back on the upswing


Apr 11, 2003
so I was taking a look at the extreme overclocking stats page. We have greatly increased output since the spring time (points-wise, so that may not be worth all that much as far as decent information goes). BUT, while our estimated daily production is an upward sloping line, the aussie's has taken a dive. That's right friends, their daily production has been decreasing. Pretty soon we will be gaining on them, but we'll have a lot of ground to make up.

I myself will be adding a dually athlon mp 1800 machine soon. It should've been up long ago :( , but school and work got in the way. I'm working on the case right now (it's also a server/divx movie player...which in reality won't get all that much use, so folding++). I know a lot of you are already doing all that you can, and in many cases more, but for those of us that know we can do a little more, let's make sure we do it!

I get "free" electricity in my apartment, up to a certain dollar amount per month. I've heard it's pretty hard to go over, so I'll probably keep adding boxen until we do go over. One of my roommates just installed f@h on his amd64, and he's folding for #33 as well.

Fold on, we really can make a difference!
I've noticed that we seem to be ramping up a bit, and the OCAU slowing a bit... (at least according to the trendlines on extreme overclocking... Hopefully our upswing continues (and for the science and competition of it all, I hoped the OCAU line turns around a bit... I never like to see declining production :D )

Keep on Folding!!

It's only going to get better as summer turns to fall and the days start getting cooler.
OSUguy98 said:
I've noticed that we seem to be ramping up a bit, and the OCAU slowing a bit... (at least according to the trendlines on extreme overclocking... Hopefully our upswing continues (and for the science and competition of it all, I hoped the OCAU line turns around a bit... I never like to see declining production :D )

Keep on Folding!!

Our very own site: Click "View Production Charts"

We are still falling off a bit, but I still think they are catchable..espcially as the seasons change :D

Fold on guys..we can take back first place

oh I know they're still gaining a little, but it's not too bad. I'd like to think we can at least start outproducing them before winter gets here.

well, i'm trying to get a school folding... it'll be about 40-50 athlon/duron boxen at 900/1200mhz. (respectively) however, i haven't had a chance to go set up the proxy server to allow folding packets at any time (it is currently set to only allow access at all during the week and between like 7am and 5pm)

i had like 14-15 going, but they all stopped because they couldn't report results. so i'll have to go start them all again.

and my athlon system (1 of them, the other is still going) is currently down (and will be for a week or two more) as far as folding is concerned, because my memory is causing problems (in prime) because i don't have my watercooling on the cpu, and the ram is overheating. w/e. it'll come back up eventually.

so my personal output is down, but it should start coming back up in <1 month or so.

it is cool we're starting to catch up a bit tho... w00t!