Avoid MSI products at all cost!!! TERRIBLE Customer Service!


Mar 26, 2005
I am in the Air Force. I'm currently stationed in South Korea...I got here less than a month ago. Thanks to this overseas assignment, I have discovered how truly terrible MSI customer service is, and that they refuse to support American military members stationed overseas. How do I know this? Let me tell you my story.

Back in January, when the ATI 7970 first came out, I eagerly grabbed one from Newegg. Due to the limited supply at the time (everyone was selling out of them almost immediately, just like with the nVidia GTX 680 right now) I purchased the MSI R7970 as it was the only one in stock. It worked fine while I was in the states. My belongings were packaged up in February and sent to South Korea ahead of my arrival and I thought nothing of it. Once I got here, and my belongings were unpacked, my system began to show some instability. It would artifact across the monitor and then the video driver would crash. It would look like this:


It would do this both in games and during web browsing/regular desktop usage. Whenever it happened in a game, the game would immediately crash. The card was not overclocked at all. My processor (an i5 2500K) was. So during the course of troubleshooting, I tried everything I could think of: I reverted my overclock on my CPU to stock, I reseated memory, I tried several different ATI Catalyst driver versions...it was only when I took the card and swapped in an older ATI 5850 I had lying around that the problem went away. So obvious my R7970 was dying.

This is where MSI's terrible customer service comes in. I immediately submitted an RMA request to the US version of the MSI website. I was told that they could not help me because they would not ship to an APO (military overseas) address. This is bull:censored: - an APO address is a STATESIDE address. The package would be shipped by USPS to the appropriate port of call IN THE UNITED STATES, and from there the military would ship it the rest of the way. For Europe (APO, AE), that port of call is in New York. For the Pacific region (APO, AP) where I'm at, it would be California. There is absolutely no reason that the card could not be shipped to APO, AP 96266 (note the California zip code) but the RMA technician insisted that it could not be done. He told me I need to contact the Korean branch in Seoul. I am not fluent in Korean, nor do I have a Korean mailing address. So I took my card to a local electronics and computer store downtown, and asked them if they could send the card in to Seoul for me. They told me the next day that they called, and that MSI told them that the warranty replacement HAS to be done through the United States, that the Korean branch cannot replace a US card. So now I'm stuck.

I am shocked and appalled at the piss-poor level of customer service I have received. I expect better when I buy a premium product from a company. This isn't a $20 basic video card we're talking about -- it cost me almost $600.

MSI - never again.
Have them ship the card to me, I'll ship it to you.
I have had the same thing happen with a Logitech RMA a few months ago. I could ship the them, but they would not return it to an APO. I had it sent to my parents in the states and they forwarded it back to me. I wish companies had a better idea of what an APO is.
meh, "we can't ship" isn't such a huge issue (though i agree it's ridiculous), as long as they actually fix the card.
Asus got my card 3 times and all three failed to fix it. Should we also say "never asus"?
I assume you have some family left in the North America so you should tell them an US residential address and from there you could get card sent to South Korea. Simple as that. In fact you can't very much complain about this issue because no one really cares about those few people sent overseas really. There are very few companies and stores shipping to APO addresses(although the shipping physically still occurs in US). But I agree with you that it's their lazyness.
I'm going to RMA it and have it sent to my stepdad back home, but what I'm saying is that it's fucking ridiculous that I should have to do this in the first place. On top of MSI's terrible (from what I've heard) RMA turnaround, now I have to wait for it to make unnecessary stops as well...it's ridiculous.
Go buy a replacement GPU from nVidia or AMD that isn't MSI brand and sell the 7970 when MSI returns a refurbished one to you. Just an idea for you to get around the long RMA time and get out from MSI service later.

eVGA (I know...no AMD cards there...just suggesting it) has a worldwide warranty (maybe GTX 680 only, check warranty terms for other cards) and supposedly they could direct you to the regional RMA center for faster turnaround times.
Believe me, I definitely had that thought. If the GTX 680s were in stock at Newegg I'd be all over them right now. I have set up alerts for several of the cards, but only one has actually triggered an in-stock alert, and due to the time zone difference, I missed it because I was sleeping. Oh well.
Oh yeah, I did learn one piece of interesting info from all this. The Korean price for a 7970 is 800,000 won, which is roughly $700. There are definitely things I can get cheaply over here, but electronics? Not one of them.
I wouldn't call this terrible customer service, but rather MSi not wanting to be responsible for abnormal shipping that could result in you never receiving your product.. It certainly does not warrant a "AVOID MSi THEY ARE THE DEVIL" post.
When I have had to deal with them (with a normal address), they were quick and freely replaced a dead motherboard for me.
are you asking for a replacement to be sent before you send the card back? If so, that's probably is the problem. It's going to take 45-50 days shipping alone before they'll even have a status on what's going on. I'm with others in saying to ship it to family and let them ship it back when it's replaced.
I don't know about MSI, but they may not ship USPS. I know when I've done RMA with ASUS, they always ship FedEx.
are you asking for a replacement to be sent before you send the card back? If so, that's probably is the problem. It's going to take 45-50 days shipping alone before they'll even have a status on what's going on. I'm with others in saying to ship it to family and let them ship it back when it's replaced.

No, I didn't ask for cross-shipping, at least not until they were like "just have it sent to a family member back home." As far as I'm concerned, that would take way too long.