Backyard Baseball 09 for DS


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 9, 2004
so i'm 22. not exactly the target age range for the Backyard games but i don't care. its fun stuff and really easy to pick up and play. anyone else play this or any of the other ones for other consoles? i'm still sorta disappointed at the lack of newer sports games but i've been out of the loop for a long time. other than madden it just doesn't seem like there is much for DS which is a shame.
I have the Backyard hockey, and I love it. I have also played the baseball one. They are great to play when you just want to jump in a game and have fun. I just wish I could more games like that for my PSP.
yeah. i love the powerups too. tho i'm finding the game WAY too easy even on medium. will have to start another season on hard and see if i can actually lose a game. 39 game season and i'm 22-0 lol. i suppose thats because its a kids game but at the same time its rare that i can get a strikeout while pitching. guess there is a trade off. home run derby is where its at for a quick multiplayer game with one ds. used to pass around my gba with high heat baseball 03 and we'd all play the derby. it was entirely possible to go on a 50 run session with good timing. good times