards

forgot who x800gt never rma'd worked for two years
Connect3D x1800GTO had for 5 months so far still working strong. Sadly replacing it already with a 3870
4 Sapphire
8500 - flawless (gigantic box)
9600 - blorb fan spun poorly, fixed by re-oiling (tiny PCB-sized box)
2600XT - fan spun like freight train, returned to store
2600XT - flawless

1 Powercolor
9800 Pro - re-oiled fan, functional from day 1 to early October 2007 :)
2 sapphire x1950pro ultimates, I got an early edition one, so the bios clocks didn't work properly, so the memory would stay clocked at 1400mhz (instead of the 1600 which was the reason why I bought it). But the first card wouldnt run at stock memory clocks, and would not oc at all on the core, with an vf900cu on top, stock.

Then It got killed in a power surge so I RMA'd back to the vendor (newegg), no problem, got another one which worked fine, except for some x1950pro related quirks still remain.