ATI partners can and will make a Radeon HD4890 X2

It would have to come with very good air cooling or just have it WC blocked by default. Else there would be very little to gain.
What does tech support have to do with a new release? Would you go to a service centre for your car and ask them what car model would come out next?
I see no reason for this card not to be configured as a HD4890x2.
What does tech support have to do with a new release? Would you go to a service centre for your car and ask them what car model would come out next?


Who else was I supposed to get this info from, RUBY?!?!?!?
A partner wants to do a 4890 x2, stock clocked at 1ghz cpu and 2ghz ram?

I think those clocks would be close to putting it on par with a gtx 285 sli setup
What? FYI, there not going to give out this info to who ever emails tech support. Tech's are laughing at you.

lol, there wasnt a "Unconfirmed GPUs that are about to be released" category when you submit your question. Dont know why you're making such a big deal that I asked tech support, thats where I thought the Q would be most appropriate of all the options.
"there wasnt a Unconfirmed GPUs that are about to be released" category when you submit your question.

There's a reason why this category doesn't exist. What's even worse you still think AMD would spill the beams just by emailing them.
There's a reason why this category doesn't exist. What's even worse you still think AMD would spill the beams just by emailing them.

Well if you didnt notice 4870x2 seems to be going EOL on etailers everywhere. Should be obvious by now that AMD is going to release something soon that will replace 4870x2.
Which is likely true once their partners step-up, but AMD is not going to commit on unreleased products.
Which is likely true once their partners step-up, but AMD is not going to commit on unreleased products.

Maybe not, but when I say that I'm going to drop close to a grand on two of their top of the line cards they can at least drop a hint.
Too bad microstutter (which doesn't exist in any nvidia based multi-gpu solutions) will be the downfall of the 4890x2.

if I remember correctly the 7950/9800GX2 both suffered from severe micro-stutter. Microstutter was more of an issue for Nvidia than it was AMD with the 3870/4870x2.
Too bad microstutter (which doesn't exist in any nvidia based multi-gpu solutions) will be the downfall of the 4890x2.

Thats pure FUD.

Microstutter largely disappeared in this generation of video cards. It was a more series issue with the previous gen 9800gtx x2, the 7950 x2 and the 3870 x2 cards.

I can't remember an actual review of recent generation cards that actually mention it.
LOL @ emailing tech support for information on an unreleased product. There are so many people above tech support on the totem pole that would deny the product exists or is even in the works... why would tech support give you the answer?
LOL @ emailing tech support for information on an unreleased product. There are so many people above tech support on the totem pole that would deny the product exists or is even in the works... why would tech support give you the answer?


lol, there wasnt a "Unconfirmed GPUs that are about to be released" category when you submit your question. Dont know why you're making such a big deal that I asked tech support, thats where I thought the Q would be most appropriate of all the options.
The worst thing that can happen for asking the question is taking up 5 minutes of his time to do it... and the extra email box space :D

In that case, there is nothing wrong with just asking.
lol, there wasnt a "Unconfirmed GPUs that are about to be released" category when you submit your question. Dont know why you're making such a big deal that I asked tech support, thats where I thought the Q would be most appropriate of all the options.

lol, you should have shot off the e-mail to Charlie.

I would sell off my 4870x2 if they came out with a 4890x2. My card has rocked at just about every game I've thrown at it. Take that and then make a sequal that can oc higher and run cooler....I'm in!!

I was thinking 3x 4890s eventually for my i7 build, but.........I guess I'll have to see how things go.