Back to the future?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2006
Looks like we are back to 02-06-2009, hopefully the problem will be solved soon.

Edit: I hope that my posting won't create an alternate universe ;)
Yes I noticed a thread I started yesterday is no longer in existence... I hope they come back because there was a good bit of info in that thread I forgot.:(
Yeah, I lost a bunch of tracking numbers....I usually download them for safety, but the forum has been so good lately, I felt safe leaving them up..:eek:....

No it hasn't, haha. But yeah, losing 4 days of posts is no fun. Hope it's not totally lost.

Still one of the best hardware forums on the net though, hope they get it fixed.
No it hasn't, haha. But yeah, losing 4 days of posts is no fun. Hope it's not totally lost.

Still one of the best hardware forums on the net though, hope they get it fixed.

As far as I can tell, it looks like we lost 5 days, most of the latest posts that show up along the individual forum sections are dated 2/6/09 now.
hardforums all screwed up again? surely not. lol :D

hopefully you can get the last 5 days of threads and messages back because thats got to be rough for those in the middle of correspondence.
I am amazed a site as popular as this does not do database backups everyday. Hell even where I work we make sure we do database backups everyday on our 121GB central database.
In case you folks didn't see this already:

"Major Database Corruption 2/11/09
We had a major database failure this morning and have lost 5 days worth of posts. Trust me, we are way more frustrated than you are about all of this. We are currently moving to a new OS as we think our current FreeBSD OS may be of issue with MySQL replication. There will be more down time over the coming weeks as we make changes. Sorry for the inconvenience."
so its either down because its screwed up or screwed up because its down. lol

so many people like myself hate to be without the forums for even a day. at the same time it seems like there is always something wrong on here. I cant even imagine how frustrated Kyle must be so I wont bitch too much...
so many people like myself hate to be without the forums for even a day. at the same time it seems like there is always something wrong on here. I cant even imagine how frustrated Kyle must be so I wont bitch too much...
that whole paragraph is exactly what i think. gg
this is f**** great, 5 days of delay in backing up database. Now i can't even remember who offer me what.
Very disappointing that 5 days of content have been lost. Why has this happened? Poor management/catastrophically bad luck or a mix of the above?
Great, now I no longer know from who I bought a D-TEK Fuzion, and I still need to pay them for the second half when it arrives. :(
Love it when people complain about a free service.

Guess what, i bought some items from one guy and now i can't even remember his user name. Obviously i complain for a reason, genius.

Edit: It doesn't matter if this is free or not, it is unacceptable to lose 5 days of database where there is no way to recover it.
Sorry Kyle. You should go shoot some hardware with your 50cal to relieve stress...... and then post pics because it doesn't get old.

Love it when people complain about a free service.

Agreed. If you whiners don't like it, then go create a better community.

If you had FS/FT deals, and the other person REALLY wanted whatever you were selling or trading, then they will PM you back. Also, if you had PM notifications turned on, you'd have a copy of the offer in your email.
Guess what, i bought some items from one guy and now i can't even remember his user name. Obviously i complain for a reason, genius.

Edit: It doesn't matter if this is free or not, it if unacceptable to lose 5 days of database where there is no way to recover it.

search box the item? :rolleyes:
i bought a barebone laptop, how you think i refound it hehe
If you had FS/FT deals, and the other person REALLY wanted whatever you were selling or trading, then they will PM you back. Also, if you had PM notifications turned on, you'd have a copy of the offer in your email.

What make you think the other person will remember your user name when you don't remember his user name. Exactly...

search box the item? :rolleyes:
i bought a barebone laptop, how you think i refound it hehe

What if the seller created the thread within the 5 days that the data were lost? what can you search?
Very disappointing that 5 days of content have been lost. Why has this happened? Poor management/catastrophically bad luck or a mix of the above?

yeah. Your post isn't going to push any buttons.

I'm going to stand back a ways and watch, though.;)
Why anyone would have email notification turned off is beyond me. I have all of my emails from hardforums automatically rerouted to their own folder in outlook. Even if hardforums vanished from the net tomorrow, I'd still have all of my PM's and posts. IT's your fault if you failed to backup your things. Don't bitch about a free service that the admins here put so much effort into.
What make you think the other person will remember your user name when you don't remember his user name. Exactly...

Because they should have had email notifications turned on if they're doing trades. If they don't, then too bad. You had text that was important to you which you did not back up. Nobody has pity for anyone who can't keep a FS/FT log in notepad. Data in any form that is important to you is your responsibility.
Yes I noticed a thread I started yesterday is no longer in existence... I hope they come back because there was a good bit of info in that thread I forgot.:(

Im with ya man.. i started a pretty detailed work log yesterday and it is bye bye :( ah well, shit happens nothin u can do.
Because they should have had email notifications turned on if they're doing trades. If they don't, then too bad. You had text that was important to you which you did not back up. Nobody has pity for anyone who can't keep a FS/FT log in notepad. Data in any form that is important to you is your responsibility.

Yes, it is my responsibility to know that the database will be corrupted at anytime and could lose up to a week of data. Therefore, i should backup all private messages. Is that how you want me to interrupt the stability of this forum?
big deal. :rolleyes:

[h] still rocks, i'm sure they're doing the best they can. this site has been solid for me up until 10 days ago or so, i'm sure they'll get it straightened out. and for those i was dealing with, i'm sure they'll find me or i'll find them, no sense in worrying about it.

and for those that like to complain about it, just move on or something. really, either shut up, or move on, or both. thanks.
IS there a thread here on what servers they are using and what their server room looks like ? I always wondered what it looked like
I think its ironic that a site that has alot to do with servers and hardware ect. Loses 5 days worth of stuff kinda cracks me up actually, sometimes I imagine this place being some old 386 box in a basement
I think its ironic that a site that has alot to do with servers and hardware ect. Loses 5 days worth of stuff kinda cracks me up actually, sometimes I imagine this place being some old 386 box in a basement

I don't think it's ironic that someone that has been here for 57 makes a post like that.

Ever notice how many people are CONSTANTLY on the forums? 1500+ people. Running on an open source OS and an open source database.

I'm sure if you are willing to front the cost of sql server, oracle, whatever else they could use, the guys at [H] would gladly accept your donation.

And right now...

Currently Active Users: 1545 (457 members and 1088 guests)
IS there a thread here on what servers they are using and what their server room looks like ? I always wondered what it looked like

Yup. There have been several. But for you, I'd say just imagine an old box and you'll be set.
I guest admin did not have good database backup since Feb 3 or 4 .... that's why we lost many threads, posts and PMs ...
Sweet, lost over 100 PMs related to FS/FT threads.

For the people bitching, this is one of the reasons I only do paypal. When they send paypal payment, I get their email address, home address and real name. While I can't remember their [H] name and can't contact them through here, I can email them, call them, hell send them a letter to get their name from them, or just type their email into heatware since most of them use the same email address.
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