Audigy 2: "No Audigy Sound Card Detected"


Dec 14, 2003
I have an Audigy 2 w/ 1394.
I have a cracked installation disc.
I tried installing using downloaded drivers.
Then I downloaded the Audigy 2 Installation Disc ISO.
Still getting the error message from Setup that it can't detect the card...
Windows detects the card on setup... why doesn't Creative Setup detect it at all?
Maybe I have something messed up from trying other things before trying the ISO... but I tried Driver Cleaner... shouldn't that have cleared it up. Maybe sound card is bad... or I need to re-install Windows? Any thoughts?

I got that same error after I uninstalled all the drivers and uninstalled the soundcard from device manager. Once I rebooted the error went away.
I had same issue, this is what i did. I think you might be trying to install the wrong driver, its hard tp pick em apart, especially when you dont know what you have (me :))Go to check the support page for download section and there is a detect hardware thing there. You must use internet explorer and lower your security setting for it to work, at least I had to. But this thing should pick the right driver for you and maybe it will actually work for ya.