ATTN Shipping experts - How to ship LCD panel?

Jan 30, 2003
I want to sell and ship this, but I'm afraid it wouldn't make the trip safely. It is an LCD panel taken off a Dell 600m laptop.

What would you all recommend in terms of packaging to ensure safe delivery?



Thanks in advance for any tips. :)
bubble wrap floating in peanuts would be my suggestion, also probably better off getting someone to packing for you. I take my stuff to The UPS Store(used to be Mail box ETC eg: franchise) tell them how its worth and they pack it accordingly
would it be advisable to try to rig up some kind of cover on the lcd side of it before doing that? stiff cardboard put in place, then wrapped in bubblewrap type of thing? I'm just afraid that even the packing materials could damage the screen. :eek:
As said already it's worth having them package it. They usually know what they are doing and if they break it there is no chance/very little they are gonna shaft you.
if it makes you more comfertable put card on there and then let them pack it
I actually shipped an LCD screen off a sony vaio i had for parts. I did just what everyone else said, had the UPS store do it. They basically wrapped in a a brown paper (stuff like a grocery store bag) to keep the screen covered and then they went to work and i left before they finished. But point it is arrived in fine shape. No doubt i'd go that route again.
Cut a piece of bubblewrap to exact size of LCD and lightly place and secure on the LCD. Then cut a piece cardboard roughly 1/2 inch larger than the screen itself and secure it to the front of the LCD with tape (across cardboard to back of LCD) pulling tightly/tensioning to create a slight outward bow opposite the screen. Make sense?


Then bubblewrap three to four wraps around and place into a sturdy box roughly 1 inch larger around all sides. Fill that box with peanuts if necessary so there is no movement

Then place that box into another larger box with peanuts packed tightly.

I have shipped many LCD's in this manner both laptops LCD's and desktop 17 inch to 21 inch LCD's. It has worked very well for me:)

PS...Sorry for the rudementary drawing, I was in a hurry;)
I would consider having someone else ship it (ie UPS store) as everyone suggested, but I'm at school and it's a pain in the butt to get off campus, and I don't even know where there is one around here. :eek:

Thanks for the advice everyone, especially MX2, I believe that is how I will end up doing it. :)
When I ship an LCD I tend to use 2 boxes, the first box securely wrap it with bubblewrap so it fits snugly in the first box, and then place that box into a much larger one surrounded by packing peanuts.
cardboard + bubble wrap + peanuts galore and you'll be straight.
and insure it.
hazmatic said:
When I ship an LCD I tend to use 2 boxes, the first box securely wrap it with bubblewrap so it fits snugly in the first box, and then place that box into a much larger one surrounded by packing peanuts.


btw nice paint skillz
Don't use card board on the screen itself....first seperate the cardboard from the screen with a sheet of that thin soft-foam.
How would you guys ship a 21 inch LCD display without the original box and packaging? Keep in mind that the display doesnt come off of its stand (vp201). It would be alot easier if it did like Dell Monitors do..
jayx9 said:
How would you guys ship a 21 inch LCD display without the original box and packaging? Keep in mind that the display doesnt come off of its stand (vp201). It would be alot easier if it did like Dell Monitors do..

same way as outlined in the above posts.

Basically, when shipping something, you ship it as if it will get drop-kicked from your place to the buyers, cause chances are it will.