ATi AM2 Sturgeon Reference Board


Feb 28, 2005

Now that you've seen the board, I want to know what the hell is wrong with ATi.

Look at the layout of it... it's horific.

2 Molex power connectors, bottom and left side.

PCI slot will be blocked with Crossfire or if you're like me and put your video card in the lower slot anyways, with water cooling.

8 Sata ports?

1 IDE connector...

Chipset should be centralized between the x16 slots.

8-Pin power connector way over on the I/O panel? Seriously...?

Ugh.. this board just makes me angry... even if it is just a reference board... why? How can you put people through that much pain through their eyes alone... it's terrible...

What do you think about this board? Are you as disgusted as I am?

This on the other hand I think is perfect minus the Karajan Audio Module that will interfere with the rear exhaust fan on an Antec P180.

Its a test board like my ATI RDX-200 s929 Ref board


The outcome of my board was different like all es boards there not made to be the final rdx-200 doesent look anything like the boards you buy on newegg..
But it doesent matter...These boards were made for them to test there me my board has some verry crazy settings in bios for all types of developer testing..shit you wont find in ANY aftermarket board based on that chipset..You should be excited for the chipset..not the board or how it looks or..well doesent look for that matter.
There not importaint..what is though is you cant judge a ref board..there not maid for main stream..
abit has made many a monstrosity worse then this (design wise)

Borgschulze said:
Chipset should be centralized between the x16 slots.

so it can radiate heat upwards onto the lower gfx cards back plate and the hs/f of the upper card? why would you do this? Msi was dinged by two sites for this idea on their 570 solutions.

hahaha. 2X 4pin molex--ers and a single 22pin one. thats insane. DO YOU THINK IT HAS ENOUGH JUICE?!? no no give it more. pump some more connectors onto it.

in the Ati boards defense:

A: Power phase-dealies (cant think of word right now >.<) get better cooling
B: its referance, meant purely for ati to benchmark, they just wanna fit 2 X1950s on it and they're happy
C: YEAH MAN 8 SATA PORTS FTW. 2 tera-bytes of info with data security. its a regular gamer by day... AND SERVER BY NIGHT.
D: the ammount of heat produced by this chipset by comparison to 590 is awsome. much much less heat and therefore higher overclocks.

this board is relying on the idea that PCI is dead and producers will start making PCI-e 1x interfaced cards.

but yeah, 5 slots, of the available 7. they should cram a legacy slot or something on there :p
MrWizard6600 said:
so it can radiate heat upwards onto the lower gfx cards back plate and the hs/f of the upper card? why would you do this? Msi was dinged by two sites for this idea on their 570 solutions.
I mean the fact you wouldn't be able to have a card in the bottom slot and have say.. a waterblock on that chipset.. it will be blocked. It should be a little more up on the board, not under the slot.

MrWizard6600 said:
hahaha. 2X 4pin molex--ers and a single 22pin one. thats insane. DO YOU THINK IT HAS ENOUGH JUICE?!? no no give it more. pump some more connectors onto it.
It also has another connector where the I/O panel is.
oic what you mean about hs on chipset.

and yeah for a total of 3 connectors, 1 22pin, and 2 4pin.

anywho im still debaiting weither i want to go with a 570 sli solution with a 7950GT, or an Xpress 3200 with an X1900XT 256mb. i list all the unreleased products because i wont be buying for a few weeks... maybe even months. theres always one delay after another.... Conroe! am2 price drops! X1950XTX! 7950GT! DX 10! on and on an on. i promise myself i will have a new comp by the end of this year!
the ONLY thing that board got right, was the damn ATX connector not obstructing/being obstructed by the IDE port when bent to hide it...

and what the hell happened to the days when graphics card slots were at the TOP of a motherboard... not some useless minor PCIe slot... hell, throw us a bone and give us a PCI slot for a USEFUL addon card <_<
Borgschulze said:
2 Molex power connectors, bottom and left side.

