Audioengine A5 vs Edifier S330D: my review


Jan 2, 2008
I'd just like to share my personal review of both these speakers as i currently own them both. Man i still can't believe i spent over 5 bills on these both... ... i guess i got the "itch'n ear" for good tuned music. :D

Anyways quick overcap. When i first got the edifier s330d's i was blown away compared to some old dell 2.1's. For a tad while my ears were content with the edifiers until i started jack'n the volume up and kept expecting quality music. I don't know if it was just me but it seem once the edifiers got up to about 60% on volume the quality started to decay a tad bit. to top thangs off the first two units i had had defective LT audio inputs. Also the edifiers have somewhat a narrow field of sound. I really noticed this as i left my computer expecting to hear that same great sound throughout my living room, to my slight dismay my asssh need be infront of the computer to be feed that great music or otherwise it felt like a shoot or miss type of thang. Don't get me wrong these are very damn good speakers for approx 100 bones. Just gotta remember they are computer/desktop speakers so don't expect them to pull rabbits out the "crack"

After getting two defective edifier sets from ncix, i felt i had to already move on. Now seriously i've read to many damn awesome/great threads & post about these Audioengine A5's. ( i did come across some slight neg issues with these too though but they were few). Let me say that left A5 speaker almost tore my arm off. :eek: I seriously just tried to lift it like a paper back book and my hand flew down to the back of my leg. That is one serious speaker (cuz it has the amp in it) I had to do some serious real estate moving on my desktop cuz with these two A5's were hoggin up some space! Ok now to the important stuff, as soon as i turned these A5's on just listening to my XP boot up. i instantly heard more depth and fullness in just the windows xp music boot up unbelievable! :eek: I spent the next like 3hrs til 5:30 am testing out various songs and pron vids. I couldn't believe my ears! i was hearing stuff i didn't hear before and it felt real soothing listening to these new sounds i wasn't aware of before. I put in some nice instrumental tracks and man i was in heaven (blunt in one hand and head laid back like i was cruisin 150 mph with one eye cracked open!) I honestly don't think i could have spent $350 better in any other way! I know it still too early to give final judgement on these A5's but a little more time and we'll see.

The only things i wish or would like to see these A5's come with are: sub cables (cuz they got all the other ones in there), banana type of plugs (screwing the knobs to insert speaker wires is a pain unless their female nipples), and lastly a nice optional volume control JUST LIKE THE PIMP EDIFIER one. The volume knob on the A5 is ok but to have a second one a little closer to hand would be great.

FINAL thoughts: I really like the Edifier S330D's and the Audioengine A5's. Even though the A5's are better and cost x3 as much, I now have both on my desktop with the Edifier speakers laid horizontal on top of the A5's. It looks a tad pimp like that too. The only kicker to this is that the edifiers are hooked up to my wifes computer and the A5's are hook up to my computer. :D We share the same 24 in monitor and "used to share speakers" :D What she don't know won't hurt her.

I fo shizzles will post a pic up of my ghetto setup

Glad you are happy with both sets. The A5s are a decent quality build for sure. The depth that you heard is better midrange and cleanly powered bass.
/\ /\ thank spaceman

the base is good for the A5's, but i 'm gonna try them out with a dedicated sub this weekend. On another note i spend a few bills on sounds, now i know some of you big dawgs spending folds of what i spent, I'm afraid if i hear "that goodness" i'll be drawn in even more :D so now don't none of ya say theres anything better than these A5's cuz i need be content as of now LOL :D
I don't know if it was just me but it seem once the edifiers got up to about 60% on volume the quality started to decay a tad bit. ... Also the edifiers have somewhat a narrow field of sound.

That's because they're SMALL.

Lower frequency sound is darn hard to reproduce well if you don't have a reasonable surface area to push air around with. The "bass unit" they come with (aka "sub junior"...some sats can match a 6.5" woofer!) helps a bit, but it can only make up for so much when it's small itself. For what they are, they're great...but they are limited.

