Audiovox Set to Buy Klipsch


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
In a surprise move to many, the Audiovox Corporation has signed intent to purchase the Klipsch Group, a well-respected premium speaker manufacturer, for undisclosed terms. The Audiovox Corporation is best known for its mobile technology and lower end consumer products.

We're hoping and praying that Audiovox allows Klipsch to continue working as its own entity rather than swallowing 'em whole and stifling innovation with corporate bureaucracy
Well, the awesomeness that was once Klipsch is now over. I'd turn the sale down...
Conversation to be soon overheard in NYC electronics store... "It is Audiovox hi-definition stereo system. Kilpsch parts inside. Girls will like you for techno music. I give to you for... $60 dollar."
Oh jesus ......

Didn't Lite-on buy Plextor?

Didn't OCZ buy PC Power and Cooling?

Really? People aren't idiots.

Dear Mister company with money and no brand recognition. When you spend you've money you earned selling pos electonics for years and finally come to the conclusion you can buy a major brand name and ride it's shirt tails to some sort of limited success, please be reminded that you will instantly lose your entire user base and that everyone of them will warn many many others not to buy your new brand name. Something like that. So, yeah ....
correction, "When you spend the money you've earned selling pos electronics" ...
Paul Klipsch is now rolling over in his grave.... seriously why would want to kill a respected brand.
Does that mean I can sell my rf35's for double what I paid for them?
Time to stock up on current Klipsch equipment ... there goes my favorite speaker maker..

*stairs at his promedia 5.1 and current surround sound set up and cries* :(
oh hell this sucks. as good as klipsch computer speakers are, it's their home speakers i love.

I've owned two pairs of klipsch lascalas - now those are truly awesome speakers.
Time to stock up on current Klipsch equipment ... there goes my favorite speaker maker..

*stairs at his promedia 5.1 and current surround sound set up and cries* :(
It just means you get to move to real, non-computer speakers now. ;)
Klipsch will become another Bose. Overpriced trash. Personally, I considered Klipsch mediocre, but pretty decent for "Joe Consumer". One thing is for sure, they won't get any better now.
I have no respect for klipsch after the promedia 5.1 amplifier fiasco in which they used substandard components resulting in their failure. After that I vowed to never buy another product from them again.
I have no respect for klipsch after the promedia 5.1 amplifier fiasco in which they used substandard components resulting in their failure. After that I vowed to never buy another product from them again.

If Klipsch is using substandard components, then this fits in well for Audiovox and their substandard components. Probably get a better deal on volume purchases of substandard components.:D
While were on the topic I haven't heard to much of Alienware products since they were bought out by another outfit whose name I will not mention. [H] was the first place I heard of Alienware years ago, quite often as a mater of fact. All is quiet now.
Klipsch is junk anyway. They used to produce good products back in the day, but their consumer level junk has never made the cut in my book.
I'll be amazed, if pleasantly so, if Klipsch is kept even partially independent after this goes down. Cynically, though, I'm thinking this will be total Borg assimilation-style action...
my promedia 4.1 are still going strong after 9 years of use, and I've never had any reason to upgrade. (many regard this system to be the highest quality component wise of the promedias)

lesson here: if quality is too high, consumers purchase your products once a decade, while crap that fails every 2 years is very profitable.
my promedia 4.1 are still going strong after 9 years of use, and I've never had any reason to upgrade. (many regard this system to be the highest quality component wise of the promedias)

lesson here: if quality is too high, consumers purchase your products once a decade, while crap that fails every 2 years is very profitable.

I think you hit the nail on the head. You also forgot to mention that people buy crap because they don't do much research. The crap they listen to becomes even more crappier when they walk into someones house who knows what to buy.:)
I listened to klipsh in stores over the years,and they never sounded worth a shit.

I only listened to their computer audio stuff, but it never sounded anywhere near as good as the competition.

I doubt it will get worse. I listened to logitechs comparable offering side by side with klipsh and could not understand the hype.
Oh damn..........

I'm such an incredibly big Klipsch fan too. Their speakers are definately unique, and this makes me really sad. I hope this doesn't happen, because Audiovox is going to screw them up.
Anyone talking trash on Klipsch (other than the well deserved trash talk from the promedia fiasco) should take the opportunity to listen to some of the Klipsch Heritage series.

This is truly, truly a sad day...
you left out the part where they took care of every customer and either fixed or replaced them quickly.

I even got a free update to the Ultra's in the deal.

I have no respect for klipsch after the promedia 5.1 amplifier fiasco in which they used substandard components resulting in their failure. After that I vowed to never buy another product from them again.
This is happening all over audio. The small companies that prided themselves on making the best stuff out there are being bought out by Directed Electronics Incorporated and the likes. Sad thing is, when they do buy them out its with the promise of keeping things as good as they were......then they gut the place, get rid of the high end quality gear and then focus on the mid range, Best Buy lines.

This happened to Polk Audio. Matt Polk sold out to DEI and the first thing DEI did was disband the car audio department and kill the high end Signature Reference line. Now all theyve got is the mid-fi stuff.

The high end Klipsch stuff will be gone before too long and the Best Buy stuff will be all that remains.
Anyone talking trash on Klipsch (other than the well deserved trash talk from the promedia fiasco) should take the opportunity to listen to some of the Klipsch Heritage series.

This is truly, truly a sad day...

That and also don't forget the Klipsch Reference series. Even their Synergy line of more affordable stuff sounds incredibly good for the price. I guess i'll have to hope my Synergy 5.1 speakers along with my reference series sub lasts a very long time.........
You're all making the assumption that Klipsch will be rolled into Audiovox. It could be simply that Audiovox wants a higher end name to market through, and that Klipsch will continue to make the products they do, independent of Audiovox.
Anyone talking trash on Klipsch (other than the well deserved trash talk from the promedia fiasco) should take the opportunity to listen to some of the Klipsch Heritage series.

This is truly, truly a sad day...

I love some Heritage.
You haven't heard awesome speakers until Heritage. Between my 4 Lascalas and a roomates 2 cornwalls, we had an incredible sound system for movies. In terminator 2 where Arnold was riding the Harley down the flood channel - it could literally sound like a Harley was in the room at WOT.

Then you could also play the softest Classic jazz and hear fingers sliding along frets.. or singers inhaling between words..

Those of you you only have heard Klipsche's computer speakers do not really know what Klipsch was about.

You're all making the assumption that Klipsch will be rolled into Audiovox. It could be simply that Audiovox wants a higher end name to market through, and that Klipsch will continue to make the products they do, independent of Audiovox.

We can only hope but history does not bode well.
Quote: We're hoping and praying that Audiovox allows Klipsch to continue working as its own entity rather than swallowing 'em whole and stifling innovation with corporate bureaucracy

This is about as likely as Microsoft porting DirectX 10/11 to WinXP.
N00000OO0o0oo0o0o0o0o! Argh I think I need to invest in some Klipsch speakers soon before this happens!