AVADirect fabricates Reseller Ratings Reviews

I remember watching the thread evolve and after the first page was thinking "Uh Oh, this ain't gonna end well"....:eek:

By the way that thread went, the only people I'd choose to buy from is Puget because of Heather.
I remember that thread,got kind of ugly between the Maingear and AVA camps,think Misha didn't come off well in it at all.Didn't seem very professional to me.Both sides could have learned something from Heather,she was the only one who conducted herself the way I'd expect a company rep to.

Thats interesting that you would remember a thread that was posted 6 months before you joined....

Kinda gave yourself away on that one eh?..:)
Thats interesting that you would remember a thread that was posted 6 months before you joined....

Kinda gave yourself away on that one eh?..:)

Been here a lot longer than that,just had to rejoin when I went offline for a while.
Both of these emails are from Matt Slagle.

Can you send a message to both Schneider and Kodan? Please do not post this publicly.

I would rather want to email them directly, but I do not have their order numbers in front of me.

Both of them currently still own a AVADirect system. Both of their warranties are still active and valid. Despite what has happened in the past, they are always welcome to send back in their system for repair. I think it would be best for everyone if we repaired their systems to 100% then for them to be saying we will not do anything for them.

If they send in their systems, I will personally oversee their RMAs go as smoothly as possible. Trust me, I am much more caring than Misha wishes I was.

I will personally offer free shipping back to here for both of them.

Unlike some of the other people around here, I care about our customers. And to see us not take care of our customers just isnt right. So I am taking matters into my own hands since "higher" ups do not see the importance of this.

I will personally oversee both of their RMAs and test them myself.

On one condition though. They have got to stop publicly bash this company. I do not want them to sing high praises of us, just stop the constant bashing. Now, to make it even better for them, the condition only applies if their system arrives back to them in 100% working order.

Re: About your systems...


Originally Posted by kodan
LOL sorry man one last comment on what you sent me.. If Matt really has been there a month as he say or EVEN the NINE months I know hes been at AVA how on earth can he have any kind of authority to offer what he says he is?

He sent me some new PMs today on the AVA forums. He almost got fired for this post I posted. But however, he sent me this too:

I had a heart to heart with my boss and the owners of the company. Any and all suspicions I had with AVADirect have been cleared up after this meeting. They wanted to make it perfectly clear that AVADirect has nothing to hide and all questions will be answered with 100% truth and completeness.

I implore you and everyone else to come to us directly if you have any questions about our business policies, history, or previous disputes. I would rather answer you guys truthfully than everyone getting misinformation from forums and other places like that.

I took it upon myself to fix things that were not broken. I did not completely know the full scope of the situation, and thus made some bad choices and decisions. I have a tendency to speak before I think or know all the facts.

You can ask us anything you want, and AVADirect will be completely honest.

Interesting that someone thats been with the company supposedly a month has that kind of authority to make these kinds of claims.... LOL its too little too late ... The ava system I had was such a piece of shit it no longer even exists.. There is nothing for them to rebuild.. They had a MANY a chance to make it right with me LONG ago and NOW that the heat is on they want to make it right... BULLSHIT!!!!!

I also seriously doubt he almost got fired... I am pretty sure that hes talking with the full knowledge and backing of higer ups at AVA otherwise his offer to me is just more smoke blowing and they damn sure cant take more of that kinda of screwup.... Honestly I wouldnt send them back the machine even if I still had it all in one piece... They were NEVER able to repair it in the first place and they had 4 attempts to do so and once had the comp for 12 weeks.. How on earth is one more try going to make it happen.

At this point I am not sure they can do anything that would cause me to stop posting about them... Tell Matt to tell Misha that hes reaping what he sowed with me and that maybe he shouldnt have taken the stance that he and his company were too big for me to affect... We see how thats turning out and they are SCARED or they wouldnt be trying to back door fix things... This is all damage control too bad they couldnt work with me 6 months ago..... All I ever wanted was either a working computer or even SOME(at one point I tried getting them to give me back 50% of my money and they refused) of my money back so I could have purchased a computer that would work...