I'm afraid if i hear "that goodness" i'll be drawn in even more :D so now don't none of ya say theres anything better than these A5's cuz i need be content as of now LOL :D


There are plenty of things that are better. But how about a nice set of headphones before that? :D

But for now, slap on a nice BIC sub or maybe just a Dayton...nice stuff.
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what is SFYW dawg?

another pos+ thang about the edifiers with that narrow range is when watch certain vids (hehe hehe) the volume don't carry so other won't hear the deadly sins i am so into :D

i got a onkyo sub, what size it is beats me, i just know it downfiring, big and damn heavy. This weekend it is coming out of retirement

Well, use the Onkyo then. Tell us how you like the combo. :D
With the sub. Be sure to turn the crossover, if it has one, to 50-60HZ and the volume down to where you hear the bass but not to where it is obviously coming from the sub itself. You want the sub to "disappear."

This might not be possible with such an old and unknown sub. Onkyo is not known for their speakers.

A BIC 12" sub would be a good upgrade down the road.
/\ /\ good point spaceman, never thought about that. i've always been the thumpin type of chump for base, but now as i have aged i really like the idea of "hearing the bass" but can't pin the source setup. Let me see how this onkyo sub will do, it was apart of my 1000 watt system from circuit city a few years back.

any pariticular bic or dayton sub you would recommend? i know you said a 12 incher, any particular model?

SFYW- thats a good one. it may just look like if i go all out, my woman ain't getting her hair done this month, now what sub is on my shopping list? LOL :D

the A5's weigh bouts 30lbs ish, just guessing. really need two hands for the picking up the LEFT speaker
Hmmm...the speakers are 9lbs and 14lbs each. I think you need to level up your STR attribute. I had no problems carrying 40lb bookshelf speakers up the stairs :p

Stop spending money on blounts and get some protein!
Was just wondering how heavy they were. They look really heavy from the picture, but 14lbs isnt much.
I think he was expecting the normal light weight of logicrap speakers and was surprised.
ok my old onyko sub, well its in perfect condition almost new but it is not making me feel the lows i want. ( it has no cross-over adjustment or phase adjustment) just volume knob.

Long story quick, i just picked up an Audioengine AS8 sub! can't wait to do some testing and i'll post back my results.

FYI-looks like my chick ain't getting no nails or hair done for the next two months :D got a nice deep hole in wallet now. lol
That should make for a seriously quick footed audio setup. Should sound great.
AS8=Daaaaammmmmmmmmnnnn!!! it bee tite! :D

ok there is now way i can have the vol at 50%, it is just ridiculously LOUD! i live in a condo with concrete walls and the sub just loves concrete. My chick was bitchin from the sec i turned the sub on and said the neighbors are def gonna complain. Maybe i over did it with the sub but now i gotsta that extra bass. just messin with the crossover range, i think it from 30-150 hz? but i currently got it at around 50 ish and the volume at 25%. so far I'm pretty happy with it.

its a downfiring sub, i only wish it had a wooden bottom instead of just having that open sub/speaker exposed face down. gotta be careful when picking it up and not stabbing the speaker with my fingers.

Quick question, does a sub take some work off of the desktop speakers as far as bass goes?

and does messin with the crossover freq help by removing the bass from the desktop speakers to the sub?

thanks to all :D
Hey you can get a specific pad to put under the sub which tunes it up and keeps it from being quite as bothersome. Let me look around a bit.

Glad you got a real stereo.
Oh and you can get some rolled up insulation, like they use in attics, in pillars and put them in the corners. They soak up the bass in a good way too.

I'll hook you up in a bit. Busy.
/\ /\

spaceman, thanks dawg!

yeah i could reallly use a specific pad, i was thinking of going to like ROSS and trying out a wood cutting board right under the sub!:D it may look ghetto but if it works, slap some black paint on it and keep it a secret when my friends asked where i got it from

oh yeah spaceman, do you think you could answer my two questions earlier about if a sub will take work off of the desktop speakers?
Not sure if spaceman understood so just for input, I think goldznnz is asking if having the sub allows for the monitors to not play bass or the lows.
I understood. The monitors should play full range and the sub should handle the 60hz and below. I think that those speakers should roll off around 60 hz but maybe 55. Certainly there is a -3db at 50hz if that is their lowest listed.

Do not use the software eq ever. It just screws things up.
Thanks Jet, that was exactly what I was thinking. Just could not recall the name.