AUX Power - 4pin vs 8pin


Jun 25, 2007
For the AUX power connector, is there that much of a difference between a 4pin and 8pin board with regards to OCing?

Looking to get a board for my 1055T but seems every ASUS I'm looking at comes with only a 4pin. Is it worth it to go for another board just to have the 8pin AUX?
Certainly an 8 pin mobo will allow for more current to get to the porcessor. The more power you can supply the CPU, the more stable your OC will be. If the difference is $20 $30 bucks, Id personally spend the extra cash to get the better board.
Well, I'm going for an AMD 870 series board. So right now it's between MSI and ASUS. Guess I'll head with the MSI then. Thanks!