ATI Catalyst 9.1

Don't they usually release them in the middle of the month? End of 2nd full week, beginning of 3rd?
8.12 works without issue for me on windows7, the vista hotfix version and the windows7 dedicated version both. Hell I can't even install drivers in vista without a bsod and windows7 took either driver and CCC without any issue. I am installing the newest hotfix driver over my vista install today to see if it will cause a bsod. I have tried 2 vista installs on this machine and bsod's with both on 8.9,8.11 and 8.12 during install. Windows7 can't get here fast enough for me. MUCH nicer and MUCH faster. Gone also are all the annoying GUI and explorer issues that vista has. An i7 with windows7 64bit and decent driver support from ati and nvidia would make a great combo.
They're linking the benchmark to a different site, though.
The "AMD/ATI FAN SITE" isn't the one who performed the test.
Either way there dated 12/17/2008, so I'm sure ATi has done a lot more by now.

I wouldn't count on it.. while it seems like it's been almost a month, most tech companies close over the holidays, and many people take vacations before and after the holidays, so no tech company is fully functional between December and January :)
These drivers are much better on my vista machine. Installed over the original 8.12's with nary a hitch other than requiring a reboot afterwards before 2nd card was initialized. No more bsod's on crossfire enable/disable. Multi mon however is still a big problem for me. I have a 28" hanns-g hooked into one port and a matrox triplehead hooked into the other. Creating a profile to run either/or works fine with no issues. Try to enable both at the same time and there is a 50-50 chance of flickering gray and blue lines on both outputs followed by a bsod and a reboot within 15 seconds. These drivers are almost there though. Performance is great, stability good and features good. I'd say they are about 90%. Maybe by 9.2 they will get it right...
lol, well we can finally put the dual core vs. quad core cpu debate to rest for gaming at least. Quad core is the future for gaming and it seems will provide a good deal of performance improvement with these drivers. So those
that bought a q6600 over a e8400 made a good choice.
They usually release them on a Wednesday. My bet is Wednesday the 14th or the 21st. ;)
So with the 9.1 drivers coming out, should that put the 4870x2 ahead of the GTX295. Based on the reviews I've seen, the GTX295 won most game benchmarks by 5-10fps where the 4870x2 won in some cases but overall the GTX295 only won by a few FPS. With all the hype over the 9.1 and the performance increase its suppose to bring, I wouldn't doubt it puts it ahead, what are your thoughts?

I've also read something about the 4870x2 crossfire sideport which should unlock an extra 5GB/s of bandwidth via a driver update. Wouldn't that alone put it ahead of the GTX295?

see link below for the crossfire sideport discussion
huh....with that 8.12 hotfix tweak optimize, I actually get a lot better performance and fps over with DX10 in Crysis Warhead...

also the stupid micro-stuttering is completely gone...o_O

DX9 still having that gay issue though...
DX9 still having that gay issue though...

You know, just because your graphics card is attracted to graphics cards of the same sex doesn't mean you shouldn't love it.

You should love your video cards whether they grow up to be gay, straight, or bisexual. Please don't bring it to one of those jesus gay camps, let the card be who it was meant to be.
You know, just because your graphics card is attracted to graphics cards of the same sex doesn't mean you shouldn't love it.

You should love your video cards whether they grow up to be gay, straight, or bisexual. Please don't bring it to one of those jesus gay camps, let the card be who it was meant to be.


I hope so too. If the rumors are true their supposed to make the 4870 faster than the GTX260 again, but I guess we will have to wait and see. The card 4870 is still probably the best bang for your buck card. You can get them now for $180 AB and the 1gb version for about $220
Wasn't it already concluded that the sideport wouldn't actually do much for the X2 at all?
Wasn't it already concluded that the sideport wouldn't actually do much for the X2 at all?

The real question is how much exactly? 1% I can see that it's not worth activating. But 3% 5%? AMD never told anyone. If it's anywhere near 5% and above I sure would like the option to use it.
The real question is how much exactly? 1% I can see that it's not worth activating. But 3% 5%? AMD never told anyone. If it's anywhere near 5% and above I sure would like the option to use it.
Sideport is supposed to have stability problems, and offer minimal performance difference of 3-5%. If ATi can fix the problems it will be enabled, but right now they need to focus on more important things like better drivers and user created profiles.
Sideport is supposed to have stability problems, and offer minimal performance difference of 3-5%. If ATi can fix the problems it will be enabled, but right now they need to focus on more important things like better drivers and user created profiles.

Any prove for this?

From here:

Eric: The sideport interconnect is fully functional in the reference design. Though we've found that with the current AFR mode of multi-GPU support, the additional bandwidth brought by the interconnect does not translate to a significant improvement in performance. However, we are continuously working on optimizing how our ATI CrossFireX™ technology scales and trying different methods, and could decide to enable the sideport if a method is found which gives better results and benefits from it.
ATI caught a lot of heat after the Crossfire mess in 8.12. I expect the new Catalyst release will be a more finely tuned because of it.

That's really a funny interview. Right before you read the part about the sideport, Eric pulls some BS of why the 4870 doesn't downclock properly.

My stock clocked 4870 runs 500/900 @ 1.203, but with ATT I can change that to 200/200 @ 1.083v no problem. According to Eric though.

Currently, the ATI Radeon HD 4870 boards have an idle power in the typical range for a performance board.
Seriously makes me want to LOL.

Really though there has to be a better reason why they don't enable the sideport, if it only uses a extra few watts. Heck they could care less how many watts my 4870 uses on idle. Having stability problem would make sense to why it's not enabled and it was confirmed by CATALYSTCATCHER on the link I posted.