ATi Radeon HD Price Drops

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
There are some pretty damn good deals out there today on ATI Radeon HD video cards. You can snag a Radeon HD 4870 1GB for as low as $149 with free shipping. You can also get a Radeon HD 4850 for only $89.99 after MIR and it comes with free shipping and free game. If you want a 1GB Radeon HD 4850, you can get this one for $119.99 with free shipping as well. So there you have it, some great deals on ATi Radeon HD 4800 series graphics cards, get em’ while they are hot!
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Damn, and I just bought some 4870 512's off the forums for a little bit less that what they sell for on newegg.
ATI must be blowing through inventory, wonder if they are trying to clear out all the R770 based chip cards
I believe the person up above who posted that they are making room is correct. I believe we will get a July Surprise from ATI.
My buddy is buildin a new rig...& wants to spend 300 beans on da fastest video card..wat should he get?
you can get an nvidia 275/285 for $300 or less. you can get a 4890 for less than a deuce, a pair of 1gb 4870 for $300 or a 4850x2 for $240.
My buddy is buildin a new rig...& wants to spend 300 beans on da fastest video card..wat should he get?

Well, not hearing what games he's playing or what res isn't helping, no info on PSU or CPU, and this is kind of off topic, but...

Single Card: 4890 ~$250, GTX280 ~$275, GTX285 ~$325.
Dual Card: 2x4850 ~$200 and would be faster then all the single cards above, 2x4870 ~$300. I doubt he has a SLI mobo so I'm not going to say anything there :p
must be making room for RV800/R800
ATI must be blowing through inventory, wonder if they are trying to clear out all the R770 based chip cards
I believe the person up above who posted that they are making room is correct. I believe we will get a July Surprise from ATI.
You have to live in the present. We may get the ati 5000 series in a month or two, or we may not. If we do it is very likely for them to be "overpriced" due to being new tech, poor yields at the beginning of a product cycle, and AMD/ATI milking as much profit as possible from them.

Prices for the 5000 series will be much cheaper when the nvidia 300 series will be launched. Furthermore while waiting for the 300 series we get to see which cards will be faster/better bang for the buck.

(remember some people bought 280s at 600 dollars at launch, if ATI released their 4000 series months later instead of the same time those people would have big regrets. Thanks to the 4000 series nvidia had to do an instant 150 to 200 dollar price drop, and eventually in less than a years time a 300 dollar price drop)
damn, maybe i should have waited, but i thought $95 for gtx 260 was too good to pass up. :(
Well its gonna be a benq 24 inch monitor wd screen, I told him to go with 30 inch monster from gateway or dell but he is not dwn. CPU is gonna be an i7 Intel Core i7 2.66 GHz Processor...he is gonna get the same heatsink i got da thermaltake was it...OC dat bitch when he games. mobo could SLI depending on video card...I have been out of the loop since i got my XFX 260 Blk not sure wat to tell him...he plays FPS & his bro likes sims ...& he is a mechanical engineer so he will be using cad auto/pro eng/wildfire ...I building the rig for him btw...
ATi could possibly try hurt Nvidia by introducing the new 5000 series at close to inital 4000 pricing and bury Nvidia until the 300 series surfaces in late 09 early 10, as Nvidia would be making a loss on every single SKU :) , not that i'm a die hard AMD/ATi fan but this is their chance to do some real damage to Nvidia, they have are definitely on the right track with small and agile GPU design. Owning every pricing bracket is ATi's aim hopefully, guess it all depends on yields now.
damn, maybe i should have waited, but i thought $95 for gtx 260 was too good to pass up. :(

95 dollars for a gtx 260 was too good not to pass up. These other cards are only 10-20% faster for double the money if you got the card at 95.
ATi could possibly try hurt Nvidia by introducing the new 5000 series at close to inital 4000 pricing
I'd be surprised if they didn't introduce the 5000 series at similar prices to the 4000 series considering how well it worked for them the first time around.
good deals from both companies. also on ram, amd and intel cpu's, and hd's. now if we could just get mb's back under $140.....
Must be tempting prices. Though I'm still more excited about next gen cards, and therefore this isn't gonna make a change, even if there will be another price cut.
anyone else changed out videocards like 8 times this year?! :( stop with the deals already !!!
Would it be worth it for me to pick up two 4870's and run them in crossfire to replace my GTX 260 (192) in my Q6600 rig?
yes, very much so.

*WARNING* - "this POV is based on the user having a 19x12 or bigger monitor, his Q6600 OC'ed to at least 3.2, and HD4870 1gb versions."
my gameplay experience with 4870's in CF has been way above what a single card was, @ 1920 it really pushes every game to the max, only Crysis seems to hit around 15fps in really intense maps/areas. So i'd say go for !
Just ordered a sapphire 4890 toxic for 260 shipped for my samsung t260hd 25.5". Cannot wait to kill zombies!!