Award-Winning Musician Uses Seagate FreeAgent HDDs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Giong Lin, an acclaimed and highly respected musician in Taiwan who has produced numerous award-winning compositions, considers Seagate® FreeAgent® drives integral to his orchestra of tools for musical creation. Lin, known as a passionate musician with out-of-the-box creativity, has always been a pioneer in introducing new elements and instilling new life in Taiwanese music. Best characterized as bold, liberal and unique, Lin’s music often challenges the mainstream. In a music career of over 20 years, Lin has released numerous albums and composed film scores, which have earned national recognition in Taiwan, including three Golden Horse Awards for Best Original Film Score and Best Original Film Song, and one Golden Melody Award for Best Crossover Album. In 2006, Lin’s work in an advertisement for the Taiwan National Palace Museum received a MUSE award by the American Association of Museums for outstanding achievement in the promotional/marketing category.
For some reason I doubt he uses "just" freeagent drives...

Maybe he got in on those Bestbuy 750GB drives for like $50 a year or so back -_-

I love WD. I wouldn't care if John F. Coyne secretly uses Seagate drives.
So we're up to what... 50% advertising on here now? Was the swarm of ads on every single news page not enough?:rolleyes:

More importantly, does anyone at seagate actually think the people on [H] are actually stupid enough to read this crap and buy thier product? I think I'll take a WD drive next now.
I was half expecting that the musician uses the sound from dying 7200.11s to create his music.
[H]ard|OCP Front Page Ads errr ummm I mean news.

WTF guys? Dont piss on our leg and tell us its raining.
How do you expect the site to make money to stay open? There's definately not enough people with paid subscriptions to cover the costs of the site, so the only other way to do that is with advertising.
How do you expect the site to make money to stay open? There's definately not enough people with paid subscriptions to cover the costs of the site, so the only other way to do that is with advertising.

No one is complaining about ads. Its about trying to hide ads in news. Its ninja advertising.
When I read that title, I thought some guy was using broken seagate drives to make noise and music with it.

Instead its, a fucking ad.

Advertise all you want, but don't try to hide it as news, that's just dishonest.

Ads on page make sense, ads posted by sponsors in the for sale forums make sense...hidden ninja ads are just lame.
I was half expecting that the musician uses the sound from dying 7200.11s to create his music.


I seriously thought it was about dying Seagates with heads clicking and bearings wobbling. Anybody in the tech industry who knows how shitty Seagate's drives have been would think this was news, but instead it's an advertisement.

Beings this is an advertisement, what is so special about these drives specifically that make this "musician" use these drives instead of ones from anybody else? I'm thinking the musician is sponsored by Seagate... ;)
How do you expect the site to make money to stay open? There's definately not enough people with paid subscriptions to cover the costs of the site, so the only other way to do that is with advertising.

And the fact that every article links to a page already spammed with banners...?

Hell, even THIS ADVERTISMENT just links to another page full of ad spam.
Seagate probably gave him a call:
"Yo dawg, I heard you like Seagates?"

Ahhh that was weak :(
No one is complaining about ads. Its about trying to hide ads in news. Its ninja advertising.
When I read that title, I thought some guy was using broken seagate drives to make noise and music with it.

Instead its, a fucking ad.

Advertise all you want, but don't try to hide it as news, that's just dishonest.

Ads on page make sense, ads posted by sponsors in the for sale forums make sense...hidden ninja ads are just lame.

Wow, quit crying. Did it hurt your feelings that much?
Uh... what is the point to this story? So this guy can get hyped by what ever press he was featured in? Or for Seagate to get attention? Really, who gives a shit?

I'm a musician of 22 years, and my music considered a cornerstone in certain genres of extreme metal. The last album I released in 2006 had me interviewed in five major print magazines, and featured in two books, one being a publication on music, the other actually a "textbook"/reference book of sorts my wife found through her work as a librarian specialist... all this on top of being a "figurehead" in the genre of music in which I play since 1994... who gives a shit what drives I used when recording anything in the "modern days" of PC recording!?

I've been well-known globally, not just nationally, for over a decade, and I use Seagates... gee, perhaps I should contact them and let them know, I can be a media whore for them as well... maybe get some free drives out of the deal... :rolleyes:
Let's see...some ENTERTAINER/CELEBRITY likes/uses a particular piece of hardware, and I'm supposed to go out and buy it right away. Yeah, right :rolleyes:

I've forgotten more about computer, and pre-computer (IBM Unit Record Equipment) data processing technology than that clown will ever know, and I'm supposed to take HIS advice?!?!? Not in this lifetime, nor in this universe!

Fook him, fook the horse he rode in on, and fook any other damned entertainer/celebrity that comes up with crap like this.
Seeing as every review I read about those particular series of drive mentions they are shit.. This is pretty funny.

When I first read it I thought.. Oh a musician using a shit product and praising it like it's something special. (*waits for someone to comment on Apple X*)
be careful, you might get banned just for mentioning it.

Actually, that's a really important point. I don't use adblock because ads mean revenue for the sites I visit. In fact, I've hit the newegg banners deliberately when going to purchase specifically to give some small thing back.

However, I do use flashblock because those damn flash ads chew up my cpu%, power consumption and laptop battery. Sites like this NEED to provide alternate advert media to flash for people that don't want it. Just have a simple image banner behind the flash image so there's still an ad there -- right now what I have is empty space.