bad capacitors on newer Gigabyte board?


Limp Gawd
Apr 15, 2004

I have a system with a Gigabyte GA-945GCMX-S2 (socket 775/Core2Duo) board. Recently I started having some occasional issues with the system freezing or resetting itself. Tried doing a bunch of things, didn't completely solve it (although it seems to be stable for now.)

I noticed that there was one capacitor on the board that looked to be slightly bulging. There doesn't appear to be anything leaking out of it, though. It's right between the northbridge and PCI-E slots, and is a little less than half the size of the big ones surrounding the CPU socket.

What's the chance that this could actually be a defective capacitor, or just wrongly identified? The board was made sometime in 2007-2008, and I thought most of the bad capacitor problems had passed by then. I also thought that Gigabyte used good-quality (Japanese?) caps on their boards.

Any advice appreciated, thanks!
all caps have a rated lifespan. Normally, around the tens of thousands of hours, but HEAVILY affected by operating&ambient tempuratures.