ATi Crossfire Tested

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^eMpTy^ said:
Funny, Anandtech seems to think the ULI southbridge is "somewhat lacking"...

But I digress, let's see a show of hands of anyone who's ever used one of their chipsets in a gaming rig...anyone? I didn't think so.

Now let's see a show of hands of people who are ready and willing to go out and buy CrossFire and work through all the inevitable bugs inherent in such a new configuration when SLi is out, stable, faster, and will soon not only equal, but surpass the featureset of CrossFire...all without an external dongle and an untested motherboard chipset.

The only reason to even think about ATi right now is R520...R520, where are you? (and while you're answering questions, how many fragment pipes do you have...hehe)

You and Rollo keep harping on a very pointless issue: past market share. Like I said, who cares about market share? ULI itself is a new spin-off and this is their new product which is getting a very positive review from Anandtech. It keeps up with an nforce 4 setup and will be a very solid product. When DFI releases such a board and R520 is a solid card, more than likely, I will sell off my nforce 4 setup and go the ULI/R520 route.
MFZ said:
You and Rollo keep harping on a very pointless issue: past market share. Like I said, who cares about market share? ULI itself is a new spin-off and this is their new product which is getting a very positive review from Anandtech. It keeps up with an nforce 4 setup and will be a very solid product. When DFI releases such a board and R520 is a solid card, more than likely, I will sell off my nforce 4 setup and go the ULI/R520 route.

And that's all well and good...but I think you'll find that a majority of power-users, as well as OEMs prefer to base their systems on more time-tested chipset makers...

I'm not saying CrossFire boards suck, I'm just saying they're not as good as unless R520 is definitely faster, people aren't going to be lining up to get the inferior chipset...
FanATIc said:
simple, they arent trying to impose this train of thought on just everyone else, they want to keep reassuring themselves they're right as well. Its the same as in politics. Just ignore them, what i did. Though rollo can be stupid funny (such as ULI making junk showing he either cant read or doesnt want to read) so i read his stuff.

ULi IS junk homey- they are ALi reincarnated. I make you the same challenge- link to a review of something they have done that was successful.

Good luck- there isn't anything. And you will see when there AGP/PCI Crossfire solution hits the market as well, they'll be a bargain basement, second tier manufacturer again.

Why? Crap drivers and crap products. nVidia, Intel, and VIA will keep owning the motherboard market, ATI/ULI/SiS will scratch for scraps with the people cheap enough to put up with their crap.

Remember where you heard it! ;)
Chris_B said:
Not really. :rolleyes: And untill you can find text in that article saying this was an official ati preview of crossfire the point still stands and you can't escape the fact.

If you'd just stop and think about this for a second.

ATi doesn't make motherboards. Gigabyte does. So it makes sense that a CrossFire system (which includes a motherboard) would come from a motherboard vendor.

Also, every company that does business with ATi is under an NDA. Gigabyte can't launch cards, sell cards, send review samples etc without ATi's permission.

So basically you're desperately suggesting that Gigabyte, an ATi AIB partner who stands to lose a significant amount of business if they piss ATi off, just told ATi to go to hell and sent out review samples that were in shabby condition because they don't care how they look and they don't care what ATi thinks.

Ever hear of Occum's Razor?

lol...I'm an escape artist!
MFZ said:
You and Rollo keep harping on a very pointless issue: past market share. Like I said, who cares about market share? ULI itself is a new spin-off and this is their new product which is getting a very positive review from Anandtech. It keeps up with an nforce 4 setup and will be a very solid product. When DFI releases such a board and R520 is a solid card, more than likely, I will sell off my nforce 4 setup and go the ULI/R520 route.

Gee, wonder why?

I guess it's for the same reason it wouldn't matter if KIA or Hyundai put out a luxury car; the Mercedes and Lexus market still wouldn't buy it.

Cheap junk the last 10 years, cheap junk this year too- changing the name doesn't matter. ;)
Rollo said:
Gee, wonder why?

I guess it's for the same reason it wouldn't matter if KIA or Hyundai put out a luxury car; the Mercedes and Lexus market still wouldn't buy it.