THIS ALL CAME THROUGH PMS FROM SOMEONE NOT AVA...... Still sounds like them to me though....
Dunno. I kind of like their responses there. Sure, it's late, but hell, at this point they could drive to your house and drop off a 10k system and you'd be on here posting 20 minutes later that they didn't include a lapdance.
Actually if they gave me a 10k system and it worked I might ease up on them but that isnt going to happen. If they wanted to send me a check for the $1100 I spent to buy a computer to replace the AVA piece of shit I might be willing to ease up as well... I never wanted to come off sounding like I was extorting them for money in all this cause I am not...We all know that I am never going to see a penny of my money back from AVA though and since their computer is just a pile of parts there is nothing to rebuild and I wouldnt give them a chance to do that anyway...

I am sorry but their responses here are just what they have always been trust us send it back we will make it right... FOUR times now thats failed so I gave up on them.... How many times is it considered reasonable to send something back with the same unresolved problems before you cut yourself loose? I think I was the most reasonable person in ALL this(well till they pissed me off maybe) but still I got burned for $4200 and I want some entertainment outta all this at bare minimum.... This offer is all smoke and mirrors and damage control anyway.... They should have dealt with me before and now they wouldnt be in the position they are in... Scam certain people and they end up costing you more than you scammed from them..... Hope AVA realizes that now.

PLUS if you look at the last message
I took it upon myself to fix things that were not broken. I did not completely know the full scope of the situation, and thus made some bad choices and decisions. I have a tendency to speak before I think or know all the facts.
it really seems like Matt DIDNT have the authority to make the offers he did to me anyway and that now he "realizes" my situation isnt broken etc..... Just typical AVA in action.....
Dunno. I kind of like their responses there. Sure, it's late, but hell, at this point they could drive to your house and drop off a 10k system and you'd be on here posting 20 minutes later that they didn't include a lapdance.

It's better late than never.
Some things just don't add up in the supposed messages.

"Unlike some of the other people around here, I care about our customers. And to see us not take care of our customers just isnt right. So I am taking matters into my own hands since "higher" ups do not see the importance of this."

Having seen what Misha's temperament is like in past posts here,I can't imagine anyone keeping their job there after saying things like this.

"I implore you and everyone else to come to us directly if you have any questions about our business policies, history, or previous disputes. I would rather answer you guys truthfully than everyone getting misinformation from forums and other places like that."

This seems at odds with the openness he professes,putting down forums like this seems more like the company line.Would he rather we go to AVA's forum,which is carefully sanitized and censored of anything remotely negative?

"I took it upon myself to fix things that were not broken."

Excuse me,have you seen your company's ratings lately?Or the growing list of system problems posted here?Again,this seems like a complete turn around from his earlier statements,and more like the "ignore the problems and they'll go away" attitude that appears to be the typical AVA response.
Hey G-fan thats what I thought too but like I said they came from either PM's or Emails to another user that were passed to me... Might not be real but sure look like it to me... I seriously think the first responces are before Matt "talked to Misha" the second time after his first posting got out...

The first two messages were sent on one day and I didnt post them right way.The second message about nothing being broke and coming to them rather than the forums is classic Misha all the way though so i am sure that was either Mattbackpedaling to keep his job after the first messages or just Misha posting it for Matt. I mean come on take a look at it... We are honest, we are trustworthy, come to us for the real story not that bad ole internet out there where we look bad, I suddenly am not suspiscious when all info now points to being even more suspiscious of AVA, and the the general attitude of we dont have problems there is nothing to fix.... 100% classic AVA in action....

His comment about misinformation on the forums is directed at me I am sure but they have NEVER been able to dispute the facts of my case... They have come in and tried a couple times but I have proof and have shown it that backs my side up every time..... They think all the things they did to make up for the 12 week repair or damages that happened were things they gave me outta the kindness of their hearts or something and thats the furthest thing from the truth... I had to fight tooth and nail most times to get those few perks and none of that replaces or excuses the fact that here were are 2 years later and a $4200 computer I expected to be talking to AVA about upgrading didnt even last that long. Hell it didnt even really make it outta the box and was never right....

I cant sit outside their place in Ohio with the big ass sign saying what happened to me so I do it here...
Where else have you hoisted your sign? Whats been the reaction over there?

