audigy 4 driver problems


Limp Gawd
Sep 4, 2003
i got an audigy 4 yesterday and today i tried installing it. whenever i tried to install drivers, my comp would just freeze. this happens when i try to install from the CD, or when i downloaded the drivers from creative's website. i tried searching on google but couldn't really find anything about my problem. anyone know what's going on? and if i go with an x-fi, am i likely to experience this same problem?
btw, the card i'm currently using now is some old sound blaster live card. i lost the driver cd so i'm using default windows xp drivers.
Try putting the Audigy in another PCI slot.
Some motherboards share interrupts with PCI slots which can cause issues like yours.
Its worth a try even if there are enough interrupts to go round.
I had a damaged PCI slot. It would work with everything except my TV card.
Perhaps you have a similar issue?
An old version of Quicktime seems to make the audigy install hang/crash. Try updating your quicktime and try it again.
my quicktime is already up to date (7.1)
thanks for the sound card suggestions, but i think i'll just stick with my stinkin SB live for now....