Cheap junk the last 10 years, cheap junk this year too- changing the name doesn't matter. ;)

You keep calling it cheap junk yet ignore a review by a very respectable site that says otherwise. That's why you have no point and are just frothing at the mouth in a vain attempt to make a point. Anyone that has an iota of common sense can see you and empty have no solid facts about THIS product to warrant comments about it being "junk".
this thread title should be changed to ATI CrossFire tested, BUT STILL NOT AVAILABLE
MFZ said:
You keep calling it cheap junk yet ignore a review by a very respectable site that says otherwise. That's why you have no point and are just frothing at the mouth in a vain attempt to make a point. Anyone that has an iota of common sense can see you and empty have no solid facts about THIS product to warrant comments about it being "junk".

Holy #$#$%#$% #$#$#$...


I never said it was junk.

I said it was inferior, as in not as good as nforce4 WHICH IT IS...don't believe me? go read the anandtech review you hold so highly, it's in the conclusion...

Once again, inferior to nforce4 does not necessarily make it junk..

I know that you and the rest of the ATi fans are going to run out and buy one of these things the second they hit the market...but nobody else will because everyone else doesn't have blind faith in ATi/ULI and won't be jumping at the chance to build systems around untested motherboard chipsets when the nforce4 has a superior featureset, better drivers, and *gasp* a successful track record...
MFZ said:
You keep calling it cheap junk yet ignore a review by a very respectable site that says otherwise. That's why you have no point and are just frothing at the mouth in a vain attempt to make a point. Anyone that has an iota of common sense can see you and empty have no solid facts about THIS product to warrant comments about it being "junk".

ali was total junk and only good if you wanted a bargain basement product there is no arguing that . that is not to say they cant make a miraculous comeback but as in most a good judgement can be made about future behaviour from the past. people nor companies dont drastrictly change all fo the sudden.
Rollo said:
I guess it's for the same reason it wouldn't matter if KIA or Hyundai put out a luxury car; the Mercedes and Lexus market still wouldn't buy it.

you do know that lexus is just a toyota, so if mercedes owners could start buying toyotas/lexus im sure you can switch from nvidia to ali/uli to :p
coldfusion71 said:
ali was total junk and only good if you wanted a bargain basement product there is no arguing that . that is not to say they cant make a miraculous comeback but as in most a good judgement can be made about future behaviour from the past. people nor companies dont drastrictly change all fo the sudden.

ATi made inferior hardware and software compared to nVidia prior to 9700 and nobody thought they'd be a solid competitor. Point is companies do not stay stagnant forever and considering that this particular chipset is being well-received by Anandtech and its performance and features show it to be up to par with nforce 4 (an established chipset) then it proves they have a very good product on their hands. For ULI, this is a very good start and like I said, when DFI releases a version of the Xfire chipset, I'll buy one as long as R520 itself is good (which is the only unknown right now).

I do however have a 7800 GTX and nforce 4 right now and I can honestly say I'm underwhelmed by the 7800 GTX. It doesn't perform nearly as good as I hoped and does not warrant the money I paid for it ($647). If I'm dropping to 30 fps at native resolution in BF2 with this card then it clearly isn't the big deal nVidia !!!!!!s made it out to be (unfortuantely I bought into the hype). The TSAA feature is way overblown since it hardly makes any difference at all visually and the gamma correction is broken since it takes a 10+ fps hit compared to the other modes.
^eMpTy^ said:
Holy #$#$%#$% #$#$#$...


I never said it was junk.

I said it was inferior, as in not as good as nforce4 WHICH IT IS...don't believe me? go read the anandtech review you hold so highly, it's in the conclusion...

Once again, inferior to nforce4 does not necessarily make it junk..

I know that you and the rest of the ATi fans are going to run out and buy one of these things the second they hit the market...but nobody else will because everyone else doesn't have blind faith in ATi/ULI and won't be jumping at the chance to build systems around untested motherboard chipsets when the nforce4 has a superior featureset, better drivers, and *gasp* a successful track record...

Try reading who he quoted, it wasnt you. Rollo called it junk, which is why he said that.

Yeah anand said that, about a beta board. It remains to be seen how the retail product will be. While I think it would be silly to call the Crossfire boards as good as NF4 boards with no retail product to review, I would also say its silly to say for sure that its not, like you have.