Have you ever posted over at AVA?
It would be a waste of time to post at their forum.If he posted during the weekend when the moderators are off,people might see them,but by Monday they'd be gone.I've seen it happen enough to figure that's their M.O. over there.
Hoisted the sign at resellerratings and not much has happened over there... And I am pretty sure AVA will delete anything I might post on their site.....
I think someone else here had their post about schneiders rig deleted so no arguement there.

What a shame.
Hoisted the sign at resellerratings and not much has happened over there... And I am pretty sure AVA will delete anything I might post on their site.....

Meant to ask you if anything else happened with resellerratings at that Lara lady. The whole outcome aftermath sort of thing.

As for them might deleting your stuff from their forum, that would be rather sad and rude. It's like writing a well thought out wall comment on a friend's facebook, only for them to delete it suddenly or couple of days after. :(
To be honest, at this point kodan, your crusade is more pathetic than their false RR reviews. You've already lost them more business than they made off your computer and you continue with the same stuff over and over... It's just trying at this point. Give the man a chance... -_- And destroying your computer? Thats just flat out retarded.
To be honest, at this point kodan, your crusade is more pathetic than their false RR reviews. You've already lost them more business than they made off your computer and you continue with the same stuff over and over... It's just trying at this point. Give the man a chance... -_- And destroying your computer? Thats just flat out retarded.

While Kodans over the top crusade is...well, over the top...it is definitely not more pathetic than false RR reviews.

And however trying it is, kodan is doing a shit ton of homework here. Would any of us have this knowledge without him? I'm better off for having it, for one.
While Kodans over the top crusade is...well, over the top...it is definitely not more pathetic than false RR reviews.

And however trying it is, kodan is doing a shit ton of homework here. Would any of us have this knowledge without him? I'm better off for having it, for one.

I'm glad I know it now, but seriously, theres a point where it's just stupid to keep going. Like adding quack quack to almost every post... Just looks stupid :p

I'm also PMing a member about the irony of this thread... I also sort of want his input on this thread. I kinda goaded him in to coming but I SERIOUSLY want his input (WhiteGuardian, He was sorta on the fence about AVA's rep before and we got in to a little "RR is useless" argument)
Who said I destroyed anything I just said that the computer as they built it no longer exists. I parted it out and did other things with it... Gave some away and sold some (with full disclosure), and threw some away that I couldnt do anything with... All the HDs I saved etc.... Just no wayunow to send them anything back and I wouldnt if I could... And I am sorry Omega you dont think I am serving a purpose and you are right I have cost them more than my computer was worth but its now become a good spectacle as far as the shady shit I am uncovering... I am enjoying all three stooges stuff thats coming out of the mouths of the AVA people..... And why should I give them a chance??!?!? They had 4 chances one that took 12 weeks.. They had their chances and many of them..... They did this to themselves...

As far as how the resellerratings things going I dont expect anything to happen... Resellers is a business and as such they are paid by people like AVA who are in their premium service classes... I doubt they will do much if anything to upset their revenue from AVA. I mean come on I sent two prior instances of review coercion/bribery (where misha was going to deny warranty work if reviews werent pulled) and nothing happened on those either...

At this point I am the only one out here tryin to save you all from these scammers and you all STILL keep buyin from them... I just cant understand that... As long as people keep buying their computers and posting about them here I will continue to post my experiences... Deal with it Omega... Now if Jason wants me to stop then I guess I will but hes not said a word to me .....
If Kodan never said another word ava threads will continue to show up. If I had known most of the stuff Kodan uncovered about ava I never would of bought anything from them.
If Kodan never said another word ava threads will continue to show up. If I had known most of the stuff Kodan uncovered about ava I never would of bought anything from them.

