ATI & AMD - dying?


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2005
Does it just seem to me that AMD and ATI are being utterly DESTROYED by Intel and GeForce? Doesn't it seem that it's all over now? This can only hurt us (consumers) when there's going to be only 1 producer of Processors and 1 producer of Video cards.
Yes it does, but it seems that the reign of GeForce and Intel has been going for so long that it's probably impossible to revive AMD/ATI.
wow, are we really going to have to read over one of these threads every other day about how someone with little info about the buisness world thinks AMD and ATI are dying....

they arent dieing, they have issues, but they arent going to pack up and be gone over night.
The Athlon64 reigned fairly supreme for a long time through both single and dual cores.
ATI seems to be doing well. They aren't beating Nvidia. But the 3850 and 3870 and even 3870X2 were all pretty decent products and a pretty decent price. And the 4800 series will be on us very soon. Again it probably won't beat what Nvidia will launch in July, but in the more popular $200 to $350 price range ATI could move ahead of Nvidia.

Things aren't quite as rosy for AMD, but still even that is getting better than it has been. The TLB stuff is behind them with the B3 revision chips. The Phenom X3 chips have arrived and seem to be a worthy alternative to the Core 2 Duos (so long as you don't expect to overclock them).

They aren't doing great, but I think they are getting better.
The other thing to remember is that they basically brand their own IGP for the Dells, HP's, etc. The random consumer who buys a computer from bestbuy or Circuit City will oftentimes go with a "cheaper" AMD system which has a lot of their own parts.
ATIs loss is down from $3 billion in Q4 to less then $.5 billion in Q1.

RV770 looks like win.
GT200 looks like 240W TDP.

Denab yields 2.8GHz SKU, 6MB L3. It shoudn't have too much trouble contending with the lower end currently $400 Q9000 CPUs.

The 9450 and 9300 are $316 and $266 tray price, respectively. There is some price gouging going on because of high demand / low availability, but that will be resolve when supply / demand balances out. As soon as AMD releases something that's truly competitive, that's when we'll see some more real price cuts from Intel, so I hope that's soon.
it's hard to die in a 2 man race even though they are trying as hard as they can to do so. It seems like they are getting ready to rebound in a few years, and the fanboys/poor people are enough to keep them alive for a while.
ATI/AMD dying, computer gaming dying, USA is dying, kids in africa are dying. Who else? :eek:
Didnt the CEO jump ship? not a good sign... only way AMD kept up before was due to thier the high end budget procs... but now intel has their own high end budget procs.
AMD+ATI have the 780G chipset now. It's a real benefit to those who need a special setup like that.
In terms of technology/performance, AMD is doing OK. They aren't on top but the 3870 offers reasonable performance at a good price. True, they don't have a real high-end part, but that's not what most people are buying. They also offer some of the best integrated graphics and solid chipsets.

The Phenom is a little worse off, but it's not hopelessly behind Intel. The Netburst-based Pentiums were behind AMD during almost the entire life span of the product, but that didn't cause any major problems for Intel.

I think most of their problems are related to management and economy rather than the actual products - just because you are #2 instead of #1 shouldn't mean you have to file for bankruptcy - If that were the case, there'd only be one company for every market.
You know, I just hope they have some winners up their sleeves. If they don't, all this innovation we've been enjoying over the last few years will come to a standstill.

Support AMD!
Are you people actually getting trolled this easily? Cmon now, this one is pretty obvious. Move on people.
Are you people actually getting trolled this easily? Cmon now, this one is pretty obvious. Move on people.

