Backing up from 32 bit to 64 bit


Mar 22, 2002
I have Norton Ghost 12.0 I want to go to Vista home premium 64 bit from 32 bit.Is it possible just to use the back up from the 32 bit on the 64 bit.I just really don't want have to reinstall everything.
wow, that sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen man....

a clean install of Vista takes all of 25 minutes from boot to desktop (not including downloading and installing updates of course......

but at least you will know it is clean and right, theres no telling what will be messed up if you ever do get that to work, you could have been done with it by now i bet or almost done with a clean install anyways
Maybe I didn't explain myself well.I want to install a fresh install of Vista 64bit but will my
32bit back up (programs pictures etc) of vista with norton ghost work.I wasn't sure if I backed up a 32bit version if it would work on my fresh install of vista 64 bit
Ghost and other drive imaging software makes a perfect bit-for-bit copy of the entire partition not just certain files and directories. The entire partition was backed up, so the problem is this:

If you go and install Vista x64 and then try to "restore" the backup you made with Ghost it's going to totally and completely overwrite that entire Vista x64 installation you just did. You'll end up with the 32 bit operating system all over again.

It sounds like what you need is actual backup software, which Ghost and drive imaging apps really aren't. You could simply do a file copy to another drive, maybe an external one, or an internal one that's separate from the system drive, or perhaps another partition on the physical system drive also.

But what you're thinking about doing - if I understand you correctly - will only give you the 32 bit installation again. You'll be right back where you started from if you restore that Ghost "backup" image you've already made.

Hope this helps...
You certainly can use Ghost Explorer to extract the files you need from the Ghost images after your clean install is completed.
that sucks I like my system right now I just have an extra 2 gigs I want to use.When I tried Vista 64 last time I thought it was really fast

I want to go to raid also.So if I just turn my drives to raid 0 Vista 32 bit I can just restore it up with Norton Ghost? Also how can I do a full format under vista not a quick format.I have vista upgrade home premium thanks for your help I haven't done this in a while.Computers are getting too reliable!!
You might be disappointed when you switch to RAID0 and don't notice a difference, but to each his own. Norton Ghost, especially with BartPE will back-up an array. Also, unless you think the drive(s) are bad, there's no need to do a full format....a quick format would do the job.