Avatars you made


Oct 12, 2004
Hey guys, I made an avatar (to be used elsewhere) and wanted to know what you all think.
Post your own, that you have made.

Edit: Image removed to avoid any trouble!


Hardfolding may be a little bit more indicative of what the awesome flying protein is though.


it seems like the two are almost seperate... we really need a link on the front page next to hard gaming and stuff. OCAU, OC.com, etc all have folding links on their main pages
Bodega said:
it seems like the two are almost seperate... we really need a link on the front page next to hard gaming and stuff. OCAU, OC.com, etc all have folding links on their main pages

I'll agree with that... But we'd probably have to do some convincing.... so far, I've been content with the occasional front page pimpage... but a link on the front page may draw more consistent interest.....

Keep on Folding!!

I agree with having hardfolding in there instead of HardOCP.

I also agree that it would be nice to have a hardfolding link on the front page.

There is one problem with both of those suggestions at the moment, though. Hardfolding is not up and running yet. Therefore, it would be a dead end for anyone that tried it for now.
Also, the [H]ard|OCP symbol is copyrighted...you would need Kyle's permission to use it...

What is the deal with HardFolding.com anyway?? :confused:
Well here is the updated avatar. What do you think?


Who ever would like to use that avatar (at other forums) is more than welcome to.
