Awesome Perfect Dark: Source gameplay movie!

emailthatguy said:
i wonder how long before microsoft shuts this one down
I read in the site's forum that the mod team emailed Rare and told them about their project. I'm not sure if they ever wrote back.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
wait, the original PD's rights don't belong to M$ does it?

If MS owns Rare, then it would own rights to all of Rare's works. So yes, they own all creative rights to PD. Had Microsoft just signed an exclusitivity agreement, then they would have no rights to it. As is, it's theirs. I'm with you all, I hope they don't shut down the mod!
It looks good so far. I just hope they get rid of those horrible source sound fx. not the gun sounds but the various squeaks that all Valve games make.
I'm really surprised that goldeneye never got into any trouble for copywrite stuff, but considering that Perfect Dark Zero is Microsoft's xbox360 big seller right now, i think they're going to smash down the fuck hammer real quick on this.
JonnyK said:
I'm really surprised that goldeneye never got into any trouble for copywrite stuff, but considering that Perfect Dark Zero is Microsoft's xbox360 big seller right now, i think they're going to smash down the fuck hammer real quick on this.

Damn that fuck hammer, damn it to hell! :mad:
JonnyK said:
I'm really surprised that goldeneye never got into any trouble for copywrite stuff, but considering that Perfect Dark Zero is Microsoft's xbox360 big seller right now, i think they're going to smash down the fuck hammer real quick on this.

I doubt it, it wouldn't be in the interest fiscally to do that. It won't attract enough people to cause M$ or Rare to react.
I watched the flick last night and the weapon & hand models looked kinda poopey, but it isn't released yet so yeah...
Awesome, thanks for posting. I can't decide which mod I'm wanting more... this or GoldenEye:Source. Both should be awesome!

I did notice that the magnum looked a little too small, and the hand models could be a tad better. The levels and music were done very well. I did notice that it seemed like the FOV was off. Maybe it was my imagination, I don't know. Maybe they did it so you can see more of the map for demonstration purposes, or to be more like the original (haven't played it in a long time, so I don't know if it was like that)

I also wish the video was higher quality :(

Can't wait for this one to get done though. :) Looks like they have quite a bit finished, so maybe they'll release an alpha soon; especially since GoldenEye:Source did.
I wish I had a fuck hammer.

I have a fuck stick, does that count?

Why do I feel weird for using the F-word? I kind of feel like a naughty school boy using it on the forums.

Back on topic, can someone post a pic or two? I can't use the link at work. :mad: