ATI X1400 question/problem.


Oct 3, 2003
hi everyone,

I come before all ye to ask on the whole Overclock lock that they now have. I was really into the computer world back about 3 years ago, I since joined the Navy and steered away from PC's and gaming. Now, I'm coming back and all I currently have is a Dell 9400 with an Intel Core2 Duo, 1GB PC2533mhz of ram, The Radeon Mobility X1400. Now, I have learned that its dedicated and the interworkings of the way Hypermem works. I downloaded ATI tool, and went on to proceed on OCing my card. Well when ATI tool was done accessing the card, the system just couldn't display anything, just one big cluster F@*$. Educate me on drivers,and OCing these days. Let me know thanks.

V/R Catsonar
I have the same dell with the 1400. One thing I noticed was that graphics kinda sucked with the oem dell video driver. And you can't get a normal ATI one either cause dell isn't on their "approved" list. So whatcha need to do is get the radeon omega drivers here

and then use ATI tool to overclock. you can overclock a decent amount on the gpu, but virtually nothing on the ram.

another good tool is the I8Kfangui control, you can use it to monitor the temps as well as control the fans and set them to different speeds and different temperatures, very handy methinks.

It isn't anything spectacular as far as video cards go, but its decent for laptops and will get ya by.