Back into folding, what I'm working with


May 26, 2005
So the give-aways got me back into folding, and I wanna make sure I do it as effectively as possible while I'm doing so. What I have to work with is my rig (in sig), 1.5GHz Pentium Dual-Core (Centrino, laptop), 2.2GHz Athlon X2 side machine, and two PS3s. All are currently up and running, but I was wondering if I'm missing any optimizations. I'm running SMP Console on my quad and it for some reason seems to be going slower then it should....hell, its losing to the Pentium Dual-Core! Turned both on before bed, got up, my Quad was at 33%, the Pentium at 66%. And this is with my CPUs running 100%.

My HD5870 seems to be ripping through proteins, its usage is a systematic 88% (with a couple second dips to 77% approx every minute, every time). Can I push it to 100%, or is it just how this goes?

Sorry if any of these questions seem silly or obvious, I'm really out of the loop it seems.
You can't really compare times between machines unless they are working on the same Work Unit ("WU"). Some WUs take 30 seconds per percentage point and others take almost an hour. The best way to see if your machines are performing as expected is to install HFM.NET and monitor their points per day.
well the biggest issue is that the 5870 is on your rig with the quad.. the ATI client requires a single core just to run the ATI client.. so essentially your Q6600 is running as a triple core on the SMP client which has a much larger hit to performance compared to the dual core.. and like leagle said you cant really compare WU times since there are some insanely slow WU's and some insanely fast WU's.. but id say your better off turning the ATI client off.. your q6600 should start performing better..

download HFM.. run that.. add all the client then watch watch the Q6600 with the ATI client running then disable the ATI client and see what the difference is in PPD.. if the gain in PPD from the Q6600 exceeds the total PPD with the 5870 and Q6600 running then just keep the ATI client off.. if not then its up to you whether you want to keep folding on the 5870..
Good advice so far. Also, HFM.NET will not be able to monitor your PS3s, but each should be good for about 1000 PPD.
If you add the environment variables for ATI to your system then it won't hurt your SMP PPD too badly. I ran 2x 5870 at one time with the variables and I thought it was worth it versus just running cpu alone.
Alright, I'll keep all this in mind and see which I'll go with after some testing. Another concern is passkeys. I can't add my passkey to my PS3, does that somehow effect my score? I'm not really sure how it works and the text on it isn't real clear.

Plus the stats page says I'm not an active member, I don't quite get it. :confused: Theres a lot of things I'm not quite getting but I'm folding as best I can.

Alright, I'll keep all this in mind and see which I'll go with after some testing. Another concern is passkeys. I can't add my passkey to my PS3, does that somehow effect my score? I'm not really sure how it works and the text on it isn't real clear.

Plus the stats page says I'm not an active member, I don't quite get it. :confused: Theres a lot of things I'm not quite getting but I'm folding as best I can.

no the passkeys are only used for the A3 SMP WU's(SMP client).. other then those the passkeys useless.. you dont need it for the gpu client either..

as far as stats page ignore the inactive/active part.. and if you want a more detailed view of your stats use this site as well..

For now, just run the SMP on your main rig. When you get more comfy with things, than you can take a crack at the ATI client.

Also you need to get done with 10 WU on your passkey to get the bonus on you SMP client. So getting though thoese first 10 WU ASAP is a must.