Awesome new PC... WoW performance suffers.. why?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Is there any resolution to this? Is there some setting I have wrong?

New Computer consists of
i7 920 @ 3.8GHz
6GB Mushkin Redline DDR3 1600 6-6-5-18 1T
(2) GTX285s in SLI
Vista 64
1080p resolution

I suppose my computer sux super [H]ard? :rolleyes: so what is my issue?

SLI off ~ 45fps just sitting there.... SLI on ~ 65fps just sitting there. All wow settings on Max, 1080p res, 4x FSAA (In game fsaa)

I was sorta expecting something in the 150s? lol
if i had to guess, i would say that its either:

a) drivers
b) something to do with Vista 64
c) both

also, all those shiny new parts in your computer need plenty of juice. do you have an appropriate power supply, and are your supplying the factory recommended power to all those parts (memory would probably most likely be the culprit, by those cards in SLi need plenty of power to run correctly)?
WoW doesn't like SLI. Make sure you disable the Full Screen Glow effect and the Death effect. Those make my performance dip for some reason, maybe it'll help for you.

EDIT: Semper fi.
Well, I thought I was the only Marine Sergeant to troll these forums. Not only am I not, but this guy's rig blows mine out of the water. Well played...

WoW (and pretty much all MMOs) does not get spectacularly better when you increase your system specs significantly.
Try disabling "Reduce Input Lag", also where are you when you're seeing this? Framerates will always suck in Dalaran regardless.

Try dropping your shadows if they're maxed as well, even one tick below max will lose basically no visual quality and is like night and day for your framerates.
Wow has released new updates to the graphics engine overtime. You are running at 1920x1080, turn off AA. Turn shadows off or Low. My pc is much older and I play at the same resolution without aa and shadows on low and I get 58-150 fps depending on content.
Kill the overclock and test.

I have a 9800GTX and get in the 100's in stormwind. I have used XP, Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64. Same results across the board. It does drop significantly in zangermarsh and parts of northrend. But it's always playable.
I think I had better FPS with my ATI Radeon x1900xtx than the nvidia card. Must be a driver thing.

WoW is more dependent on CPU than GPU. But that CPU should be more than enough.
Try disabling "Reduce Input Lag", also where are you when you're seeing this? Framerates will always suck in Dalaran regardless.

Try dropping your shadows if they're maxed as well, even one tick below max will lose basically no visual quality and is like night and day for your framerates.

This. Well, the second part anyway. Set visual options to Ultra, which maxes everything, then move the Shadows slider to the left by one notch. You should be fine.
Reduce input lag is currently off.

I get outstanding framerates in every other game.

I mainly play COD4 and FarCry 2 both with amazing speed.

I just expected that WoW perform amazingly since it came out so long ago, and even most newer games my rig can destroy.
Reduce input lag is currently off.

I get outstanding framerates in every other game.

I mainly play COD4 and FarCry 2 both with amazing speed.

I just expected that WoW perform amazingly since it came out so long ago, and even most newer games my rig can destroy.

Don't max out shadows and you'll be fine. The highest setting will halve your framerate.

It's just an aging engine which wasn't designed for SLI/Xfire or multicore CPU's.
Don't max out shadows and you'll be fine. The highest setting will halve your framerate.

It's just an aging engine which wasn't designed for SLI/Xfire or multicore CPU's.

It is designed for dual core CPU's. However it can't make use of quad cores. Just dual.
There is however a fix I heard of that allows WoW to load ballance on Quad Core CPU's better.

I dunno where to find it but try googling "World of warcraft quad core"
that doesnt seem right. I remember getting constant 100+ fps with an ATI 4870 with max settings/shadows on, in cities maybe ~70 but never below 60.
In the last patch (last but one?) they added an "ultra" setting for shadows, turn that down one single notch and your frame rate will double.
There is however a fix I heard of that allows WoW to load ballance on Quad Core CPU's better.

I dunno where to find it but try googling "World of warcraft quad core"

SET processAffinityMask "X" in your World of Warcraft/WTF/ file.

where X is either 7 for tri-core, 15 for quad-core, or 255 for core i7. Seems to help out some people, at least in my case, it offloads some work to the third core.
In the last patch (last but one?) they added an "ultra" setting for shadows, turn that down one single notch and your frame rate will double.

Just touching back. This works.

Shadows on "Ultra" owned my box :( I figured that this beast could handle everything. Time for a new computer ;)

Shadows down even 1 notch = significantly better improvement.