ATi has made a chipset that was as good as NV's before. Go read the anand review for proof of that.
Spank said:
you do know that lexus is just a toyota, so if mercedes owners could start buying toyotas/lexus im sure you can switch from nvidia to ali/uli to :p

I would never buy a lexus, I have owned 3 mercedes so far and 1 BMW, and I'll tell ya there is nothing like german engineering at least in cars.

You would be suprised how many german automobile owners will not even look at another type of car.

And your statement lexus is a toyota, is on the money, its a toyota with extra sound proofing :), And the high end toyota has a version in the mid range lexus. Both SUV and Sedan.

Anyways your analogy is poor. Cross fire still has alot of work on the drivers side. It took nVidia 2 years to make SLi, I would think it will take ATi around the same time too to get a solid system. Its been a year and a half or so, they still have a minimum of 3 months to 6 months.
fallguy said:
Try reading who he quoted, it wasnt you. Rollo called it junk, which is why he said that.

Yeah anand said that, about a beta board. It remains to be seen how the retail product will be. While I think it would be silly to call the Crossfire boards as good as NF4 boards with no retail product to review, I would also say its silly to say for sure that its not, like you have.

ATi has made a chipset that was as good as NV's before. Go read the anand review for proof of that.

I'm sure their motherboards will be fine...the whole thing hinges on R520...if R520 is a success, CrossFire will be a success...if CrossFire is a success, ATi motherboards will be a success...
^eMpTy^ said:
I'm sure their motherboards will be fine...the whole thing hinges on R520...if R520 is a success, CrossFire will be a success...if CrossFire is a success, ATi motherboards will be a success...

That we agree on.
I really don't see what the big deal is. I'd just wait for final hardware to come out. Besides if you were THAT worried about the chipset buy a crossfire setup on an Intel board. Its not like Nvidia always shits out golden chipsets. Remember Nforce 3? What a POS that was (I know I have one!). Hell they dumped that thing pretty quick and started shoving Nforce 4 out the door quickly. I have to use Nforce 4 drivers and some old Nforce 3 drivers mixed in (GART etc) to get some stability going.
I think cross fire will turn out pretty good, what concerns me more is the master card and ATi's yeilds for the r520.
MFZ said:
ATi made inferior hardware and software compared to nVidia prior to 9700 and nobody thought they'd be a solid competitor. Point is companies do not stay stagnant forever and considering that this particular chipset is being well-received by Anandtech and its performance and features show it to be up to par with nforce 4 (an established chipset) then it proves they have a very good product on their hands. For ULI, this is a very good start and like I said, when DFI releases a version of the Xfire chipset, I'll buy one as long as R520 itself is good (which is the only unknown right now).

I do however have a 7800 GTX and nforce 4 right now and I can honestly say I'm underwhelmed by the 7800 GTX. It doesn't perform nearly as good as I hoped and does not warrant the money I paid for it ($647). If I'm dropping to 30 fps at native resolution in BF2 with this card then it clearly isn't the big deal nVidia !!!!!!s made it out to be (unfortuantely I bought into the hype). The TSAA feature is way overblown since it hardly makes any difference at all visually and the gamma correction is broken since it takes a 10+ fps hit compared to the other modes.

you are probably underwhelmed but it because you want to be, what i am saying if you dont want to like something you are going to find faults in it no matter what. saying that chip[set is comparable to a nforce 4 is laughable they are not even shipping it, you cannot judge a product good or bad when it has not been totally eploited by a multitude of reviewers and end users. i dont think ati is going to make alot of inroads with crossfire unless there chipset is impecable and thier overclovking feautures and stability are top notch if not they are doomed for failure. they are entering a crowded market and to add to that they are late, they have alot of ground to make up in that area. i dont think they will they seemed to have spread themselves to thin working on multiple consoles ,trying to make inroads in the motherboard buisness, and developing a next generatiion gpu too much atleast that is what i thinik.
coldfusion71 said:
you are probably underwhelmed but it because you want to be, what i am saying if you dont want to like something you are going to find faults in it no matter what. saying that chip[set is comparable to a nforce 4 is laughable they are not even shipping it, you cannot judge a product good or bad when it has not been totally eploited by a multitude of reviewers and end users. i dont think ati is going to make alot of inroads with crossfire unless there chipset is impecable and thier overclovking feautures and stability are top notch if not they are doomed for failure. they are entering a crowded market and to add to that they are late, they have alot of ground to make up in that area. i dont think they will they seemed to have spread themselves to thin working on multiple consoles ,trying to make inroads in the motherboard buisness, and developing a next generatiion gpu too much atleast that is what i thinik.

