AVP 33% Steam Weekend Sale


Aug 1, 2003
Title says it all! Go start stealing skulls and splatting bugs!

A more detailed look at my thoughts on the game are in the gaming forum main thread but here's a short bit:

I got it for a similar price from the gamer that goes ~2 weeks ago and I've been pleased so far. Single-player is fun but the story and play style will be familiar if you played the previous games.

Multiplayer has been either dull or super fun for me depending on the game I join. The right players and the right race balance makes all the difference.

Performance is average on my rig at 1920x1200. On medium I stutter a bit with heavy action. The game looks fantastic if you've got the rig for i though.

edit: that should read 33% off in the title...little help mods?
So is it worth $33.50?

I really like the other in the series.
So is it worth $33.50?

I really like the other in the series.

considering this game has just been released and the number of players online i'd say NO
Its got terrible reviews. Though if you liked to other ones it might be worth it to you. I hear the predator and alien campaigns are actually pretty fun, but the marine one is terrible. How can running on the ceiling biting peoples heads off not be fun though?
I'd maybe check this out for $20 to try it out with Eyefinity but I have no interest otherwise.
Might pick it up, not sure. Kinda annoyed that they're trying to get away with charging PC gamers for a fucking map pack and that really colors my opinion.
I really liked the old one (they've since re-relased as AvP Classic or something) but...meh not sure. There's so many great shooters out there with more active online players. :eek:
The old one, everyone wanted to be Predator or Marine, no one played as Alien.
I personally like it. I bought it on release, and it's got some issues, particularly with matchmaking, but the dedicated servers are out in an open beta, and I haven't had too many issues with the game. They are about to release another client/server update pretty soon, so hopefully that will address some of the issues.

I think it's definitely worth $33.50.
I personally like it. I bought it on release, and it's got some issues, particularly with matchmaking, but the dedicated servers are out in an open beta, and I haven't had too many issues with the game. They are about to release another client/server update pretty soon, so hopefully that will address some of the issues.

I think it's definitely worth $33.50.

If I was only interested in the SP (as I'm not a MP person) do you still think it would be worth the price?
If I was only interested in the SP (as I'm not a MP person) do you still think it would be worth the price?

I asked Dan D the Motherboard Editor at [H] the very same question and he said yes. I was going to pick this up a while back but just decided to take the plunge tonight. I've got SOOOO many games I've not played I should just stop for a while, but I do like to play lots of different things for 5 to 10 at time here and there but rarely finsh them.
If I was only interested in the SP (as I'm not a MP person) do you still think it would be worth the price?

I'd say at this price, yes. Not only are there the three species campaigns, all of which are anywhere from (approximately) 3-8 hours each (they vary), but you can also play Survival mode by yourself (waves of aliens attacking you as a Marine).
Picked it up. Game is fun. Its kinda late so I couldn't spend too much time with it, but very reminiscent of Rebellion's AvP (the PC one, not the Jaguar one).
Picked it up. Game is fun. Its kinda late so I couldn't spend too much time with it, but very reminiscent of Rebellion's AvP (the PC one, not the Jaguar one).

Yep. Because it's made by Rebellion. :D
this game got horrible reviews because it plays like the original from 1999 which was an awesome game so i dunno man.
this game got horrible reviews because it plays like the original from 1999 which was an awesome game so i dunno man.

Well you should expect a game released in 2010 to at least take advantage of some improvements to the genre over the last decade. Though I'm glad they didn't go the Halo 2 route for health. That would have annoyed me to no end.
So is it worth $33.50?

I really like the other in the series.

The demo was horrible, reviews were poor, nobody's playing it. I'd say wait, there are lots of other good games out at the moment. At worst you'll be able to get it for under $20 by the time the Steam holiday sale rolls around. ;)
The demo was horrible, reviews were poor, nobody's playing it. I'd say wait, there are lots of other good games out at the moment. At worst you'll be able to get it for under $20 by the time the Steam holiday sale rolls around. ;)

The demo was MP only and apparently they've improved it since launch. The SP seems pretty fun so far.
I was really looking forward to this game before it came out, but after reading all the the mediocre reviews, it looks like I'm going to wait until the price comes down even more.
Honestly, I found the reviews misleading. There was alot of complaining about the melee combat system and controlling the alien.

First, the melee combat is very simple once you get used to it (strong attack breaks block, block deflects light attack, light attack interrupts strong attack).

Second, controlling the alien is probably very difficult with a controller. If you've played the previous games this is not that difficult to do although the advanced geometry over the previous games can complicate things somewhat.

I purchased primarily for single player and have been pleased besides the fact that my rig can't max the game. I've completed the marine campaign and almost completed the predator campaign. I haven't started the alien yet.

Multiplayer is secondary to me. I'm annoyed that they're charging for map packs but that decision will backfire in the devs faces. It will either fragment the community or nobody will buy it. If they released free content they could have used it as an incentive to get new customers. That said, the multiplayer I did play was quite enjoyable.
I see maps, etc will be DLC... boo. They could learn a thing or two from the TF2 folks.
I see maps, etc will be DLC... boo. They could learn a thing or two from the TF2 folks.

Yeah, that is one unfortunate thing. They really just need to release an SDK, but they've said in the past that they weren't going to do that (time and money constraints, apparently) but who knows?

Also, everyone brings up TF2. TF2 is really the exception rather than the rule when it comes to DLC, so there's no reason to get used to it.
they still havn't gotten the Dedicated Servers out of beta yet?...c'mom already, it's been weeks since the game came out...
Just finished up the alien campaign and played about an hour of species team deathmatch on a dedicated server.

Flawless experience besides one instance where my pc bogged down from all the explosions and gibs flying around :D I must say, stalking marine players as the Predator will never get old. Trophy kills just add insult as they literally watch you rip their head own off.