PCI slot will be blocked with Crossfire or if you're like me and put your video card in the lower slot anyways, with water cooling.

8 Sata ports?

1 IDE connector...

Chipset should be centralized between the x16 slots.

8-Pin power connector way over on the I/O panel? Seriously...?

2 Molex's? are you an engineer? Who the hell are you to say what they need to pwoer the board, stop crying.

The PCi slot thing is a bad idea but its a trade off between having superior graphics, or superior sound (or wireless?). You pick the one which you need more, and deal with it.

8 SATA ports, welcome to last week.

1IDE port. So fucking what? IDE is being phased out just like AGP and ISA were, and PCI is. Its an old dead-end connection that will be gone in 3-5 years, or even sooner. If you cant afford to switch to SATA drives or you cant afford a new SATA drive, then you dont deserve new hardware.

Why put the chipset between the x16 slots, when you wanna apply aftermarket cooling you get fucked.

8-PIN power connector is another new technology taken from servers and moved to desktops due to the need for more power. Again, stop bitching about it, and deal with it.
Dillusion said:
2 Molex's? are you an engineer? Who the hell are you to say what they need to pwoer the board, stop crying.

The PCi slot thing is a bad idea but its a trade off between having superior graphics, or superior sound (or wireless?). You pick the one which you need more, and deal with it.

8 SATA ports, welcome to last week.

1IDE port. So fucking what? IDE is being phased out just like AGP and ISA were, and PCI is. Its an old dead-end connection that will be gone in 3-5 years, or even sooner. If you cant afford to switch to SATA drives or you cant afford a new SATA drive, then you dont deserve new hardware.

Why put the chipset between the x16 slots, when you wanna apply aftermarket cooling you get fucked.

8-PIN power connector is another new technology taken from servers and moved to desktops due to the need for more power. Again, stop bitching about it, and deal with it.
Dillusion said:
2 Molex's? are you an engineer? Who the hell are you to say what they need to pwoer the board, stop crying.

The PCi slot thing is a bad idea but its a trade off between having superior graphics, or superior sound (or wireless?). You pick the one which you need more, and deal with it.

8 SATA ports, welcome to last week.

1IDE port. So fucking what? IDE is being phased out just like AGP and ISA were, and PCI is. Its an old dead-end connection that will be gone in 3-5 years, or even sooner. If you cant afford to switch to SATA drives or you cant afford a new SATA drive, then you dont deserve new hardware.

Why put the chipset between the x16 slots, when you wanna apply aftermarket cooling you get fucked.

8-PIN power connector is another new technology taken from servers and moved to desktops due to the need for more power. Again, stop bitching about it, and deal with it.

No...YOUR fucking awsome
:eek: :eek:
If you think that board is bad, look at the fucking ABIT AT8's Layout. I returned that shit to newegg the first day i got it.


Look at the green arrows
XLeezardx said:
If you think that board is bad, look at the fucking ABIT AT8's Layout. I returned that shit to newegg the first day i got it.


Look at the green arrows

Holy Hell... :eek:

I won't even start with that one.

Hmm, seems the image of the board didn't show up till after I pressed quote. (Your image.)
XLeezardx said:
If you think that board is bad, look at the fucking ABIT AT8's Layout. I returned that shit to newegg the first day i got it.
I've run both an AT8 & currently an AT8 32X & it hasn't caused me any problems although a bit of thought with cabling helps. ;)

The 2 SATA near the IO section are on a the SiL controller & are useful for external devices (in fact the latest Abit boards have 1 eSATA connector in the IO section & a single SATA connector on the board off the SiL).
The USB headers have never caused me a problem (in fact it actually suits having them 1/2 way up the board), I don't mind the floppy placement as it's almost irrelevant these days & I only need 1 PCI slot.
Different strokes for different folks.

On the other hand the AT8 was probably the best RD480 board & the AT8 32X seems to be probably the best 939 RD580 board overall ...