I'm underwhelmed because I want to be? What kind of nonsensical statement is that? I stated exactly why I'm underwhelmed by its performance or lack there of as well as bugs with the gamma correction. Anyway, about the ULI chipset, the facts speak for themselves and it does keep up with the nforce 4 performance wise. Also top tier board makers are signing up to produce boards based on the chipset which proves that it will at least be a solid product. I agree nobody knows exactly how good it will be until a final retail product is out on the market and it's been thoroughly tested but this preliminary review looks very positive.
Rollo said:
ULi IS junk homey- they are ALi reincarnated. I make you the same challenge- link to a review of something they have done that was successful.

Good luck- there isn't anything. And you will see when there AGP/PCI Crossfire solution hits the market as well, they'll be a bargain basement, second tier manufacturer again.

Why? Crap drivers and crap products. nVidia, Intel, and VIA will keep owning the motherboard market, ATI/ULI/SiS will scratch for scraps with the people cheap enough to put up with their crap.

Remember where you heard it! ;)

i invite you to read this, infact click the link after and read the whole goddamn thing.

There are several questions that really need answering in our first look at the new ULi M1695/M1567 chipset. First and foremost, how does it compare to the excellent performance of the NVIDIA nForce4 chipset? Our brief testing here confirms that the ULi competes very well against NVIDIA, and is a performance drop-in to the NVIDIA performance levels. This is very good news for those shopping for Athlon 64 Socket 939 boards. ULi is a solid choice and competition means better buys for you. It will likely still be a month to 6 weeks before you will see retail M1695/M1567 boards for sale, but make no mistake that the ULi is a very good choice, featuring excellent performance.

Second, there is the unique question of ULi AGP on this PCIe board. How does it perform? We are glad to say that ULi AGP is the first AGP on any PCIe board that doesn't require compromises. Those of you who want to take your high-end AGP card to a new PCIe board will be ecstatic over the performance of your AGP video card on the ULi board. It will work extremely well, as will a future PCIe card or a PCI card or any other combination of these three. This is absolutely unique, and it makes the compromise solutions, which derive AGP from PCI with degraded performance, totally obsolete. You do not need to compromise AGP performance just to get a PCIe board with this ULi M1695/M1567 chipset.

Next, there is the question of where ULi may be positioned in the marketplace. This is a tough call because we have seen excellent chipsets, like those from SiS, that have been relegated to the bargain bin because no manufacturer will support them. ULi has a bit more promise that we might otherwise see with their new chipsets. First, there is the fact that ATI selected ULi as a development partner for their South Bridge chips on the new Crossfire platform. That alone carries tremendous weight in getting manufacturers to take the new ULi chipsets seriously.

There is also the fact that ULi has some very unique and flexible solutions among their new offerings. The ability to do x16 or 2 x8 with a BIOS switch and riser card will appeal to many. In fact, x16/2 x8, AGP and PCI could all be theoretically combined on the same board. With a soon-to-be-available South Bridge, ULi is also saying that they will support Dual x16 lanes for a Workstation/Server type solution at a mainstream price. That will certainly appeal to many looking at the video high end. There is also the ability to interface with AMD's PCI-X workstation chips in an even more amazing array of options. This flexibility should make ULi attractive to many manufacturers and to a wide range of buyers.

The new ULi M1695/M1567 chipset is both unique in its full-blown AGP support on a PCIe board and fully competitive in performance with the best Athlon 64 solutions currently available. PCIe performance could use a bit more tuning, but it is already competitive. If ULi can bring PCIe performance to the levels that they currently enjoy with AGP on this same board, this could well be the fastest Athlon 64 chipset that you can buy. We could wish for SATA 2 support and integrated Gigabit LAN, but even those are coming with the M1575 South Bridge slated for September/October production.

