B&W G3 video card?

Darth Bagel

Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2005
Situation: My girlfriend has a B&W G3 with what I'm pretty sure is a PCI video card (haven't opened it yet, and I'm at work so I can't do it now) with a single VGA output. She's currently using a 2005fpw (random gifts ftw!) on said VGA output. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to plug a second monitor into the computer (and hopefully move the 2005 over to a DVI connection), but I have no idea how to go about doing it, having never done much of anything with Apple products. Is it as simple as buying a new video card and sticking it in there? I'm assuming the OS will have an asinine name for it, but a fairly simple setup procedure. What's my best bet for a card?
Last time I checked it's as simple as plunking a Rage128 into a PCI slot and you're good to go.
But I haven't done it since I played with my Beige.
I have some spare Rage128s from the B&W G3s if you wanna buy one (REAL cheap), they are PCI.

Let me know