I'm going to disagree with you schneider...Cyberpower PC threads are almost never seen here are they?
Actually there have been a couple of people seriously ask about ibuypower/cyberpower in the last month or so, fortunately moxt people are extremely quick to disuade people from them... There are still some hardcore AVA fans that think they are decent but they are dwindling. I agree with Schneider AVA threads wont stop till they go the way of the dodo and Monarch Computers and I think thats coming... Heck if they will fabricate reviews whats stopping them from coming in asking about themselves. With the economy like it is I dont think AVA will last with the rep the are earning themselves.
Actually there have been a couple of people seriously ask about ibuypower/cyberpower in the last month or so, fortunately moxt people are extremely quick to disuade people from them... There are still some hardcore AVA fans that think they are decent but they are dwindling. I agree with Schneider AVA threads wont stop till they go the way of the dodo and Monarch Computers and I think thats coming... Heck if they will fabricate reviews whats stopping them from coming in asking about themselves. With the economy like it is I dont think AVA will last with the rep the are earning themselves.

In my 8 months here I can only recall one person (besides ME! haha) asking about Cyberpower PC. Not saying there haven't been more though.

There may not be many AVA threads but there will always be someone asking "which boutique should I go with" and there will always be someone there to show them the links to these threads.
LOL found another AVA front company X technology in a prior review Alex S. is listed as a salesperson and I assume thats Alex Sonis one of the AVA heads.

Simply put, xtechnology is a terrible company. If you purchase any system from them, expect to return it at least twice. This is my second xtechnology computer, and not by choice. Xtechnology has the dubious business model of opperating several different fronts for its organization, likely due to the bad reputation they have earned by selling inferior product, and backing it up with atrocious support.

Fake fronts for xtechnology I have encountered:
Americancomputech (though I am not 100% sure)
avadirect.com (100% sure)
You can read the other reviews on this site to find others.

Many ECS laptops shipped by xtechnology recently overheat, due to poor design, and melt the ac adaptor head (mine fused entirely into the unit), destroy the modem (my initial return, they did not fix it), and ultimately, destroys the cpu. (Complete system failure). I am currently on my third return, and considering my legal options to get my money back. The customer support is laughable, they lie, consistantly. It is obviously company policy to lie, mislead, and delay the customer in any way possible in order to keep the money. I am currently creating a website to organize people who have been ripped off by this company, and who want their money back. Class action anyone?

ANOTHER nasty review that ties them to even more company names

Horrible company. Bunch of liars and now I'm taking legal action against them. They don't care about the customer, just the money. If you want a working computer and a company that knows about computers, do not order from them.

Response to PCProDirect Admin:
They tried to offer me a $35 house credit for lying about my computer being damaged in shipment for warranty repairs and tried to charge me $180 to fix parts that did not need to be fixed. This was tried while the computer was under warranty. Then they were caught in the lie! All proof have been turned in to the proper authorites. This company is now under the investigation of the BBB and the USPS for mail fraud. Look how this company treats U.S. service members. Haven't had my computer for 5 months while deployed. Cheaters and liars. Save your money and try a better company!!

This company is a sub-company of X Technology.
Here are more sub-companies of this horrible company: Antares Computer Systems, Inc., PC Source Online, Inc, Act Online Store, MG Electronics, acicomputerstore.com, americancomputech.com, newgenpc.com, acompinc.com, avapc.com, mgepc.com, pronetsale.com.

Check their ratings on here BEFORE you piss your money away buying from them! Why do you think they need so many fronts?!
wow...almost a year and the conversation is still going.

it's probably in the best interests of potential boutique customers, but damn...if i was buying a gaming pc, by the time i read all these threads my config would be 6 months out of date.

sucks to be the people who got burned by ava but let's just let life move on - people have all the information they need by now i would think

PS. i wouldn't buy from ava or any of their subsidiaries and i do miss that semi-informative thread from the past :D
LOL found another AVA front company X technology in a prior review Alex S. is listed as a salesperson and I assume thats Alex Sonis one of the AVA heads.

Simply put, xtechnology is a terrible company. If you purchase any system from them, expect to return it at least twice. This is my second xtechnology computer, and not by choice. Xtechnology has the dubious business model of opperating several different fronts for its organization, likely due to the bad reputation they have earned by selling inferior product, and backing it up with atrocious support.

Fake fronts for xtechnology I have encountered:
Americancomputech (though I am not 100% sure)
avadirect.com (100% sure)
You can read the other reviews on this site to find others.