ULi did a great job with their new PCIe/AGP chipset. If you are in the market for a new Socket 939 board, then boards based on the ULi M1695/M1567 should definitely be on your shopping list. If you by chance plan to use AGP on your new PCIe board, then ULi M1695/M1567 is the only board that you should have on your shopping list. This AGP on PCIe really works, there are no compromises, and you will not be disappointed.

Now, what words in here spell "utter crap" to you? I dont get some people. Also if you're so rich i invite you to spend a little money and buy this:

holy shit its an Xpress200 board, infact the EXACT same thing the current CrossFire boards which are being prepped with, its SOLID AND A GREAT PERFORMER. I have 2 powering system servers, one LGA775 and one AMD939, they're stable as hell and working lovely. Learn your topics and products before you insult. There is no question in my mind that ATI's motherboards will match or exceed Nforce4 quite simply because the Xpress200 does and it is almost exactly the same thing with the PCI Express BUS split.
MFZ said:
I'm underwhelmed because I want to be? What kind of nonsensical statement is that? I stated exactly why I'm underwhelmed by its performance or lack there of as well as bugs with the gamma correction. Anyway, about the ULI chipset, the facts speak for themselves and it does keep up with the nforce 4 performance wise. Also top tier board makers are signing up to produce boards based on the chipset which proves that it will at least be a solid product. I agree nobody knows exactly how good it will be until a final retail product is out on the market and it's been thoroughly tested but this preliminary review looks very positive.

hwat i mean by that is if you dont want to like something you wont like it and you look at any small fault in it. i will be getting a fx-57 and 7800 sli in about a month most people are very happy with the performance but, i guess to each thier own .getting design wins is not even half the battle the battle is creating mindshare so when people think about purchasing a certain product your companies name pops into the head. ati doesnt have that name recognition that nvidia or hell even via has in that sector and it is very hard to build that brand, espicially when your competitor has a very good product that is matured while yours will be a young solution that is bound to have bugs. you will be judjed by those bugs and it iwll create a negative perception with the person that is buying your product for the first time.
So instead of trying something new in the world lets all just sit and do nothing because there are sure to be mistakes. Good thinking.
aeonrevolution said:
So instead of trying something new in the world lets all just sit and do nothing because there are sure to be mistakes. Good thinking.

or be on time when you introduce something so your competition isnt already lapping you before you even start the race.
FanATIc said:
i invite you to read this, infact click the link after and read the whole goddamn thing.

Now, what words in here spell "utter crap" to you? I dont get some people. Also if you're so rich i invite you to spend a little money and buy this:

holy shit its an Xpress200 board, infact the EXACT same thing the current CrossFire boards which are being prepped with, its SOLID AND A GREAT PERFORMER. I have 2 powering system servers, one LGA775 and one AMD939, they're stable as hell and working lovely. Learn your topics and products before you insult. There is no question in my mind that ATI's motherboards will match or exceed Nforce4 quite simply because the Xpress200 does and it is almost exactly the same thing with the PCI Express BUS split.

Errrr, how many times do I have to tell you: One preview of a beta board from ULi is NOT going to make me forget that they are really ALi and everything they've made till now has sucked? :rolleyes:

As far as your "advice" to buy an ATI board, I have a MSI and Asus SLI board, why would I downgrade to crap like that?
aeonrevolution said:
So instead of trying something new in the world lets all just sit and do nothing because there are sure to be mistakes. Good thinking.

Hey, by all means, risk your time and money and tell us if it works out for you!
FanATIc said:
i invite you to read this, infact click the link after and read the whole goddamn thing.

Now, what words in here spell "utter crap" to you? I dont get some people. Also if you're so rich i invite you to spend a little money and buy this:

holy shit its an Xpress200 board, infact the EXACT same thing the current CrossFire boards which are being prepped with, its SOLID AND A GREAT PERFORMER. I have 2 powering system servers, one LGA775 and one AMD939, they're stable as hell and working lovely. Learn your topics and products before you insult. There is no question in my mind that ATI's motherboards will match or exceed Nforce4 quite simply because the Xpress200 does and it is almost exactly the same thing with the PCI Express BUS split.

I love how clueless you are...just warms my heart.

That motherboard you linked to is micro-atx form factor...everybody who wants micro-atx in a gaming rig, raise your hand...

