ATI's next video card...


Limp Gawd
Sep 18, 2005
Ok, I'm just wondering if ATI's next video card will be better than Nvidia's current one. What I mean is, does ATI plan on coming out with the best performing video card. I want to get a new video card, but I'm torn between waiting for ATI's next card, or just buying nvidia's 7800 gtx. Is the x1800 supposed to compete with the 7800, or crush it, leading into a new generation of graphics cards?
ummmmmmm who the F*CK knows... lol j/k

but really man... just wait a few days.. there will be real benchmarks from trusted sites soon and u can decide yourself....
good god, im flabbergasted by your inability to notice that this forum is full of threads that address your question and more
As of now only ATI knows the answer to that. Yes, there are some "benchmarks" around the interent on the R520. Whether if they are true, is another question. If someone tells you Nvidia's 7800 is still better than it, do not believe it until the card is officially announced and there are authentic benchmarks on it. It be about 2 more weeks to we start seeing the card getting around the reviewers. I would just wait it out.
thanks for the replies guys, think I'll just wait a while like some of you suggested. btw big fat duck...STFU and don't waste your time replying to the post if you feel this way...three words: get, a, life.
Big Fat Duck said:
good god, im flabbergasted by your inability to notice that this forum is full of threads that address your question and more

Now thats the word I thought of when I saw this thread.
my thoughts exactly,you probably arent gunna buy it for sometime anyways, and even if you are, you still cant do anything about it. :D