ATI X1900XTX or 7800GT with Dual Core Opty


Apr 26, 2005
I'm already running 2.7ghz venice on a DFI lanparty. I dont think I can get more than 2.7 on any CPU it seems my board is limited because both of my cpu's stop at 2.7 at ANY voltage.. i tooke one up to 1.0v :)

Anyways i was saying that because i wont be able to get to opty up past 2.7. Im mainly a gamer but i do encode a lot also, but i have 2 other computers that can do that if need be. So should i just spring for the XTX?
Also i was thinking about getting the sapphire. I saw that it and HIS had the best overclocks on anandtechs round up's. What do you guys think?
a friend of mine is running an XT with his 170... he loves it... in fact, won't shut up about it :D
i said screw it and i got the dual core and XTX lol. I got the XTX from ZZF (sapphire) for 609 after shipping and the dual core from newegg for 228 plus some more ASF5

This better run cod with everything maxed at 1280x1024 or i'll be pissed.
u shudve waited imo, new models are coming real soon and prices will drop dramatically
ctark said:
i said screw it and i got the dual core and XTX lol. I got the XTX from ZZF (sapphire) for 609 after shipping and the dual core from newegg for 228 plus some more ASF5

This better run cod with everything maxed at 1280x1024 or i'll be pissed.

Yeah, you should be able to do it.

I avg 50 frames =\
Prices are always gonna fall. Thats something that will never change. My CPU fell 11 dollars at newegg just before i bought it so I decided to get it.

As for the vid card.. the last top of the line video card that i bought was a Voodoo 5... then the SOB's went out of buisness. I dont believe the 7900 will beat it by much, if i at all. I'm not a !!!!!! of either company. I always who go with who's better at the time, but i am a fan boy of AMD :)
ctark said:
Prices are always gonna fall. Thats something that will never change. My CPU fell 11 dollars at newegg just before i bought it so I decided to get it.

As for the vid card.. the last top of the line video card that i bought was a Voodoo 5... then the SOB's went out of buisness. I dont believe the 7900 will beat it by much, if i at all. I'm not a !!!!!! of either company. I always who go with who's better at the time, but i am a fan boy of AMD :)

XTX and XT are the exact same hardware. Only different XTs were review boards that shipped with 1.2ns memory, all others have 1.1ns mem.

Just buy an XT and bios flash it, or be happy with a 2-5% performance drop (SFA really).
ManicOne said:
XTX and XT are the exact same hardware. Only different XTs were review boards that shipped with 1.2ns memory, all others have 1.1ns mem.

Just buy an XT and bios flash it, or be happy with a 2-5% performance drop (SFA really).

Agreed, my XT does 690/790 all stock.
waste of money. i have a 7800gt too. you wold smack yourself if you go and buy a 400-500 dollar card that is pretty much a faster 7800gt with no groundbreaking features. dx 10 is coming out. wait untill around then, or at least the g80...which will also have its own share of 400-500 dollar cards.
johnnq said:
waste of money. i have a 7800gt too. you wold smack yourself if you go and buy a 400-500 dollar card that is pretty much a faster 7800gt with no groundbreaking features. dx 10 is coming out. wait untill around then, or at least the g80...which will also have its own share of 400-500 dollar cards.

BS, it is several quads faster and sports angle-indepent (HQ) AF and HDR+FSAA.

I bought a 7800 GT to play COD2 on my 1680x1050 LCD and it was barely playable with AA and AF off completely. Prompty took it back to Fry's, exhanged it for an X1900XT, overclocked it, and now play COD2 at 4xADAA/8xHQAF. Same goes for FEAR and BF2. Far Cry, SC:CT, and HL2 look amazing with HDR and AA.
What program do you guys use to OC your X1900 series? Don't really believe in OCing a videocard as its pointless in games 90% of the time, but its fun to see what my max is heh.
DX10? You are getting way ahead of yourself. DX10 cards wont see the light of day till the end of the year probably. Then you wont see games taking much advantage of it for awhile. Might as well wait for DX11 or DX12.... you get my point.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
What program do you guys use to OC your X1900 series? Don't really believe in OCing a videocard as its pointless in games 90% of the time, but its fun to see what my max is heh.

Overdrive is built right into Catalyst drivers.
g71 is out in March. It wouldn't be too hard to wait.

g80 is out much later.
Because performance is not going to be much different I believe. If it beats it by a few FPS thats fine. Plus I like supporting ATI right now because they are the underdog and I want to see them pull even with Nvidia in the long run, we all win in that situation.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
When I raise it, it just moves the requested that like the 3d-clock or something

The requested clock is what the card runs in 3d apps, yes. The card uses dynamic clocking for thermal management because it runs rather hot.