And that review you linked, that's not the crossfire review, that's the ULI review...the crossfire review is here:

And while we're playing the quoting game, here's what Anand had to say about the board:

While it's hardly talked about outside of Taiwan, ATI's South Bridge is quite buggy. The chip that is responsible for providing the motherboard's SATA and USB ports, as well as PCI slots is no where near final and many manufacturers are skeptical of ATI's ability to finish their own South Bridge in time. Note that ATI's own South Bridge does not support SATA-II or NCQ, regardless of actual bugs with the chip.

Luckily, ATI has partnered with ULi to offer working South Bridges that are compatible with ATI's CrossFire North Bridge. We've tested ULi's South Bridges and they seem to be problem-free, and our sentiments are echoed by many motherboard manufacturers who have decided to use ULi South Bridges with their ATI CrossFire motherboards.

However, ATI is pushing most of their partners to use ATI's own South Bridge despite its problems and is convinced that the problems will be sorted out in time. So a number of manufacturers at Computex are showing off CrossFire solutions with ATI's South Bridge, despite their complaints to us about the South Bridge.

At least this time around, it may be better for motherboard manufacturers to use ULi's South Bridge until ATI has had more time to get all of the kinks out of their solution. ULi's South Bridges have been in use for the past generation of ATI's chipsets, thanks to issues with ATI's South Bridges, and so far, we have not heard of any complaints.

ATI should be focused on the overall platform, not necessarily building up support for their South Bridge. Although, we do think that it is a bit embarrassing to have to turn to another chipset vendor to provide working South Bridges for your motherboard partners. It would be one thing if this were ATI's first chipset, but it most definitely is not.
Rollo said:
Errrr, how many times do I have to tell you: One preview of a beta board from ULi is NOT going to make me forget that they are really ALi and everything they've made till now has sucked? :rolleyes:

As far as your "advice" to buy an ATI board, I have a MSI and Asus SLI board, why would I downgrade to crap like that?

your blatent disregaurd for any attempt to gain knowledge or understanding, perfectly displayed in your quote above, is why you are not on my ignore list. You act so stupid its hilarious.

Basically to sum you up, you wont touch ATI products no matter what, they all suck. Why do you even bother posting, no one listens to someone with one sided reasoning. Lie about it to gain respect, pop in a BS comment like empty so you have a thread of dignity, but dont just brown nose one side that much and insult everything else with absolutly no factual reasoning, makes you look really dumb. Rollo, you live in a very tight shell surrounded by the nVidia shroud. You wouldnt listen to facts that ATI have great products if it were so overwhelming they were choking you.
FanATIc said:
your blatent disregaurd for any attempt to gain knowledge or understanding, perfectly displayed in your quote above, is why you are not on my ignore list. You act so stupid its hilarious.

Basically to sum you up, you wont touch ATI products no matter what, they all suck. Why do you even bother posting, no one listens to someone with one sided reasoning. Lie about it to gain respect, pop in a BS comment like empty so you have a thread of dignity, but dont just brown nose one side that much and insult everything else with absolutly no factual reasoning, makes you look really dumb. Rollo, you live in a very tight shell surrounded by the nVidia shroud. You wouldnt listen to facts that ATI have great products if it were so overwhelming they were choking you.

The man said he didn't like ULI/ALi...not ATi...and I don't blame him...ALi has been crap since I can remember...not everyone is ready and willing to forget that just cuz ATi hopped in bed with them...

And the simple fact that you used the words "dignity", and "respect" any context...seriously, I'm laughing my ass off over here...

GET OVER say more ignorant nonsense than most people on this forum, do I really need to put your quote back in my sig?
FanATIc said:
Basically to sum you up, you wont touch ATI products no matter what, they all suck. You wouldnt listen to facts that ATI have great products if it were so overwhelming they were choking you.

ATI has no "great products" now chief. They may again with the R520. They have good products in the single card market, but the dated feature set makes them impossible to recommend as we approach 8/2005.

Why don't you explain to us all how it would be a smart move for me to go from nForce4 SLI motherboards to an ATI motherboard when I currently own three sets of SLI video cards? (or for that matter, why the ATI board is supposedly better than the nForce4 motherboard?)

