backup advice


Sep 3, 2002
So i need some advice from all of the experts. I work for a small company, about 18 people and i've been put in charge of backups as well as maintaining the existing file server. What i am trying to implement is the best cost effective and east to use system. Now i can only dedicate maybe 2-3 hours a week to doing all of this. So heres the rough outline of what i have and want to do.

Currently have:
1 server running sbs2003. all it does is serve a shared folder

What i need it to do:
I love the way my WHS runs. I dislike the fact that it cannot backup the shares that are on it like it can do with computers connected to it.

I basically want to have daily increments with the ability to not loose deleted files say for a set number of days. and do a full monthly backup that i can store elsewhere. I have looked into sbs2008 and i love the adminconsole since it seems ot be easy to use. But i dont think it can justify the cost since we wont be using many of its features that it offers.

lmk of you ideas. thanks
where are the files stored? do the users have any documents in my documents/desktop?

folder redirection would be good to implement

what is handling mail? exchange or each local copies of outlook? Exchange would be good if everyone is using Exchange.

then you can do SBS Backup and be done.
All files are stored on the file server, we are not concerned about any of the work stations. also mail is all done through google apps
Have you looking in to something online like Mozy, you pay a fee and all your data is backed up off site, including incremental and revisions so in the event of a problem you just download what you need back again. Takes about 15min to setup then you pretty much just let it run.
right now i've been trying out jungledisk and backupright since they both support linux (we have a linux webserver that also hosts a web based program that we use as well) i think the idea is great, but im a bit concerned what if something does happen and we need to retreive all of our data at once, how long would it take. (we have about 500gb of data)
Why dont you build a WHS, and backup the SBS2003 with the WHS?

BTW how much Data are we talking about here?