ATItool not erroring on artifacts?


Limp Gawd
Jan 10, 2006
So I have been testing the OC for my new 4850 and am wondering if ATItool is not working correctly. At first I was just turning on the artifact finder with GPUZ in the background and walking away. Going off "no errors" I had these stable overclocks:

660/stock 9+ hours stable
675/stock 11 hours stable
685/stock 3.5 hours stable
675/1025 9+ hours stable
675/1075 4 hours stable

However, on the last overclock I watched the box and noticed yellow glitches occasionally yet no error reporting. I moved the slider for scanning all the way to the left (most strict) and still no errors when I see glitches. Is this normal? Seems pretty lame that an stress program wouldn't record problems. What do you all think?

BTW: Crysis will crash in benching runs at the higher "stable" overclocks as well, again ATItool says "no errors" when stressing.

Running Vista 64, ASUS 4850, specs in sig.
I noticed the same thing with both the 8800GT and the GTX 260. I just learned I have to watch it.
is a new version of ATi Tool out yet? Last time I checked, it did not have support for the new 4800 series

EDIT: Although, it seems like it should be able to detect artifacts no matter if the tool supports a certain card or not.
Also problems with ATITool. My 8800 GTX is OCed to 670/1635/1052 and it passes artefacting test for 30minutes, but 3d view crashes after a few minutes. It seems that 30 minutes is too short for stability?
Seems like scanning never gets the cards I've used nearly as hot as the 3D view.