But let's see what the reviewers who don't have FanATIc in their name say, wise one:
For some reason though, we get the impression that ATi doesn't want to wait and let its core logic platforms mature. Instead, the company goes back to the drawing board and tries again and again. This certainly doesn't inspire much confidence in the consumer or the vendor, and perhaps this is why we aren't seeing more ATi-based motherboards on the market.
The MSI RS480M2-IL is a decent entry-level motherboard [/url]
You want me to downgrade nForce4 SLI to this dreck? LOL,1697,1784838,00.asp
It's a little disheartening to see the Radeon Xpress 200 turn in such relatively low benchmark scores after such a strong initial impression when we previewed the chipset late last year. This is not really a board for hard-core enthusiasts.
LOL some more, at least I pimp good stuff?

Yeah I should throw out my high end SLI motherboards and put this crap in my boxes!
Rollo said:

ATI has no "great products" now chief. They may again with the R520. They have good products in the single card market, but the dated feature set makes them impossible to recommend as we approach 8/2005.

Why don't you explain to us all how it would be a smart move for me to go from nForce4 SLI motherboards to an ATI motherboard when I currently own three sets of SLI video cards? (or for that matter, why the ATI board is supposedly better than the nForce4 motherboard?)

But let's see what the reviewers who don't have FanATIc in their name say, wise one:
For some reason though, we get the impression that ATi doesn't want to wait and let its core logic platforms mature. Instead, the company goes back to the drawing board and tries again and again. This certainly doesn't inspire much confidence in the consumer or the vendor, and perhaps this is why we aren't seeing more ATi-based motherboards on the market.
The MSI RS480M2-IL is a decent entry-level motherboard [/url]
You want me to downgrade nForce4 SLI to this dreck? LOL,1697,1784838,00.asp

LOL some more, at least I pimp good stuff?

Yeah I should throw out my high end SLI motherboards and put this crap in my boxes!

Its a micro ATX board that does its job, simple as that, overclocks nicely as well, when did i ever say you should throw away what you have for it? I said buy one and try it, not throw out what you have. Do you usually put words in peoples mouths when you talk to them? Oh how I fucking hate people that do that.

Point on the board is for some reason people such as yourself paint these pictures of a motherboard thats going to boot up and explode. Far from the case. As i said, you couldnt be convinced if the facts were choking you. I'v had my fill of Rollo's tonight.

editing to help the child below me who thinks im a potty mouth. I said fuck!
FanATIc said:
Its a micro ATX board that does its job, simple as that, overclocks nicely as well, when did i ever say you should throw away what you have for it? I said buy one and try it, not throw out what you have. Do you usually put words in peoples mouths when you talk to them? Oh how I fucking hate people that do that.

Point on the board is for some reason people such as yourself paint these pictures of a motherboard thats going to boot up and explode. Far from the case.

Quoted for permanence, potty mouth. :rolleyes:

Why would I want to test a cheapie motherboard, when I have the best motherboards, and couldn't even use SLI on the lil' clunker?

It doesn't make sense.
You can throw as many facts as you want at Rollo and Empty but they will just close their eyes, put their thumbs in their butts and go "nah nah nah nVidia roxxors my boxxors" and in Rollo's case keep mentioning how he has SLI (e-penis syndrome). That's ok because I doubt very many people take their b.s. seriously.
MFZ said:
You can throw as many facts as you want at Rollo and Empty but they will just close their eyes, put their thumbs in their butts and go "nah nah nah nVidia roxxors my boxxors" and in Rollo's case keep mentioning how he has SLI (e-penis syndrome). That's ok because I doubt very many people take their b.s. seriously.

So posting links and quotes from respected sites is B.S.?

And when FanATIc posts links to micro-atx motherboards and THE WRONG REVIEW that's gospel?

I think if you're looking for thumbs up asses, you should sniff your own hand real quick.
FanATIc said:
Its a micro ATX board that does its job, simple as that, overclocks nicely as well, when did i ever say you should throw away what you have for it? I said buy one and try it, not throw out what you have. Do you usually put words in peoples mouths when you talk to them? Oh how I fucking hate people that do that.

Point on the board is for some reason people such as yourself paint these pictures of a motherboard thats going to boot up and explode. Far from the case. As i said, you couldnt be convinced if the facts were choking you. I'v had my fill of Rollo's tonight.

editing to help the child below me who thinks im a potty mouth. I said fuck!

