ATI silencer "clicking sound" when <100%


Jul 3, 2003
Is it a common problem for the "clicking" sound for the ATI silencer rev. 4 when the fan is anything 0<x<100 %? It seems to get worse as it nears the max and min, and is least apparent when ~50%.

Loose install or well known problem? Fixes?

"That aint no silencer."
quietRiot said:
Is it a common problem for the "clicking" sound for the ATI silencer rev. 4 when the fan is anything 0<x<100 %? It seems to get worse as it nears the max and min, and is least apparent when ~50%.

Loose install or well known problem? Fixes?

"That aint no silencer."

What card is it on? The reason I ask, is that I had a x850pro that I flashed to an x850xtpe and the fan voltage settings were different. At some voltages, the fan made an audible clicking noise.

I also had a clicking issue with an older silencer I had on a 6800gt a year ago or so. I returned it for a newer revision that supposedly fixed the clicking problem.

How long have you had it?
ive had it for 4 days. just installed last night, however. installed on an x800xl pci-e