Many ECS laptops shipped by xtechnology recently overheat, due to poor design, and melt the ac adaptor head (mine fused entirely into the unit), destroy the modem (my initial return, they did not fix it), and ultimately, destroys the cpu. (Complete system failure). I am currently on my third return, and considering my legal options to get my money back. The customer support is laughable, they lie, consistantly. It is obviously company policy to lie, mislead, and delay the customer in any way possible in order to keep the money. I am currently creating a website to organize people who have been ripped off by this company, and who want their money back. Class action anyone?

ANOTHER nasty review that ties them to even more company names

Horrible company. Bunch of liars and now I'm taking legal action against them. They don't care about the customer, just the money. If you want a working computer and a company that knows about computers, do not order from them.

Response to PCProDirect Admin:
They tried to offer me a $35 house credit for lying about my computer being damaged in shipment for warranty repairs and tried to charge me $180 to fix parts that did not need to be fixed. This was tried while the computer was under warranty. Then they were caught in the lie! All proof have been turned in to the proper authorites. This company is now under the investigation of the BBB and the USPS for mail fraud. Look how this company treats U.S. service members. Haven't had my computer for 5 months while deployed. Cheaters and liars. Save your money and try a better company!!

This company is a sub-company of X Technology.
Here are more sub-companies of this horrible company: Antares Computer Systems, Inc., PC Source Online, Inc, Act Online Store, MG Electronics, acicomputerstore.com, americancomputech.com, newgenpc.com, acompinc.com, avapc.com, mgepc.com, pronetsale.com.

Check their ratings on here BEFORE you piss your money away buying from them! Why do you think they need so many fronts?!

QQ to the Q power!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Amazing this shitty company is even operating still. I've just spent the last hour reading all the threads about it. Simply amazing.

Had they pulled this with me, they would find there POS computer tossed through the front window of their headquarters.
1/30/09 3:05 PM

I have been using AVA Direct for quite some time now... I have ordered there 3 notebooks and 1 HTPC, and the service has been always exceptional. What I prefer about AVA is that there is always a person who you can talk to (Misha) who will take personal interest in your questions and problems and actually follow through to their solutions.

Something that I find kind of interesting from AVA's most recent review on rr.com's site is this post.

Most notably the date it was made, and the person it references.

Reason I say this is because when I spoke with Joe Mundy on the phone about a configuration and possible sale it was said to me that Misha wouldn't interact with customers anymore because he had just too much on his plate anymore. All customer relations would be taken care of at Joe's level from then on out.

We had that discussion on around the 22nd or 23d of January when he and I were discussing the possible build. Which is before 1/30/09.

Doesn't necessarily prove or disprove anything I suppose...but it's the only new review I've seen on rr.com since this whole topic came up.
How come it's always people with accounts made since the original problem started, that compliment the company? Another fabrication?

Out of idle curiosity, what kind of business reason is there for all these fronts for AVA? It seems like a waste of time.

(If you go to the "About Us" pages on the different company sites, they're all EXACTLY the same.)
Out of idle curiosity, what kind of business reason is there for all these fronts for AVA? It seems like a waste of time.

(If you go to the "About Us" pages on the different company sites, they're all EXACTLY the same.)

From what I have been told, using different company names is usually so that the business can split into different entities under one parent company, or depending on the state, for tax purposes.

I don't understand it either. :confused:
I just want you guys to keep in mind that lots of companies do business under several different names...it's not necessarily an indication of subterfuge or dishonesty, it's a pretty standard way of conducting business. I know that there is some anger and frustration towards certain companies, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions based on manufacturer/customer interaction.

I've worked for at least one company in the industry (and in other industries) that had a few different company operating aliases/brands. They diversified to give themselves the opportunity to branch into more specific pockets of the market, ie overclocking and repair services. While the parent company's name was not plastered all over the website, if you drilled down enough, it clearly stated who the brand belonged to.

I posted that link to give you guys more information about standard business process because several people asked me about this...and I would rather you have correct information than kick fallacy back and forth. Those that know me, know that I'm all about fairness--and honestly, I know the guys that run the company. They have their reasons, I'm sure, for making the business level decisions they have, and often that sort of internal structuring has little to do with the customer relations end of things.

At this point, I'm delicately bowing out of the thread, though I'll be available on PM. ;-) I'm a little under the weather.