I just don't understand why you're trying to talk up these Xpress 200 boards...they will never be as good as the matter what you say, no matter what happens, they'll never ever ever have all the same features that nforce4 has...even if they overclock as well, even if they perform as well...they still don't have NCQ and SATA2...

So why buy them? To run CrossFire? It's not out yet if you haven't noticed. And SLi is.
Another good thread ruined...thanks guys. If you want to bitch back and forth why dont you guys PM each other. This crap is getting old.
What the hell? This thread was civilized when I left it a few hours ago. :confused:

Back on topic.
ATi has to do alot fo convince me that their chipsets are ready for use. ULI is formerly ALi and ALi chipsets have been crap for as long as I can remember. Besides, R520 is going to have to either come out in six months when I am willing to upgrade again or later, and had better have more than a 30% lead over the 7800GTX before I'd look at it. I am quite pleased with what the 7800GTX's can do. Especially in SLi.

Really though you have to reserve judgment because the damn thing isn't really out right now. The R520 cards aren't out yet either. So until something on that front happens, its all conjecture. If your looking to upgrade now the 7800GTX's in SLi are simply the best performing and have the highest image quality available.
HannibalLecter said:
Another good thread ruined...thanks guys. If you want to bitch back and forth why dont you guys PM each other. This crap is getting old.
yes... it's the empty and rollio show, again.

Just imagine how bad it is going to be once crossfire and the R520 is actually released. :eek:
R1ckCa1n said:
yes... it's the empty and rollio show, again.

Just imagine how bad it is going to be once crossfire and the R520 is actually released. :eek:

What I hope is that ATi and nVidia's products are EQUAL across the board. That way you can just buy whatever you prefer, and the two can get locked in a price war and we'll all win.

Yeah right, onto reality. There are those on this forum that will be !!!!!!s reguardless of which company has the better products. You'll have people who'll buy ATi or nVidia regaurdless of how they compare to the competition. Those same people will come in here and start crap. There is no getting around it.
FanATIc said:
your blatent disregaurd for any attempt to gain knowledge or understanding, perfectly displayed in your quote above, is why you are not on my ignore list. You act so stupid its hilarious.
:confused: He's stupid, so you don't ignore him, but instead fight with him constantly?

FanATIc said:
Basically to sum you up, you wont touch ATI products no matter what, they all suck. Why do you even bother posting, no one listens to someone with one sided reasoning. Lie about it to gain respect, pop in a BS comment like empty so you have a thread of dignity, but dont just brown nose one side that much and insult everything else with absolutly no factual reasoning, makes you look really dumb. Rollo, you live in a very tight shell surrounded by the nVidia shroud. You wouldnt listen to facts that ATI have great products if it were so overwhelming they were choking you.
I don't see the problem with his arguments. He already HAS sli, he's saying he doesn't want to buy more for some new thing that has no guarentee in performance. You are sayign to him "buy this stuff, it's mATX but it's just as good as what you already have, but spend your money because you don't have anythign of the competition's stuff!" And he says no. I agree with him. If he has THREE sets of video cards that run JUST FINE, why does he need to consider buying $1000 worth of new stuff? I just wanted to say that because I think you are being irrational, and resonding to whatever they say with cries of "f4nboy" and "close-minded" and accusing him of not having an argument. YOU aren't bringing up any points either, all you say is that he has none.


With that said, I think the crossfire is dissapointingly irregular. If it's supposed to be a global type thing (no profiles), why does it have such huge differences in increase between single and dual setups? Makes me think that the only thing that can give you improvement between dual and single is the software programmers. And how are they supposed to do a good job if they wrote these games months and years ago? Surely they can do all this with pure hardware and driver improvements. If they can make a card bigger and add more transistors to it to make it faster, why can't they split it in two and make it do just as well?

And talk all you want about Xfire and the ATI chipset being just as good as SLI and nf4, if true it will STILL be dissapointing. If a startup company released a card equal in performance and price (or let's say, 10% better in performance) to a geforce4 today, would we think it was good? NO. SLI and nf4 have been out for a WHILE, so of course other companies (ATI) should be able to match them. For christ-sake they've had time to simply start developing this stuff by buying a SLI mobo and copying it (or at least basing their own products off of it)!
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