ATI HD4830 vs. Geforce 9800GT


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2006
Sup [H], just wanted your input on this, I KNOW these videocards are old but...

I heard that many people would go for 9800gt just because ATi has horrible driver support, is this true? Thanks :D
I would probably go for the 4830, has much much higher overclocking generally, people have pretty commonly taken it from 575 to 700ish, is a little cheaper on average, and I find the drive support for both sides a wash, i've gotten crashes with both sets of drivers.
I wouldn't say ATI drivers are horrible, that's really something I wish would just die. Both have their sets of problems, and none are show stoppers. You can game just as well on an ATI card as you can an nvidia card.

I'd go with the 4830, performance is pretty even between the two however the 4830s overclock very well, don't use much power and are very quiet, and I think the RV770 is a better chip.
Sup [H], just wanted your input on this, I KNOW these videocards are old but...

I heard that many people would go for 9800gt just because ATi has horrible driver support, is this true? Thanks :D

no, it really is more a matter of picking your poison. both have their faults.

really though, ATI is killing Nvidia at the mid range right now, so to answer your question bang for the buck goes to ATI.
The 4830 is around $30 cheaper than the 9800gt. That's the only reason why im going it instead of the 9800gt (screw rebates).
4830 is faster than 9800gt with oc it reaches stock 4850 so of course 4830
Either one will suit you fine if you're running 1280x1024 resolution. Anything more and you'll benefit from a beefier card like the 4850 vs 9800GTX+ or the HD4870 vs the GTX 260, etc.

I've had a few Nvidia cards and a few ATI cards. I haven't had any driver problems really.

Some games run better on ATI and some opt better for Nvidia. Over the span of most new games, you'll be happy no matter what card you get. Even if one is slightly faster, I challenge you to notice a 2 fps difference. For this situation, I'd look to other aspects like sale, and which one you like better.
Sup [H], just wanted your input on this, I KNOW these videocards are old but...

I heard that many people would go for 9800gt just because ATi has horrible driver support, is this true? Thanks :D

Both are roughly even in performance, though the edge goes out to the HD 4830. Any of them will serve you well, up to 1600x1200. Get what's cheaper and be done with it.

NVIDIA works more closely with game developers, so their drivers are usually more fined tuned for games. ATI not so much. As for desktop, both companies have their problems.
I was interested in the XFX 9800gt with free COD4 but since the cards perform the same, this MSI card is looking awesome

I have a 4830 and love it, but the free game makes a lot of difference in my buying choices-if I want the have the game anyway. Seems like nVidia usually has much better bundles so even though pound for pound they aren't as good a value on the GPU, the bundles make up for it.
wow, wait a minute, a post asking for video card recommendations and everybody is being impartial with no flaming. they should make this a sticky.

and direfox (neat screen name) is right, nvidia has been bundling games left and right with some of their cards, if your into that it can make up the difference in price sometimes.
who cares about the 4830 or 9800gt? go for a 4850. their like $150. which is a pretty cheap hardware upgrade if you ask me. and if you do any type of gaming its a no brainer choice within that price range.

i've never had ANY issues with ATI or nVidia drivers btw. i geuss i'm just lucky. last ati card i had was a 512MB 4870 and now i own a GTX260 216 and both had zero driver problems. kudos to ATI tho for putting an ajustable manual setting for fan speed.
I wouldn't say ATI drivers are horrible, that's really something I wish would just die. Both have their sets of problems, and none are show stoppers. You can game just as well on an ATI card as you can an nvidia card.

I'd go with the 4830, performance is pretty even between the two however the 4830s overclock very well, don't use much power and are very quiet, and I think the RV770 is a better chip.

yep. everyone that is complaining about ati's drivers are the ones that don't own an ATi card. Kind of a way to comfort them on their nVidia purchase.
yep. everyone that is complaining about ati's drivers are the ones that don't own an ATi card. Kind of a way to comfort them on their nVidia purchase.
I don't know if that kind of generalization is fair.
There are a lot of current ATI owners complaining about drivers. However there are also current Nvidia owners complaining about drivers.

The point is, both sides have people complaining about drivers (past owners and current owners).
I have the following systems that I use for general computing (some gaming) at 1680x1050:

E5200 @ 3.8Ghz with a 512MB 8800GT


E7200 @ 3.5GHz with a 512MB ATI 2900Pro

If I can pick up a 4830 for $69AR (, would there be a marked performance increase if I replaced one of the cards above? I'm sure I can sell the "old" card for something close to what I pay for the 4830 ...
I have the following systems that I use for general computing (some gaming) at 1680x1050:

E5200 @ 3.8Ghz with a 512MB 8800GT


E7200 @ 3.5GHz with a 512MB ATI 2900Pro

If I can pick up a 4830 for $69AR (, would there be a marked performance increase if I replaced one of the cards above? I'm sure I can sell the "old" card for something close to what I pay for the 4830 ...

yes, replacing the 2900pro would be worth it. the 8800GT is pretty much the same as the 9800GT and will be slower then a 4830 (doesn't overclock as well either) it really isn't that big of an upgrade.
Replacing the 2900Pro with the 4830 is a pretty big improvement.
Replacing the 8800GT isn't any improvement at all, really...
considering the HD 4850 is directly comparable to the 9800GTX+ in price and performance, I'd say you would want to go with ... well, honestly, I would flip a coin or spend $30 more and get the 9800GTX+. ^_^
I'm in the same boat as you OP and I just found

seems like an awesome deal, I can fetch $40 probably for my 8600gts

I was interested in the XFX 9800gt with free COD4 but since the cards perform the same, this MSI card is looking awesome

OP here. Thanks everyone and ya I just ordered this one, because I heard so many good things about its OC'ing abilities. This was actually my first time buying an ATI card, lol.

BTW that $69 AR 4830 has horrible OC'ing abilities, unless you have a better HSF lying around it's not really a good deal imo.
I think the answer is the both overclock very well, but the Asus one runs hot where as the MSI runs much cooler

I would agree with that. I just objected to [able to overlock core from 575 to 700] = "has horrible OC'ing abilities" ;)

That's like saying my E5200 sucks since it only runs stably at 3.8Ghz rather than 4GHz :D