Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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i just got out of a game and wow it was awesome! the only problem i had was the mouse sensitivity was a little slow but i guess i can turn on that acceleration thingy.

all high all AA @1440x900 and i didnt notice any lag at all ill have to run fraps next time to check out my fps.

30-40fps in firefights and 60fps while on clear roads and such!
Finally got on to a server and the expected lag is there. Just players dicking about, laughing at the situation

At least it gave me an impression of the Frostbite engine and it looks so flat and lifeless, really low res textures too (on high at least) Character models are very poor in comparison to MW2s also.

The only low-rez items I saw were boulders, which were bad... but the rest seems pretty good as far as models and texturing goes not to mention lighting and destructibles. I'm running it on the rig in my sig (5870, i7 920 @ 3.72, 6GB DDR3, 256GB SSD). It's not Crysis-level, but when Crysis did that, everyone whined ;).
Typical EA. CTD when I click server browser. It's supposed to CTD if it fails to connect? WTF is that?
It's obviously a very well-designed application. Good design practice dictates that if a program encounters some sort of error, however minor, said program should simply terminate. You're crazy if you think it should work any other way!
Alt+Tab is pretty sweet. It takes the game to a windowed mode, restores to full screen once alt + tabbed back.
Anyone else unable to login? I entered the username password and then the serial #. Now it says unable to login after clicking Agree to the TOS.
Typical EA. CTD when I click server browser. It's supposed to CTD if it fails to connect? WTF is that?

Oh and did I mention that I had to "run as administrator" the EXE in my steam folder or it would CTD before even reaching the menu? How do they not test this shit?

Can I have your BETA key?
The unwashed masses make it sound like a big bucket of fail, but it is only 6 hours old. The point of the beta test is to fix bugs, not to enjoy your gaming experience. That's what demos and release candidates are for. If you can't handle some bugs, some crashes and some problems, wait for the full game to come out.
The server browser seems to work now. Play Now button wasnt working, but I opened the browser and got a slew of servers. Joining a game now.
there will probably be small, minor improvements by the time the game releases. the release isn't very far off so all art has been locked down. don't expect textures and models to be nicer in the final version, there isn't time for that. there will probably be a variety of patches to fix things, but really, I think the beta serves to find the show stopping bugs and major issues.
Oftentimes companies will provide a low-resolution texture pack for betas and demos to reduce the size of the download. I'd expect the end product to have higher resolution textures.

But then again, this is just speculation.
In case anyone forgot:

Beta != Final Product

If you are experiencing problems, post on their official forums so they are aware of it and can fix it for release.
Oftentimes companies will provide a low-resolution texture pack for betas and demos to reduce the size of the download. I'd expect the end product to have higher resolution textures.

But then again, this is just speculation.

I'm hoping this as well :D.

The server browser seems to work now. Play Now button wasnt working, but I opened the browser and got a slew of servers. Joining a game now.

Still crashing for me :(.
Game doesn't work. Just crashes as soon as I hit server browser, and when it did actually get into a server it was laggy as all hell :(
looks like it will be great when it is fixed up though.
First rule of beta:

1.We don't talk about the first day of beta. :)

Nah, first day looks like a fail on the network/server side. Client seems stable, not enough time to say, though.

Going to Server Browser (tab on right or Multiplayer dropdown) causes CTD. Seems the dev's know about it from reading the News-scroller; something like, 'We are aware of a number of crashes when using the game server browser. For now just use the PLAY NOW instead of (that) browser to help us pinpoint the cause'.


Here's the official word via

[B]Bazajaytee[/B] - DICE said:
IMPORTANT Server Browser Crash

We are aware of a number of crashes when people are using the server browser in game. Please help us pin point the issue by avoiding the use of the browser and instead using the PLAY NOW button.
This will help us locate the cause as well as allow you into the beta servers without CTD.

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Yeah, can't get into any game. Server Browser CTD and with "Play Now" I get "could not connect to server blabla". Hopefully these issues are solved by tomorrow.
Fileplay was giving away beta keys for registering on their site (which is free) and I managed to snag one before they ran out. Now they only have subscriber (paying members) keys left, but I think they'll get their hands on more keys.

