ATI control center doesnt run??????


Sep 5, 2003
The new ati control center doesnt even run on my system and I just did a freash install of winXP sp2,,, any of you guys have any suggestions. :confused:

My system:
athlon 2800+
1gig corsair 466 mhz
radeon 9800 pro 128meg
dfi lanparty nForce2ultra
Wd 120gig serial primary drive
avatar_of_might said:
install the .NET framework or it wont work, doenst come installed auto, need to manually install it

You will need Macromedia Flash as well
I dont like this new control panel its a memory hog and plus you have to have all net clients running... the old control panel works just fine for me.
I'm fine with the old version too... The new ones will be easier for new peeps to find stuff, but I'm used to the nested controls.
net clients? WTF are you talking about? Just think of .Net as the new Visual Basic runtimes. Remember the good ole days of Win95/98/Me where you needed to download the Visual Basic runtime files to use alot of shareware that was out there...same concept.

.Net is just a catchy marketing name for a programing language.
I had to uninstall the damn thing, actually roll back to a restore point. If I tried to get to the old control panel, as soon as I would click the Advanced button it would reboot my machine. Basically I couldn't control RadLinker, so it had to go. I checked my processes info while it was running and it was taking up almost as much memory as explorer.exe.
I think I got it last month, but I didn't like the new interface anyway. People don't like change and I include myself in that list.
thanks after i installed the .net framework from the link and it worked just fine after that. Thanks for the quick reply. :)
Major_A said:
I think I got it last month, but I didn't like the new interface anyway. People don't like change and I include myself in that list.

I hear ya. Took me about a week to get used to it. Other than a few minor bugs im enjoying it. Plus the features tehy plan on adding in the future will be nice.