Thanks all for your help! and will try the Optimization for the i7 in the config and will report back with results.
wow hasnt handled high end machines for a while now. at least as long as i can remember. that is on max video settings etc.
Turn shadows down a single notch and youll double your framerates. Its that simple.
So, just using the general slider is not the best choice, all you have to do is drop shadows down a bit?
Max every single setting except for shadows, that down a single notch, and your performance will be golden.
WoWs performance has been disappointing since Wotlk, shadows are the real killer though.
Ok so I found the source of my issues.

1. Shadows were all the way to the Max. 1 Notch below the max = 200FPS. Amazing.

2. Ambient Occlusion was ON in my nvidia display settings. This seems to dramatically reduce performance when dealing with shadows. So I turned this off.

Great success. WoW is fast and I get a shit ton of FPS.

I guess I dont need a new computer again after all :)
Ok so I found the source of my issues.

1. Shadows were all the way to the Max. 1 Notch below the max = 200FPS. Amazing.

2. Ambient Occlusion was ON in my nvidia display settings. This seems to dramatically reduce performance when dealing with shadows. So I turned this off.

Great success. WoW is fast and I get a shit ton of FPS.

I guess I dont need a new computer again after all :)

Good, you found it. Was going to clue you in on the Ambient Occlusion issue with WoW. I also wanted to bump this thread. I'm still waiting for someone to tell us that LOLWOW will run on a Ti4200 and a Celeron.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell us that LOLWOW will run on a Ti4200 and a Celeron.

It will. My friend ran it for years on a geforce 2 MX and a celeron.

It all depends on what resolution you play it. In his case 800x600
That's no longer the case Archer.

Oh but it is. Just drop the settings down. At that resolution anything is possible. I wouldn't want to do it though. Of course i'm referring to old world here. Which is where he played for years at.
Well unless you plan on staying in the old world, WoW is currently unplayable with settings like that.
After the 3.1 patch I was getting horrible stuttering occasionally but framerates ranging from 50 or so in Dalaran to 150+ everywhere else. After screwing around with all the settings in game as well in the ATI control panel I started testing addons.

Turns out my problem was a tool-tip addon that displayed more info than the generic WoW tool-tip and allowed you to anchor the window anywhere, not just the default lower right hand corner. If I left my cursor on-screen (instead of on a toolbar or something) while running around it would stutter whenever something came under the cursor and the add-on waited for the additional info from the server so it could display it. This got worse as more time was spent in the game. Reloading the UI would put things back to normal for 5-10 minutes but then the stuttering would begin again. It was almost like the add-on had a memory leak. Remember those? :)

So TinyTip went into the dumpster and I went on a search for something else. Pretty much ANY tool-tip out there that showed more info than the built in WoW tool-tip did the same thing. I did finally find one that just allowed me to move the !@#% thing anywhere I wanted, Tipsy. That's all it does. No added info, just move the tool-tip.

My framerates are fine now.

What a PITA. :D

Opteron 165 @ 2.4
2 gig DDR400
Radeon 4850 512mb
Is there any resolution to this? Is there some setting I have wrong?

New Computer consists of
i7 920 @ 3.8GHz
6GB Mushkin Redline DDR3 1600 6-6-5-18 1T
(2) GTX285s in SLI
Vista 64
1080p resolution

I suppose my computer sux super [H]ard? :rolleyes: so what is my issue?

SLI off ~ 45fps just sitting there.... SLI on ~ 65fps just sitting there. All wow settings on Max, 1080p res, 4x FSAA (In game fsaa)

I was sorta expecting something in the 150s? lol

what area are these FPS numbers?

if it's in Dalaran, then those numbers are awesome

if not, then something fishy is going on
my socket 939 x2 4400 + 8800gt 512mb gets 15-20 fps in dalaran. Wierd stuff, im sure i just need a CPU upgrade though.

All addons disabled and my fps is 19-24fps in Dalran.

Although the above mentioned operton165 is so similar to mine i find it hard to believe you get 50fps in Dalaran.
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I am constantly getting 120's FPS now all the time. I just disabled ambient occlusion and reduced the shadows by 1 notch from max.

I think 90FPS was the lowest I got it to.

8x FSAA, 16xAF, etc...
Good, you found it. Was going to clue you in on the Ambient Occlusion issue with WoW. I also wanted to bump this thread. I'm still waiting for someone to tell us that LOLWOW will run on a Ti4200 and a Celeron.


LOL I run WoW on a c64 and it's perfect...

... at 160x120 while staring at a wall...