It's a hardware forum. What else do we got to talk about until the new video cards come out? Just play along. :p
Both companies have their on/off periods. Look at Athlon vs P3, A64 vs P4, and R300 vs NV30. Now the situation is reversed, but these cycles are pretty normal.
My x1900xt is still hauling ass with all the latest games so that may be why ATi appears to be doing poorly. Their x19xx series cards are beasts.
ROFL, is the OP serious ? AMD/ATI aren't dying ROFL. They own the low-mid range market which is where the vast majority of money is made to start with . FOr every one person that buys a 9800GX2, roughly 100 people buy an HD2400 - HD3850. The same goes for the CPU's. Take into account that AMD now has the fastest desktop IGP on the market ( the HD3200 based 780G ) and when u combine it with a $40 AM2 CPU you have a viable media/low end gaming machine. So thats lets see $90 for a 780G mobo and $40 for a good AM2 CPU and you end up after a 2gb kit of DDRII ( $40 - $50 ) with a roughly $175 combo that will play about any game on the market decently and lo and behold you also have the ability to do multi GPU in an mATX system ( gotta love Hybrid Crossfire ; ). I dare you to get the same performance for the money out of an Intel system :)
There not going any where, they will still be around for a while. Even if it doesnt look like it. Just look at atari.
I have been here for 5.1 years and I have seen hundreds of these threads. Needless to say, the mere fact that they are still being posted means that nobody has died off yet (and they won't).
the next battle are these several core procs. I thought I read somewhere about AMD one upping intel on the what is it, 6 core with a 8 core or some crap? Damn i gotta find the article. At any rate, they aint going nowhere.
Do we REALLY need another thread for this? Theres like 50,000 other ones and they all end up the same.
There not going any where, they will still be around for a while. Even if it doesnt look like it. Just look at atari.

Bad example. Atari went bankrupt and closed down after the Jaguar. Infograms bought the rights to the name and their US subsidiary used it. Not to mention current Atari is the worst publisher in the industry.
ROFL, is the OP serious ? AMD/ATI aren't dying ROFL. They own the low-mid range market which is where the vast majority of money is made to start with . FOr every one person that buys a 9800GX2, roughly 100 people buy an HD2400 - HD3850. The same goes for the CPU's. Take into account that AMD now has the fastest desktop IGP on the market ( the HD3200 based 780G ) and when u combine it with a $40 AM2 CPU you have a viable media/low end gaming machine. So thats lets see $90 for a 780G mobo and $40 for a good AM2 CPU and you end up after a 2gb kit of DDRII ( $40 - $50 ) with a roughly $175 combo that will play about any game on the market decently and lo and behold you also have the ability to do multi GPU in an mATX system ( gotta love Hybrid Crossfire ; ). I dare you to get the same performance for the money out of an Intel system :)
Intel took notes when AMD peaked and i think they are dedicated to never letting them get a top cpu in at any major price point
They will be around still. I'm hoping to see a huge comeback from ATI, we need more competition in the graphics department! :p
I think eon is correct in that AMD's brief reign at the top had a lot to do with Intel's complacency/laziness, but they still have a lot of good engineers over there. Especially now that they've brought in personnel from ATI too. Last time I checked their shares were getting close to book value. I've got to think that if things get too bad, someone will just buy the whole thing out and replace management. If Intel overextends itself with this new foray into high-end graphics and they really damage themselves and/or Nvidia, AMD may be able to carve out some market share just by laying low.

Edit: on a personal note, I really hope it doesn't happen. I remember the days when Intel could charge whatever the heck it wanted and Nvidia was getting that way for a while. No one else is going to provide competition in either the CPU or GPU markets anytime soon and if Intel can succeed in gobbling up both, prices could really start to suck.
Bad example. Atari went bankrupt and closed down after the Jaguar. Infograms bought the rights to the name and their US subsidiary used it. Not to mention current Atari is the worst publisher in the industry.

yea I fiqure it may been a bad example, even tho I was talking about the Infrogames atari And not the org atari..
ati/amd wont die, because that would cause a monopoly in the market. The gov't will keep amd/ati in market, to prevent it.
ati/amd wont die, because that would cause a monopoly in the market. The gov't will keep amd/ati in market, to prevent it.

The gov't will buy all their products and disperse them across the world on a first come first serve basis of free.