Anyways so far I only got to experience the menu. Which in itself is pretty awesome. How 'bout you guys let me know when the network mumbo jumbo gets sorted out. :D
I know it's still pretty early and most people have not even finished downloading the beta. However, for those who have been playing, I'm curious if you feel that the game has or has not lived up to the hype and expectations. Any one have suggestions on what should be added or removed? How does the beta run on everyone's machine?

Thoughts, opinions? :D

After playing for an hour or so (from around 1cst to 2cst) I can say the only show-stopper is the server lag. The rubber-banding made it pretty unbearable. That's okay though, it's a beta and I expect bugs.

Other than that, I do have a few gripes but they are minor, mostly with server browser and menu interactions.

Oh, the friends function wasn't working when I tried it earlier either. I'll update more when I have time later.
Any idea how to auto login? Clicking through like 3-4 buttons is pretty... retarded.
Posted on the official forum feedback thread:

-The mouse feels like it's lagging, even though I'm running at 70+ FPS, sort of like a delay when I move and when it moves, ditto for stopping movement of the mouse.

-The motion in general seems like the Field of Vision is really low (almost disorientingly so), and the weapon takes up 1/6 of the screen due to that at 2560x1600 resolution.

-When I'm sprinting, I can't move with strafe to change direction at all even moderately. It would be nice if it slowed back down to normal speed or something, or was allowed period, as it's extremely awkward to have to turn with my mouse to run where I want while sprinting.

-Textures on boulders in the beta level seem really low-rez, whereas most of the environment looks great. I'm running a 5870 Radeon, i7 920 @ 3.72g, 6GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, 2560x1600 Dell 3007WFP-HC monitor. Also I am getting a lot of pop-in with debris and other doodads.

-I know this one's listed already, but crouch toggle!

-Finally, even with the mouse sensitivity set at max, it's far too slow!
-G9 is not fully supported

Hmmmm, I wonder if that's the source of my mouse issues. It's baffling to me that other people are complaining that mouse-look it too slow. Maybe I should dig out one of my old Razers.
FOV is supposed to be being taken care of soon:

@ilovebf We are well aware of what many PC gamers want wrt to #BFBC2 FOV and will investigate when major beta issues have cooled down (about seven messages down).

Hmmmm, I wonder if that's the source of my mouse issues. It's baffling to me that other people are complaining that mouse-look it too slow. Maybe I should dig out one of my old Razers.

Beats me, I'm on a Logitech MX518 with maxed sensitivity and it's sluggish with max DPI and in-game setting for sensitivity.
Can I have your BETA key?

Dude the game is set for release next month. The beta is to iron out gameplay issues/bugs/balance/etc. The game straight up NOT LOADING and CRASHING AT THE MENU is a HUGE issue. I can't believe that slipped through the alpha builds.
I like the game. I turned off that one vid settign and lag kinda went away. I found a good server without lag, good ping, and it was actually fun. Went 43-2 :) 13000pts in a round, lawl
Dude the game is set for release next month. The beta is to iron out gameplay issues/bugs/balance/etc. The game straight up NOT LOADING and CRASHING AT THE MENU is a HUGE issue. I can't believe that slipped through the alpha builds.

You obviously didn't get his more than obvious sarcastic remark. :rolleyes:

On another topic, anyone having problems with WASD sticking every now and then? My guy will keep strafing, reversing or going forward until I press the key again. X6 keyboard, G5 mouse.
Dude the game is set for release next month. The beta is to iron out gameplay issues/bugs/balance/etc. The game straight up NOT LOADING and CRASHING AT THE MENU is a HUGE issue. I can't believe that slipped through the alpha builds.

This is obviously correct. I mean, for fuck's sake, can you imagine Blizzard releasing a beta that can't even make it to the game browser before crashing?
QFT. This is as close to the truth as it gets and i even actually liked MW2.

This game is [H] imho.

Interesting. Can't say I'm crazy about the menu thus far, which is apparently the only part of the game I'm permitted to beta test.
This is obviously correct. I mean, for fuck's sake, can you imagine Blizzard releasing a beta that can't even make it to the game browser before crashing?

I wouldn't know. Signed up for D2, LOD, WC3, TFT, and WOW betas and didn't get into any of them :(
It's funny, if you have a G15 keyboard it shows the ping you're getting during gameplay every half a second, that's the only way to know what it is lol.

Although got to give them credit, they've implemented the G15's screen very well, a lot of info there mid-game.
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