ATI Catalyst 6.5 and Battlefield 2

Chris Lakies

Limp Gawd
Feb 17, 2005
Once in a while i'll expierience a 10 - 20 second lock where the game freezes than gets minimized then pops back up working again. Any one expieriencing problems like this?
Chris Lakies said:
Once in a while i'll expierience a 10 - 20 second lock where the game freezes than gets minimized then pops back up working again. Any one expieriencing problems like this?

None here. Due to some other problems I just formatted my system and reinstalled everything, including the latest 6.5 Cats (less CCC & CP). I use ATi Tray Tools to control the cards configuration. I played for a few hours the other night, after getting the system up and running again, and I had absolutely zero problems.
Un4given said:
None here. Due to some other problems I just formatted my system and reinstalled everything, including the latest 6.5 Cats (less CCC & CP). I use ATi Tray Tools to control the cards configuration. I played for a few hours the other night, after getting the system up and running again, and I had absolutely zero problems.

Yea.........this is a fresh install for me too.
On my X850XT rig, I do get a strange freezing for just 2 seconds, but that happens only once or twice in two hours of BF2 gaming. No problems whatsoever on my main rig.
Chris Lakies said:
Once in a while i'll expierience a 10 - 20 second lock where the game freezes than gets minimized then pops back up working again. Any one expieriencing problems like this?

could be your CPU or vid card overheating or terrible lagg.
Chris Lakies said:
Once in a while i'll expierience a 10 - 20 second lock where the game freezes than gets minimized then pops back up working again. Any one expieriencing problems like this?
Your video card is overclocked isn't it?

When a card is overclocked too high you will get that random freezing.. sometimes you'll get booted out with a message from the ATi recovery tool telling you your graphics card was not responding and has been reset.
Never had the problem with the last driver...........also i'm just using the CCC overclock which is 690 and 1600max. No artifacts, no tearing.........which usually means its overclocked to far.
my x1900xt was a dog too. It had that special heatpipe HIS cooler on but it could not handle the overclock in ATI overdrive. Also showed wierd behavior. I would see this weird red bar at the post screen and also after exiting from a game, i would see colored pixels on my desktop background.

Had 2 x1900xt act wierd on me. Was a great card though. It performed better than 7900 GT in SLI even when the sli setup got higher 3dmarks.
kingdomwinds said:
my x1900xt was a dog too. It had that special heatpipe HIS cooler on but it could not handle the overclock in ATI overdrive. Also showed wierd behavior. I would see this weird red bar at the post screen and also after exiting from a game, i would see colored pixels on my desktop background.

Had 2 x1900xt act wierd on me. Was a great card though. It performed better than 7900 GT in SLI even when the sli setup got higher 3dmarks.

Its not the overclock causing the problems...........
It's common knowledge that Bf1 and 2 are so buggy and unstable.
I have a X850XT on an ASRock dual sata2, Opty 146 OC'd to 2.8 and it seems I have the same problem after installingthe 6.5's. Last week while playing BF2 it was dropping from 80 frames to 1 or 2 and freezing up for two o rthree seconds. Not sure what was going on. I played last night and had no problems at all. Just a slight drop every now and then which is normal. Not sure what changed ! My DSL speeds were the same. I did have the aperture size set to 64 , in the bios and set it 256, not sure if this made a big difference. Not much help but my experience since having the 6.5's installed.
I think i've found the awnser..............if i disable catalyst AI in the control panal it doesn't do it anymore!! YAY!!
Chris Lakies said:
I think i've found the awnser..............if i disable catalyst AI in the control panal it doesn't do it anymore!! YAY!!

Nope that wasn't was still doing it.

I tried using a bunch of different drivers......nothing helped.

Then i did a windows update. I found under the hardware a newer driving for my monitor and installed it. I think its fixed.